7 Days to Die Entity IDs and SpawnEntity Help

Below you can find a list of all 134 7D2D entity IDs, along with documentation for the SpawnEntity console command that includes working examples.

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spawnentity Command Documentation

spawnentity [player id] [entity id]

This command will spawn an entity specified by its entity ID (at the location of the player with the player ID specified). Typing this command without any arguments ('spawnentity' on its own) will print a list of all entity IDs. Use 'listplayerids' to print a list of all player IDs.

Player IDThe player ID of the player you wish to spawn the entity at. Use 'listplayerids' for a list of all online player IDs.
Entity IDThe entity ID of the entity you wish to spawn at the location of the specified player - use 'spawnentity' without any arguments for a list of entity IDs.


Find below working examples of the spawnentity command.

spawnentity 171 zombieBehemoth

This cheat spawns a Zombie Behemoth (entity ID zombieBehemoth) at the player with entity ID 171.

spawnentity 171 zombieFemaleFat

This command would spawn a Hungry Zombie (entity ID zombieFemaleFat) at the location of the player who has the entity ID 171.

Entity Name Entity ID
playerMale playerMale
playerFemale playerFemale
zombieTemplateMale zombieTemplateMale
Feral Wight zombieWightFeral
zombieWightRadiated zombieWightRadiated
Zombie Behemoth zombieBehemoth
Infected Survivor zombieBoe
Feral Infected Survivor zombieBoeFeral
zombieBoeRadiated zombieBoeRadiated
Team Z Player zombieFootballPlayer
Hungry Zombie zombieFemaleFat
Feral Hungry Zombie zombieFemaleFatFeral
zombieFemaleFatRadiated zombieFemaleFatRadiated
Festering Cadaver zombieJoe
Feral Cadaver zombieJoeFeral
zombieJoeRadiated zombieJoeRadiated
Bloated Walker zombieMoe
Feral Bloated Walker zombieMoeFeral
zombieMoeRadiated zombieMoeRadiated
Putrid Girl zombieArlene
Feral Putrid Girl zombieArleneFeral
zombieArleneRadiated zombieArleneRadiated
zombieLab zombieLab
zombieLabFeral zombieLabFeral
zombieLabRadiated zombieLabRadiated
legendaryZombieLab legendaryZombieLab
Screamer Zombie zombieScreamer
Feral Screamer zombieScreamerFeral
zombieScreamerRadiated zombieScreamerRadiated
Decayed Mother zombieDarlene
Feral Mother zombieDarleneFeral
zombieDarleneRadiated zombieDarleneRadiated
Departed Woman zombieMarlene
Feral Woman zombieMarleneFeral
zombieMarleneRadiated zombieMarleneRadiated
Rotting Carcass zombieYo
Feral Carcass zombieYoFeral
zombieYoRadiated zombieYoRadiated
Reanimated Corpse zombieSteve
Feral Corpse zombieSteveFeral
zombieSteveRadiated zombieSteveRadiated
Crawler zombieSteveCrawler
FeralCrawler zombieSteveCrawlerFeral
Zombie Businessman zombieBusinessMan
Feral Zombie Businessman zombieBusinessManFeral
legendaryZombieBusinessMan legendaryZombieBusinessMan
Frozen Lumberjack zombieSnow
Feral Frozen Lumberjack zombieSnowFeral
Spider Zombie zombieSpider
Feral Spider Zombie zombieSpiderFeral
zombieSpiderRadiated zombieSpiderRadiated
Burn Victim zombieBurnt
Plagued Nurse zombieNurse
Feral Nurse zombieNurseFeral
Disturbed Tourist zombieFatHawaiian
Feral Tourist zombieFatHawaiianFeral
Infected Policeman zombieFatCop
Feral Policeman zombieFatCopFeral
Radiated Policeman zombieFatCopRadiated
Hazardous Worker zombieMaleHazmat
Utility Worker Zombie zombieUtilityWorker
Feral Utility Worker zombieUtilityWorkerFeral
legendaryZombieUtilityWorker legendaryZombieUtilityWorker
Fallen Soldier zombieSoldier
Feral Soldier zombieSoldierFeral
zombieSoldierRadiated zombieSoldierRadiated
Skater Punk Zombie zombieSkateboarder
Feral Skater Zombie zombieSkateboarderFeral
zombieSkateboarderRadiated zombieSkateboarderRadiated
Cheerleader Zombie zombieCheerleader
Feral Cheerleader Zombie zombieCheerleaderFeral
zombieCheerleaderRadiated zombieCheerleaderRadiated
Zombie Cowboy zombieOldTimer
Feral Zombie Cowboy zombieOldTimerFeral
zombieOldTimerRadiated zombieOldTimerRadiated
Zombie Biker zombieBiker
zombieBikerFeral zombieBikerFeral
zombieBikerRadiated zombieBikerRadiated
legendaryZombieBiker legendaryZombieBiker
Zombie Farmer zombieFarmer
Feral Zombie Farmer zombieFarmerFeral
Zombie Stripper zombieStripper
Feral Stripper zombieStripperFeral
zombieUMATemplateMale zombieUMATemplateMale
zombieUMATemplateFemale zombieUMATemplateFemale
zombieMiner zombieMiner
animalTemplateTimid animalTemplateTimid
Stag animalStag
Doe animalDoe
Rabbit animalRabbit
Chicken animalChicken
Pig animalPig
animalTemplateHostile animalTemplateHostile
Bear animalBear
animalZombieBear animalZombieBear
animalWolf animalWolf
animalDireWolf animalDireWolf
Zombie Vulture animalZombieVulture
animalZombieVultureRadiated animalZombieVultureRadiated
Zombie Dog animalZombieDog
animalSnake animalSnake
Boar animalBoar
animalBossGrace animalBossGrace
Bicycle vehicleBicycle
Minibike vehicleMinibike
Motorcycle vehicleMotorcycle
4x4 Truck vehicle4x4Truck
Gyrocopter vehicleGyrocopter
Helicopter vehicleHelicopter
Joke Blimp vehicleJokeblimp
supplyPlane supplyPlane
Supply Crate sc_General
Backpack Backpack
Dropped Loot DroppedLootContainer
Dropped Loot EntityLootContainerRegular
Dropped Loot EntityLootContainerStrong
Dropped Loot EntityLootContainerBoss
Dropped Loot EntityLootContainerBandit
Eviscerated Remains EvisceratedRemains
invisibleAnimal invisibleAnimal
invisibleAnimalEnemy invisibleAnimalEnemy
npcSurvivorTemplate npcSurvivorTemplate
Survivor npcSurvivorRanged
Melee Bandit npcBanditMelee
Ranged Bandit npcBanditRanged
npcBanditLeader npcBanditLeader
npcTraderUMATemplate npcTraderUMATemplate
npcTraderTemplate npcTraderTemplate
Trader Joel npcTraderJoel
Trader Rekt npcTraderRekt
Trader Bob npcTraderBob
Trader Hugh npcTraderHugh
Trader Jen npcTraderJen
Trader Test npcTraderTest