Victoria 2 Unit IDs

Below is a searchable list of all unit IDs from Victoria II, including those from its DLCs (Hearts of Darkness) on Steam (PC / Mac). Use the unit ID with the spawnunit console command to spawn a unit in a province of your choice. Type the name, or ID, of a unit to instantly search our database of all 21 Victoria 2 units.

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Unit Name Unit ID
Armor armor
Artillery artillery
Battleship battleship
Cavalary cavalry
Clipper Transport clipper_transport
Commerce Raider commerce_raider
Cruiser cruiser
Cuirassier cuirassier
Dragoon dragoon
Dreadnought dreadnought
Engineer engineer
Frigate frigate
Guard guard
Hussar hussar
Infantry infantry
Ironclad ironclad
Irregular irregular
Man'o'War manowar
Monitor monitor
Airplane plane
Steamer Transport steam_transport