XCOM 2 Slomo Command

This command will fast forward or slow down the game - i.e. it will change the speed the game runs at. A multiplier of 2 would make everything in the game be twice as fast, a multiplier of 0.5 would make the game run in slowmotion, half as fast as it usually would.

Slomo Syntax

The syntax for the sloMo command is as follows:

slomo [multiplier]

This command has the following arguments:

MultiplierYour desired multiplier to multiply the game speed by. 2 would make the game run 2x as fast, 0.25 would make the game run 25% (1/4) as fast (slow motion, 4 times as slow).

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Slomo Examples

Find below working examples of the sloMo command.

sloMo 2

This command would make everything in the game be two times as fast as usual - as if it were in fast forward.

sloMo 0.5

This command would put the game in slow motion - everything would be half as fast as usual.