Find below a searchable list of all Starbound Item IDs from the latest version of Starbound (1.3.3) on Steam (PC / Mac).
Type the name of an item, or an item code, into the search box to instantly filter our list of 4728 IDs (you must type at least 3 letters).
Image | Name | Code |
Ship Locker | humanshiplockerTier0 | |
Human Skull Mask | humanskullhead | |
Human Storage Locker | humanstoragelocker | |
S.A.I.L | humantechstation | |
S.A.I.L | humantechstationTier0 | |
Teleporter | humanteleporter | |
Teleporter | humanteleporterTier0 | |
Scouter's Chestguard | humantier1chest | |
Scouter's Visor | humantier1head | |
Scouter's Greaves | humantier1pants | |
Scavenger's Breastplate | humantier2chest | |
Scavenger's Helmet | humantier2head | |
Scavenger's Trousers | humantier2pants | |
Pioneer's Chestguard | humantier3chest | |
Pioneer's Helm | humantier3head | |
Pioneer's Trousers | humantier3pants | |
Outrider's Chestpiece | humantier4chest | |
Outrider's Helm | humantier4head | |
Outrider's Trousers | humantier4pants | |
Vanguard's Flak Jacket | humantier5achest | |
Vanguard's Helm | humantier5ahead | |
Vanguard's Trousers | humantier5apants | |
Trailblazer's Chestpiece | humantier5mchest | |
Trailblazer's Helm | humantier5mhead | |
Trailblazer's Greaves | humantier5mpants | |
Adventurer's Chestguard | humantier5schest | |
Adventurer's Helm | humantier5shead | |
Adventurer's Trousers | humantier5spants | |
Seeker's Chestguard | humantier6achest | |
Seeker's Helmet | humantier6ahead | |
Seeker's Trousers | humantier6apants | |
Wanderer's Chestguard | humantier6mchest | |
Wanderer's Helmet | humantier6mhead | |
Wanderer's Trousers | humantier6mpants | |
Universalist's Techjacket | humantier6schest | |
Universalist's Helm | humantier6shead | |
Universalist's Trousers | humantier6spants | |
Hunter's Knife | hunterback | |
Hunter Jacket | hunterchest | |
Hunter's Trousers | hunterlegs | |
Vintage Scoped Rifle | hunterrifle | |
Crude Bench | huntingbench | |
Large Floran Statue | huntingbigstatue | |
Floran Champion Statue | huntingchampionstatue | |
Spear on a Plaque | huntingdisplay1 | |
Empty Plaque | huntingdisplay2 | |
Bamboo Door | huntingdoor1 | |
Sturdy Torch Stand | huntinggroundtorch | |
Large Vine Lights | huntinglight1 | |
Small Vine Lights | huntinglight2 | |
Vine Pod Light | huntinglight3 | |
Bones on a Pike | huntingpike1 | |
Skull on a Pike | huntingpike2 | |
Penguin Bones Pike | huntingpike3 | |
Raised Platform | huntingplatform1 | |
Ramped Platform | huntingplatform2 | |
Leaf Bundle | huntingplatformleaves | |
Arrow Etched Rocks | huntingplatformrocks | |
Hunting Pressure Plate | huntingpressureplate | |
Large Sharp Sticks | huntingpunjisticks1 | |
Small Sharp Sticks | huntingpunjisticks2 | |
Crooked Bone Railing | huntingrail1 | |
Crooked Pike Railing | huntingrail2 | |
Hunting Spear | huntingspear | |
Floran Statue | huntingstatue | |
Round Mounted Skull | huntingtrophy1 | |
Shield Mounted Skull | huntingtrophy2 | |
Cross Mounted Skull | huntingtrophy3 | |
Hunting Weapon Rack | huntingweaponrack1 | |
Empty Weapon Rack | huntingweaponrack2 | |
Hylotl Artifact Altar | hylotlartifactaltar | |
Comfy Traditional Bed | hylotlbed2 | |
Traditional Bowl | hylotlbowl | |
Blue Base Button | hylotlbutton | |
Hylotl "Ribbit" Calligraphy | hylotlcalligraphy1 | |
Hylotl "Croak" Calligraphy | hylotlcalligraphy2 | |
Hylotl "Lily" Calligraphy | hylotlcalligraphy3 | |
Hylotl "Leap" Calligraphy | hylotlcalligraphy4 | |
Hylotl "Pond" Calligraphy | hylotlcalligraphy5 | |
Hylotl Captain's Chair | hylotlcaptainschair | |
Store Cash Register | hylotlcashregister | |
Blue Chair | hylotlchair | |
Hylotl City Poster | hylotlcityposter | |
Traditional Bookcase | hylotlclassicbookcase | |
Traditional Square Cabinet | hylotlclassiccabinet1 | |
Traditional Fancy Chair | hylotlclassicchair | |
Classic Desk | hylotlclassicdesk | |
Traditional Gong | hylotlclassicgong | |
Hylotl Warrior Painting | hylotlclassicpainting1 | |
Traditional Table | hylotlclassictable | |
Small Traditional Table | hylotlclassictable2 | |
Traditional Wardrobe | hylotlclassicwardrobe1 | |
Hi-Tech Console | hylotlconsole | |
Hylotl Counter | hylotlcounter | |
Blue Vending Machine | hylotldrinks | |
Hylotl Emblem | hylotlemblem | |
Hylotl Fashion Hologram | hylotlfashionhologram | |
Floor Ornament | hylotlfloorornament | |
Hylotl Skull | hylotlfossil1 | |
Hylotl Torso | hylotlfossil2 |