Crusader Kings 3 Event ID List

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Name Code
The Languages in my Family Tree childhood.2300
Do You Speak My Lingo? childhood.2200
L is for Language childhood.2100
Expectations childhood.2010
The Puppy childhood.2003
The Kitten childhood.2001
To Read or Not to Read childhood.1019
Intriguing Incident childhood.1018
A Grainy Matter childhood.1017
Martial Matters childhood.1016
Diplomatic Solutions childhood.1015
The Destruction of the [ROOT.Char.Custom('child_favorite_toy')|U] childhood.1014
The Destruction of the [victim.Custom('child_favorite_toy')|U] childhood.1013
Harsh Punishment childhood.1012
The Way of the Heart childhood.1011
Always On My Mind childhood.1010
The Concern of a Friend childhood.1009
Unconventional Coping childhood.1008
A Growing Shadow childhood.1007
When Opposites Collide childhood.1006
A Weary Mind childhood.1005
A Weary Mind childhood.1004
Supportive [guardian_parent.Custom('MotherFather')|U] childhood.1002
The Last Stand childhood.1001
A Deep Friendship childhood.1000
Nature and Nurture childhood_education.1032
Nature and Nurture childhood_education.1031
In Faith, Truth childhood_education.1022
In Faith, Truth childhood_education.1021
A Blessed Day childhood_education.1012
It Is Who I Am childhood_education.1011
The Fickleness of Youth childhood_education.0004
Saqaliba Settlers fp2_yearly.8006
Under the Stone Pine fp2_yearly.8005
The [translation_capital.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] School of Translators fp2_yearly.8004
Flight of Fancy fp2_yearly.8003
A Dietary Dilemma fp2_yearly.8002
Assembling the Cortes fp2_yearly.8001
Burning the Vineyards fp2_yearly.8000
Pigs of Stone fp2_yearly.4010
The White Lord fp2_yearly.4009
Fireside Tales fp2_yearly.4008
Look And You Shell Find fp2_yearly.4007
[ROOT.Char.GetFaith.HighGodNamePossessive] Architect fp2_yearly.4006
Establishing Enclaves fp2_yearly.4005
The Wandering Master fp2_yearly.4004
O Camiño de Santiago fp2_yearly.4003
Living In Harmony fp2_yearly.4002
The Sixth Hour fp2_yearly.4001
The Wrath of Heaven fp2_struggle.3021
Damsels in Distress fp2_struggle.3011
The Price of War fp2_struggle.3001
Return of the King of Thieves fp2_struggle.2021
To the foolish [ROOT.Char.GetFirstNameNoTooltip], fp2_struggle.2016
Letter on The Back fp2_struggle.2015
To the fair [ROOT.Char.GetNameNoTooltip]: fp2_struggle.2014
The Secret to Freedom fp2_struggle.2013
Report from local sources: fp2_struggle.2012
Hunting the Beech Marten fp2_struggle.2010
Catching Thieves of Myth fp2_struggle.2009
Misdeeds of the [fps_2008_misdeed_actor.GetCouncilTitle] fp2_struggle.2008
A Castle Worthy of Iberia fp2_struggle.2007
The Borders of Faith fp2_struggle.2006
An Armada Ahead of Time fp2_struggle.2005
A Greater Armada fp2_struggle.2004
Band of Lost Birds fp2_struggle.2003
The Forsaken Village fp2_struggle.2001
Disorderly Market fp2_struggle.2000
Dreams of Destruction fp2_struggle.1050
Death of a [Select_CString(minority_councillor.IsFemale,'Councilwoman','Councilman')] fp2_struggle.1020
The Masterwork fp2_struggle.1012
"The Blade of [blacksmith_county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] fp2_struggle.1011
Soul of Iron fp2_struggle.1010
[xenophilic_culture.GetNameNoTooltip] Advancements fp2_struggle.1002
War Widows fp2_struggle.1001
Stoking the Fire fp2_struggle.1000
The Kingdom of Toledo fp2_other_decisions.1100
Iberian Foothold: [iberian_footholder.GetPrimaryTitle.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Consolidation fp2_other_decisions.1000
