7 Days to Die Buff Console Command

On this page you can find a list of all 84 7 Days to Die buff IDs, along with detailed help for the buff console command to give yourself buffs. To remove buffs, use the debuff command.

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buff Command Documentation

buff [buff id]

This console command gives you the specified buff. Use buffplayer to give a buff to another player.

Buff IDThe ID of the buff you wish to give to yourself.


Find below working examples of the buff command.

buff buffDrunk1

The "Buzzed" (drunk) buff has the buff ID buffDrunk1, this command would give you give Buzzed buff.

buff buffPerkGunslinger

This console command would give you the Gunslinger buff, which has the buff ID buffPerkGunslinger.

Buff Name Buff ID
Buzzed buffDrunk1
Elemental Protection buffNewbieCoat
Beatdown buffPerkStayDown
Beatdown Bonus buffPerkStayDownBonus
Gunslinger buffPerkGunslinger
Gunslinger Bonus buffPerkGunslingerBonus
Kill Streak buffPerkKillStreak
Bleeding buffInjuryBleeding
Sprained Leg buffLegSprained
Broken Leg buffLegBroken
Splinted Leg buffLegSplinted
Plaster Cast (Leg) buffLegCast
Sprained Arm buffArmSprained
Broken Arm buffArmBroken
Splinted Arm buffArmSplinted
Plaster Cast (Arm) buffArmCast
Stunned buffInjuryStunned1
Crippled buffInjuryCrippled1
Hot buffElementHot
Sweltering buffElementSweltering
Cold buffElementCold
Freezing buffElementFreezing
Wetness buffElementWet
Shocked buffShocked
Burning buffIsOnFire
Deadly Radiation buffRadiation3
Near Death Trauma buffNearDeathTrauma
Illness buffIllnessIndicator
Dysentery 1 buffIllDysentery1
Dysentery 2 buffIllDysentery2
Food Poisoning buffIllFoodPoisoning1
Food Poisoning 2 buffIllFoodPoisoning2
Infection buffIllInfection1
Infection 2 buffIllInfection2
Infection 3 buffIllInfection3
Hungry buffStatusHungry1
Starving buffStatusHungry2
Thirsty buffStatusThirsty1
Dehydrated buffStatusThirsty2
Low Health buffStatusWounded
Dying buffStatusDying
Health Recovery buffHealHealth
Max Health Recovery buffHealHealthMax
Food buffHealStaminaMaxStatus
Stuffed buffPuking1
Drink buffWaterStaminaRegen
Pain Killers buffDrugPainkillers
Antibiotics buffDrugAntibiotics
Herbal Antibiotics buffDrugHerbalAntibiotics
Buzzed buffDrunk1
Drunk buffDrunk2
Encumbered buffEncumberedInv
Cannot Breathe buffDrowning1
Cannot Breathe buffDrowning2
Drowning buffDrowning3
Mild Anemia buffAnemia1
Severe Anemia buffAnemia2
Chronic Anemia buffAnemia3
Cardiac Arrest buffAnemia4
Coffee buffCoffee
Red Tea buffRedTea
Grandpas Moonshine buffDrunkGrandpasMoonshine
Grandpas Awesome Sauce buffDrunkGrandpasAwesomeSauce
Grandpas Learnin' Elixer buffDrunkGrandpasLearningElixir
Sham Chowder buffShamChowder
Steroids buffDrugSteroids
Steroids Side Effects buffDrugSteroidsSideEffect
Recog buffDrugRecog
Recog Side Effects buffDrugRecogSideEffect
Fort Bites buffDrugFortBites
Fort Bites Side Effects buffDrugFortBitesSideEffect
Shredded Armor buffArmorShredding
Magazine Bonus: Perception buffMagazineAttPerception
Magazine Bonus: Strength buffMagazineAttStrength
Magazine Bonus: Fortitude buffMagazineAttFortitude
Magazine Bonus: Agility buffMagazineAttAgility
Magazine Bonus: Intellect buffMagazineAttIntellect
Taza's Wrath buffTazasWrath
Ring of Fire buffRingOfFire
Ring of Fire buffRingOfFireEffect
Internal Bleeding buffInternalBleeding
Winded buffShotgunWound1
Bleeding buffArrowCriticalBleedout
Cool Drink buffYuccaJuiceCooling