Find below a searchable list of all Starbound Item IDs from the latest version of Starbound (1.3.3) on Steam (PC / Mac).
Type the name of an item, or an item code, into the search box to instantly filter our list of 4728 IDs (you must type at least 3 letters).
Image | Name | Code |
Floran Artifact Altar | floranartifactaltar | |
Primitive Bed | floranbed | |
Primitive Bench | floranbench | |
Bone Trophy | floranbonedisplay1 | |
Bone Carving | floranbonedisplay2 | |
Bone Rack | floranbonerack | |
Primitive Stool | floranbonestool | |
Large Primitive Table | floranbonetable1 | |
Short Primitive Table | floranbonetable2 | |
Primitive Bookcase | floranbookcase | |
Floran Boulder Trap | floranbouldertrap | |
Large Primitive Cabinet | florancabinet1 | |
Small Primitive Cabinet | florancabinet2 | |
Huge Primitive Cabinet | florancabinet3 | |
Floran Captain's Chair | florancaptainschair | |
Large Bone Chimes | floranceilingbones1 | |
Small Bone Chimes | floranceilingbones2 | |
Primitive Chair | floranchair | |
Primitive Chandelier | floranchandelier | |
Leather Support | florancorner | |
Primitive Couch | florancouch | |
Primitive Crate | florancrate | |
Primitive Curtain | florancurtain | |
Primitive Desk | florandesk | |
Primitive Door | florandoor | |
Medium Bongo | florandrum1 | |
Large Bongo | florandrum2 | |
Small Bongo | florandrum3 | |
Tiny Bongo | florandrum4 | |
Floran Skull | floranfossil1 | |
Floran Torso | floranfossil2 | |
Floran Legs | floranfossil3 | |
FTL Fuel Hatch | floranfuelhatch | |
Furnivour Chest | floranfurnivourchest | |
Furnivour Legs | floranfurnivourlegs | |
Savage Chest | floranhunterchest | |
Savage Legs | floranhunterlegs | |
Primitive Hunter Art | floranhunterpainting | |
Vine Pod Lamp | floranlamp1 | |
Leaf Chest | floranleafchest | |
Leaf Legs | floranleaflegs | |
Vine Wall Light | floranlight | |
Open Fungal Pod | floranopenpod1 | |
Open Fungal Pod | floranopenpod2 | |
Primitive Fire Art | floranpainting1 | |
Primitive Glyph Art | floranpainting2 | |
Primitive Chart Art | floranpainting3 | |
Primitive Leaf Painting | floranpainting4 | |
Primitive Abstract Art | floranpainting5 | |
Large Brown Pelt | floranpelt1 | |
Small Black Pelt | floranpelt2 | |
Long Black Pelt | floranpelt3 | |
Large Snowy Pelt | floranpelt4 | |
Small Snowy Pelt | floranpelt5 | |
Pelt Chest | floranpeltchest | |
Pelt Legs | floranpeltlegs | |
Fungal Pod | floranpod1 | |
Fungal Pod | floranpod2 | |
Fungal Pod | floranpod3 | |
Trapped Apex Pod | floranpodapex | |
Wooden Dressing Screen | floranscreen1 | |
Leather Dressing Screen | floranscreen2 | |
Primitive Shelf | floranshelf | |
Floran Shield | floranshield | |
Floran Ship Door | floranshipdoor | |
Floran Ship Door | floranshipdoorBroken | |
Floran Ship Hatch | floranshiphatch | |
Shiplocker | floranshiplocker | |
Shiplocker | floranshiplockerTier0 | |
Floran Skull Mask | floranskullhead | |
Small Primitive Table | floransmalltable | |
Spinneret Trophy | floranspinneret | |
Floran Storage Locker | floranstoragelocker | |
Primitive Stove | floranstove | |
Survivalist Chest | floransurvivalistchest | |
Survivalist Legs | floransurvivalistlegs | |
Primitive Table | florantable1 | |
Primitive Countertop | florantable2 | |
Primitive Tanning Rack | florantanningrack | |
S.A.I.L | florantechstation | |
S.A.I.L | florantechstationTier0 | |
Teleporter | floranteleporter | |
Teleporter | floranteleporterTier0 | |
Sprout's Chestguard | florantier1chest | |
Sprout's Circlet | florantier1head | |
Sprout's Anklets | florantier1pants | |
Bonesmith's Chestguard | florantier2chest | |
Bonesmith's Skullhat | florantier2head | |
Bonesmith's Loincloth | florantier2pants | |
Nomad's Chestguard | florantier3chest | |
Nomad's Crown | florantier3head | |
Nomad's Trousers | florantier3pants | |
Hunter's Chestguard | florantier4chest | |
Hunter's Hood | florantier4head | |
Hunter's Skirt | florantier4pants | |
Wiseman's Chestguard | florantier5achest | |
Wiseman's Thinking Hat | florantier5ahead | |
Wiseman's Loincloth | florantier5apants | |
Cannibal's Chestguard | florantier5mchest | |
Cannibal's Mask | florantier5mhead |