Spore SetConsequenceTrait Code List

Below is a searchable list of all consequence traits, along with their trait codes, for use with the SetConsequenceTrait cheat code in Spore. Note that you can only set consequence traits for the stage you are currently in - i.e. you need to be in the Creature stage to be able to set a Creature stage trait.

You can also find documentation and example usages of the SetConsequenceTrait console command below.

Type the name of a stage, or a consequence trait, into the search box below to instantly search out database of 22 consequence traits (super powers).

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setConsequenceTrait Command Documentation

setconsequencetrait [trait code] Joker Badge

This cheat sets your consequence trait. Consequence traits give you 'super powers' which provide you with special abilities. See commands.gg/spore/setconsequencetrait for a list of all trait codes.

Trait CodeThe trait code of the consequence trait you wish to give yourself.


Find below working examples of the setConsequenceTrait command.

setConsequenceTrait cell_herbivore

Provided you're in the Cell stage, this command will give your cell the Herbivore trait.

setConsequenceTrait space_diplomat

If you're in the Space stage, this cheat code would make your consequence trait the Diplomat trait.

Consequence Trait Trait Code
Carnivore (Cell Stage) cell_carnivore
Herbivore (Cell Stage) cell_herbivore
Omnivore (Cell Stage) cell_omnivore
Aggressive (Creature Stage) creature_aggressive
Social (Creature Stage) creature_social
Mixed (Creature Stage) creature_mixed
Aggressive (Tribal Stage) tribe_aggressive
Social (Tribal Stage) tribe_social
Mixed (Tribal Stage) tribe_mixed
Military (Civilization Stage) civ_military
Economic (Civilization Stage) civ_economic
Religious (Civilization Stage) civ_religious
Bard (Space Stage) space_bard
Ecologist (Space Stage) space_ecologist
Zealot (Space Stage) space_zealot
Diplomat (Space Stage) space_diplomat
Scientist (Space Stage) space_scientist
Trader (Space Stage) space_trader
Shaman (Space Stage) space_shaman
Warrior (Space Stage) space_warrior
Wanderer (Space Stage) space_wanderer
Knight (Space Stage) space_knight