This command gives the nickname with the specified ID to the specified character. If you do not specify a character, the nickname will be given to your character.
The syntax for the nickname command is as follows:
nickname [nickname id] [character id]
This command has the following arguments:
Nickname ID | The ID of the nickname you wish to give to a character (e.g. nick_the_witch). Find a list of all nickname IDs at: |
Character ID | Optional - the ID of the character you wish to give the nickname to. The nickname will be given to your own character if you do not specify a character ID here. How to find character IDs: |
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GOFind below working examples of the nickname command.
nickname nick_the_lawgiver
The nickname ID for "The Lawgiver" nickname is "nick_the_lawgiver". As no character ID is specified, this command would give The Lawgiver nickname to the character you are playing as.
nickname nick_the_shrewd 44563
The Shrewd nickname has a nickname ID of "nick_the_shrewd", and as the character ID 44563 has been specified, this command would give The Shrewd nickname to the character with ID 44563.