The [SCOPE.ScriptValue('council_of_toledo_counter_value')][ROOT.Char.Custom('get_council_of_toledo_count_suffix')] Council of Toledo fp2_other_decisions.0704
[SCOPE.ScriptValue('council_of_toledo_counter_value')][ROOT.Char.Custom('get_council_of_toledo_count_suffix')] Council of Toledo: Postponed fp2_other_decisions.0703
[SCOPE.ScriptValue('council_of_toledo_counter_value')][ROOT.Char.Custom('get_council_of_toledo_count_suffix')] Council of Toledo: Debate fp2_other_decisions.0702
[SCOPE.ScriptValue('council_of_toledo_counter_value')][ROOT.Char.Custom('get_council_of_toledo_count_suffix')] Council of Toledo: Attendees fp2_other_decisions.0701
[SCOPE.ScriptValue('council_of_toledo_counter_value')][ROOT.Char.Custom('get_council_of_toledo_count_suffix')] Council of Toledo: Organization fp2_other_decisions.0700
Conclave: From the Brink fp2_lyonese_monk.0841
Conclave: One God fp2_lyonese_monk.0831
Conclave: Practicality vs. Principle fp2_lyonese_monk.0821
Conclave: Father & Son fp2_lyonese_monk.0811
Strange Teachings: No More than a Man fp2_lyonese_monk.0641
[neighbouring_ruler.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingNegative', acolyte_host)] fp2_lyonese_monk.0631
Strange Teachings: A Formal Complaint fp2_lyonese_monk.0621
Strange Teachings: High Tensions fp2_lyonese_monk.0611
[pope.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingNegative', acolyte_host)] fp2_lyonese_monk.0601
Strange Teachings: The Council of [council_1_venue.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] fp2_lyonese_monk.0441
[pope.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingPositive', acolyte_host)] fp2_lyonese_monk.0431
Strange Teachings: High Tempers fp2_lyonese_monk.0421
Strange Teachings: Space to Teach fp2_lyonese_monk.0411
[pope.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingPositive', acolyte_host)] fp2_lyonese_monk.0401
All [acolyte.GetHerHis|U] Fault fp2_lyonese_monk.0241
Booing the Bishop fp2_lyonese_monk.0231
A Rictus Grin fp2_lyonese_monk.0221
[baron.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingPositive', acolyte_host)] fp2_lyonese_monk.0211
Just a Few Friends fp2_lyonese_monk.0201
It is a Mystery fp2_lyonese_monk.0051
Bigger Problems fp2_lyonese_monk.0041
Shattered Faith fp2_lyonese_monk.0031
Gone and Done fp2_lyonese_monk.0021
A Friend of Your [acolyte_host.Custom2('RelationToMeShort', dead_owner)|U] fp2_lyonese_monk.0011
A Storm-Tossed Night fp2_lyonese_monk.0001
[fp2_2050_el_cid.GetFirstNameNicknamedNoTooltip] fp2_struggle.2051
Fury of the Northmen fp1_yearly.2600
Raunchy Runestone fp1_yearly.2500
Preparations for the Hunt fp1_yearly.2400
Glory Seekers fp1_yearly.2300
The Bored Berserker: Gentle Giant fp1_yearly.2204
The Bored Berserker: Sated Rage fp1_yearly.2203
The Bored Berserker fp1_yearly.2200
Hearty Competition: Broken Heart fp1_yearly.2101
Hearty Competition fp1_yearly.2100
Wanderlust: Soundly Beaten fp1_yearly.2004
Wanderlust: Tough Love fp1_yearly.2003
Wanderlust fp1_yearly.2000
Explorer from the West fp1_yearly.1081
Sparklingly Clean fp1_yearly.1071
A Life to Remember: [ship_funeral_candidate.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] fp1_yearly.1063
A Life to Remember: [ship_funeral_candidate.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] fp1_yearly.1062
Stranger at Court: Vagrant fp1_yearly.1015
Stranger at Court: Warrior fp1_yearly.1014
Stranger at Court: Nithing fp1_yearly.1013
Stranger at Court: [stranger.GetFaith.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Missionary fp1_yearly.1012
Stranger at Court: Goði fp1_yearly.1011
Stranger at Court fp1_yearly.1001
Attempted Atonement fp1_yearly.0691
