Find below a searchable list of all Starbound Item IDs from the latest version of Starbound (1.3.3) on Steam (PC / Mac).
Type the name of an item, or an item code, into the search box to instantly filter our list of 4728 IDs (you must type at least 3 letters).
Image | Name | Code |
Miniknog Helmet | miniknoghead | |
Miniknog Intel Display | miniknogintel1 | |
Miniknog Launcher | miniknoglauncher | |
Miniknog Newspaper | miniknognewspaper | |
Ministry of Knowledge Sign | miniknogoldsign | |
Miniknog Greaves | miniknogpants | |
Mining Conveyer Belt | miningbelt | |
Mining Chest | miningchest | |
Mining Impact Crusher | miningcrusher | |
Miner's Door | miningdoor | |
Mining Railing | miningfence | |
Mining Helmet | mininghathead | |
Mining Hazard Sign | mininghazardsign | |
Explorer's Lantern | mininglantern | |
Power Sign | miningpowersign | |
Mining Skip | miningskip | |
Mining Supplies Crate | miningsupplies | |
Mining Hatch | miningverticaldoor | |
Mirror Block | mirror | |
Pile of Mossy Stones | mistprimer | |
Mobility Augment | mobilityaugment | |
Mochaccino | mocha | |
Modern Chair | modernchair | |
Modern Platform | modernplatform | |
Modern Table | moderntable | |
Moleman Poster | molemanposter | |
Molotov | molotov | |
Molten Core | moltencore | |
Pixels | money | |
Moneybags Sack | moneybagsback | |
Moneybags Tux | moneybagschest | |
Moneybags Hat | moneybagshead | |
Moneybags Trousers | moneybagspants | |
Monitor Helm | monitorhead | |
Monk Shirt | monkchest | |
Monk Skirt | monklegs | |
Monolith Gate | monolithgate | |
Monolith Statue | monolithstatue1 | |
Monolith Statue | monolithstatue2 | |
Monopus Figurine | monopusaf | |
Monster Claw | monsterclaw | |
Hardened Monster Plate | monsterplating | |
Monster Spawner | monsterspawner | |
Moondust | moondust | |
Avian Moon Emblem | moonemblem | |
Moonrock | moonrock | |
Moonstone | moonstone | |
Moonstone Ore | moonstoneore | |
Mooshi Egg | mooshiegg | |
Mossy Packed Dirt | mossypackeddirt | |
Moth Trap | mothtrap | |
Moving Sunflower | movingsunflower | |
Holiday Sack | mrclausback | |
Holiday Coat | mrclauschest | |
Holiday Beard Hat | mrclaushead | |
Holiday Trousers | mrclauspants | |
Mud | mud | |
Muddancer | muddancer | |
Mudstag | mudstag | |
Mug Hat | mughathead | |
Multicam Operator Cap | multicamhat | |
Mushroom Bread | mushroombread | |
Mushroom Hat | mushroomhead | |
Mushroom Quiche | mushroomquiche | |
Mushroom Rice | mushroomrice | |
Mushroom Seed | mushroomseed | |
Mushroom Shield | mushroomshield | |
Music Box | musicbox | |
Mutagen Back Pipe | mutantback | |
Mutant Chest | mutantchest | |
Mutant Head | mutanthead | |
Mutant High-Vis Jacket | mutantminerchest | |
Mutant Miner's Helmet | mutantminerhead | |
Mutant Legs | mutantpants | |
Mysterious Alien Skull | mysteriousalienfossil | |
Mysterious Ashes | mysteriousashes | |
Unidentified Skull | mysteriousfossil1 | |
Unidentified Torso | mysteriousfossil2 | |
Unidentified Legs | mysteriousfossil3 | |
Golden Spotlight | mysteriouslight | |
Mysterious Trash Bag | mysterioustrashbag | |
Nanostove | nanostove | |
Nanowrap Bandage | nanowrap | |
Narfin Figurine | narfinaf | |
Neck Ruffle Jacket | neckruffle | |
Neo Disc | neoback | |
Neo Chakram | neochakram | |
Neo Chestpiece | neochest | |
Neo Helmet | neohead | |
Neo Bottoms | neolegs | |
Neon Block | neonblock | |
Neon Hylotl Sign | neonhylotlhead | |
Neonmelon | neonmelon | |
Neonmelon Jam | neonmelonjam | |
Neonmelon Seed | neonmelonseed | |
Neptune Model | neptunemodel | |
Noble Shirt | noblechest | |
Noble Trousers | noblelegs | |
NOT Switch | not | |
Formal Pants | novakidblackpants |