This command makes the two specified characters stop being friends with each other. If you do not specify a second character ID, your own character will stop being friends with the specified character.
The syntax for the remove_friend command is as follows:
remove_friend [character id] [character id]
This command has the following arguments:
Character ID | The character ID of the first character you wish to end a friendship of (i.e. this character will stop being friends with the next specified character). How to find character IDs: |
Character ID | The character ID of the second character you wish to end a friendship of (i.e. this character will stop being friends with the first specified character). How to find character IDs: |
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That Sounds Perfect!Find below working examples of the remove_friend command.
remove_friend 2077
This console command would make your character and the character with ID 2077 stop being friends.
remove_friend 104377 483
After running the above command, the characters with IDs 104377 and 483 would no longer be friends.