Why Can't I Come? fp1_yearly.0681
A Slippery Slope fp1_yearly.0671
A Novel Challenge fp1_yearly.0661
Leviathan fp1_yearly.0651
Worthy of the Ocean fp1_yearly.0641
A Cynical Bent fp1_yearly.0631
A Shiny New Toy fp1_yearly.0621
Leading by Example fp1_yearly.0611
The Hardest Part of Ruling fp1_yearly.0601
Raised Voices at the Ting-Meet fp1_yearly.0591
When I Grow Up fp1_yearly.0581
Petty Vandalism fp1_yearly.0571
My Arm Against Yours fp1_yearly.0561
Fishy Business fp1_yearly.0551
The Beast of [ROOT.Char.GetCapitalLocation.GetTitle.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] fp1_yearly.0541
The [ROOT.Char.GetDynasty.GetBaseNameNoTooltip] Family on Ice fp1_yearly.0531
Blood on the Snow fp1_yearly.0521
The Stench of Success fp1_yearly.0511
Out for a Sail fp1_yearly.0501
Accursed fp1_yearly.0111
A Game of Riddles fp1_yearly.0101
A Vessel fit for a [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] fp1_yearly.0091
In the Deep Places of the World: Rampaging Death fp1_yearly.0085
In the Deep Places of the World: Silent Death fp1_yearly.0084
In the Deep Places of the World: Rabid Death fp1_yearly.0083
In the Deep Places of the World: Swift Death fp1_yearly.0082
In the Deep Places of the World: Towering Death fp1_yearly.0081
In the Deep Places of the World fp1_yearly.0071
The Unquiet Dead: Quiet After All fp1_yearly.0065
The Unquiet Dead: Orphan fp1_yearly.0064
The Unquiet Dead: Nithing fp1_yearly.0063
The Unquiet Dead: Bear fp1_yearly.0062
The Unquiet Dead: Wolves fp1_yearly.0061
The Unquiet Dead fp1_yearly.0051
Explorers from the South fp1_yearly.0041
Tall Tales at the Table fp1_yearly.0031
A Matter of Life and Death fp1_yearly.0021
Calls for [offensive_courtier.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] to be Declared Nithing fp1_yearly.0011
Escaped Thrall fp1_yearly.0001
Trial-by-Combat: Defeat! fp1_tbc.0121
Trial-by-Combat: Victory! fp1_tbc.0111
Trial-by-Combat: Selecting a Champion fp1_tbc.0101
Trial-by-Combat: Defeat! fp1_tbc.0051
Trial-by-Combat: Victory! fp1_tbc.0041
Raid or Trade: A Holy Helping Hand fp1_trade_events.1171
The Northerner Menace fp1_trade_events.1131
Raid or Trade: Belligerents with Benefits fp1_trade_events.0051
Raid or Trade: Belligerents with Benefits fp1_trade_events.0041
Raid or Trade: Visitors from Afar fp1_trade_events.0031
Raid or Trade: Visitors from Afar fp1_trade_events.0021
Raid or Trade: A Comfortable Accommodation fp1_trade_events.0012
Raid or Trade: A Comfortable Accommodation fp1_trade_events.0011
Raid or Trade? fp1_trade_events.0003
Raid or Trade? fp1_trade_events.0002
[shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] Gains Experience fp1_shieldmaiden.0032
Murder Preventer: [shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] fp1_shieldmaiden.0022
Murder Preventer: [shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] fp1_shieldmaiden.0021
[shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] Blocks Escape fp1_shieldmaiden.0012
[shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] Blocks Escape fp1_shieldmaiden.0011
A Prospective [shieldmaiden.Custom('ShieldPersonFemaleMale')] fp1_shieldmaiden.0001
Rocks Through the Ages: Location fp1_other_decisions.0111
Rocks Through the Ages: Subject fp1_other_decisions.0101
Chief Sacrifice died before [ROOT.Char.Custom('GruesomeFestivalName')|U] fp1_other_decisions.0063
Sacrificed! fp1_other_decisions.1000
The Ultimate Blasphemy fp1_other_decisions.0024
The Ultimate Blasphemy fp1_other_decisions.0023
The Ultimate Blasphemy fp1_other_decisions.0022
The Ultimate Blasphemy fp1_other_decisions.0021