Crusader Kings 2 Usurp Command

This command makes the specified character usurp (take by force) the specified title for themselves.

Usurp Syntax

The syntax for the usurp command is as follows:

usurp [title id] [character id]

This command has the following arguments:

Title IDThe ID of the title you wish to usurp. Find a list of all title IDs at:
Character IDThe ID of the character that should take the title. How to find character IDs:

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Usurp Examples

Find below working examples of the usurp command.

usurp c_firenze

Florence has a title ID of c_firenze. As no character ID is specified, this command would make your character usurp the title for Florence (Italy).

usurp c_jerusalem 4301

This command would make the character with ID 4301 usurp the title for the province with title ID c_jerusalem (which is, unsurprisingly, Jerusalem).