Witcher 3 Spawn Command

This command will spawn the NPC with the specified NPC ID (also known as an NPC code, or character code). You can optionally specify an amount of the NPC to spawn, a distance (away from you) and whether the NPC should be hostile (true) or friendly (false). Find a list of all NPC spawn codes at commands.gg/witcher3/npcs.

Spawn Syntax

The syntax for the spawn command is as follows:

spawn('NPC ID', Amount, Distance, true / false)

This command has the following arguments:

'NPC ID'The NPC ID, also known as an NPC code or character code, of the NPC you wish to spawn. You need to surround the NPC ID with apostrophes: spawn('caranthir'), not spawn(caranthir). Find a list of all spawn codes for NPCs at commands.gg/witcher3/npcs.
AmountOptional. The amount of the NPC you wish to spawn.
DistanceOptional. The distance away from your character the NPC should be spawned.
true / falseOptional. Whether the NPC should hostile. Specify true here to spawn a hostile NPC, specify false here to spawn a friendly NPC. Hostile NPCs will attack you, whereas friendly NPCs will not.

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Spawn Examples

Find below working examples of the spawn command.

spawn('alghoul_lvl2', 3, 10, true)

The above console command would spawn 3 level 2 Algouls (NPC code alghoul_lvl2) that are hostile and at a distance of 10 from your character.

spawn('alghoul_lvl2', 10, 1, false)

This command would spawn 10 level 2 Algouls that are not hostile and at a distance of 1 from your character (very close).


The above console command would spawn Cirilla.


The above console command would spawn Triss Merrigold.


The above console command would spawn Yennefer of Vengerberg.


The above console command would spawn Keira Metz.