Crusader Kings 3 Event ID List

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Name Code
A Weighty Problem: Rocky Road bp1_yearly.5302
A Weighty Problem bp1_yearly.5301
Two Ships In The Night bp1_yearly.2010
... A Ruler bp1_yearly.2001
Feud: The Next Enemy bp1_house_feud.0840
Feud: The Sweetest Feeling bp1_house_feud.0830
Feud: Carrying the Torch bp1_house_feud.0810
Feud: Venerous Vengeance bp1_house_feud.7003
Feud: A Meet Fate bp1_house_feud.7002
Feud: Blood for Blood bp1_house_feud.7001
Feud: Rightful [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] bp1_house_feud.7000
Cautious Quarry bp1_house_feud.0701
Feud: Forbidden Fruit bp1_house_feud.0700
Feud: Shared Enemies bp1_house_feud.0600
Feud: Tensions Cool bp1_house_feud.0502
Feud: [house_feud_attacker.GetHouse.GetBaseNameNoTooltip] Rivalry bp1_house_feud.0501
Feud: Targets of Ire bp1_house_feud.0500
Feud: [house_feud_liege.GetTitleAsNamePossessiveNoTooltip] Appeal bp1_house_feud.0420
Feud: Beset by Threats bp1_house_feud.0410
Feud: A Tiresome Affray bp1_house_feud.0300
Feud: The Limits of Spite bp1_house_feud.0220
Feud: A Heavy Toll bp1_house_feud.0210
Feud: Desperate Measures bp1_house_feud.0200
Feud: Outclassed Adversaries bp1_house_feud.0110
Feud: A Lopsided Resentment bp1_house_feud.0100
A [ROOT.Char.Custom2('RelationToMePossessive', SCOPE.sC('house_feud_victim'))|U] Pride bp1_house_feud.0014
A [house_feud_spouse.Custom2('RelationToMePossessive', ROOT.Char)|U] Honor bp1_house_feud.0013
Wearing Cuckold's Horns bp1_house_feud.0012
A Maltreated [ROOT.Char.Custom2('RelationToMeShort', SCOPE.sC('house_feud_victim'))|U] bp1_house_feud.0011
Unforgivable Treatment bp1_house_feud.0010
A Vengeful [old_house_head.Custom2('RelationToMeShort', ROOT.Char)|U] bp1_house_feud.0009
Unjust Imprisonment bp1_house_feud.0008
Smouldering in Captivity bp1_house_feud.0007
[house_feud_claim.GetBaseNameNoTierPossessiveNoTooltip] True [house_feud_rival.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] bp1_house_feud.0006
A Hero Returns? bp1_yearly.6006
Triumphant Homecoming? bp1_yearly.6005
The Loss of a [rivals_child.Custom('GetDaughterSon')] bp1_yearly.6010
To Kill a [rivals_child.Custom('GetDaughterSon')|U] bp1_yearly.6004
Something Rash bp1_yearly.6003
For the Sins of a [my_rival.GetMotherFather|U] bp1_yearly.6000
The Story So Far bp1_yearly.2070
It Takes A Village bp1_yearly.2060
A Study In [bp1_yearly_2050_first_consort.Custom('SisterhoodBrotherhood')|U] bp1_yearly.2050
Domestic Disputes bp1_yearly.2040
What's A [bp1_yearly_2030_mopey_consort.Custom('GirlBoy')|U] To Do bp1_yearly.2030
All Hail The [ROOT.Char.GetLiege.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] bp1_yearly.2023
[bp1_yearly_2020_target.Custom2('AppropriateGreetingNegative', ROOT.Char )] bp1_yearly.2022
Persona Grata bp1_yearly.2021
Great Expectations bp1_yearly.2020
A Gift From Abroad south_asia.0041
A Faith Secured? south_asia.0040
A Brutal Zealot south_asia.0039
The Great Divide south_asia.0038
The Faith Secured south_asia.0037
Dealing with the Ari south_asia.0036
Preserving Theravadan Homelands south_asia.0035
Religious Conflict Averted south_asia.0034
Religious Will Imposed south_asia.0033
Religious Tensions Ease south_asia.0032
Religious Situation Escalates south_asia.0031
Spreading the Theravada Faith south_asia.0030
The [founder.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] of Bene-Israel south_asia.0021
My Divine Purpose Usurped south_asia.0013
The Sacred Waters south_asia.0011
The Chakravarti south_asia.0002
A New Era south_asia.0001
You wretched [ROOT.Char.Custom('GirlBoy'))], roman_restoration.1204
The Greeks Strike Back roman_restoration.0175
The Greeks Strike Back roman_restoration.0174
Roman Reckoning roman_restoration.0173
Byzantion Crumbling roman_restoration.0172
Roman Reckoning roman_restoration.0171
The Pretender roman_restoration.0170
The Franks Strike Back roman_restoration.0165
The Franks Strike Back roman_restoration.0164
Roman Reckoning roman_restoration.0163
The Franks past the Rhine roman_restoration.0162
Roman Reckoning roman_restoration.0161
The Pretender roman_restoration.0160
The Second Age of Rome roman_restoration.0151
From Rome to Rome roman_restoration.0150
The Italian Empire roman_restoration.0140
The Dissolution of the Papacy roman_restoration.0130
The Holy See roman_restoration.0124
The Ecumenical Patriarchate roman_restoration.0122
The Iconoclast Patriarchate roman_restoration.0120
The Patriarchate of Rome roman_restoration.0107
The Patriarchate of Alexandria roman_restoration.0106
The Patriarchate of Jerusalem roman_restoration.0105
The Patriarchate of Antioch roman_restoration.0104
The Great Schism Mended roman_restoration.0100
Imperial Borders Restored roman_restoration.0024
The Province of Hibernia roman_restoration.0023
The Province of Caledonia roman_restoration.0022
The Province of Mesopotamia roman_restoration.0021
The Province of Mauretania roman_restoration.0020
The Province of Hispania roman_restoration.0019
The Province of Britannia roman_restoration.0018
The Province of Germania roman_restoration.0017
The Province of Gallia roman_restoration.0016
The Province of Italia roman_restoration.0015
The Province of Illyricum roman_restoration.0014
The Province of Africa roman_restoration.0013
The Province of Cyrenaica roman_restoration.0012
The Province of Aegyptus roman_restoration.0011
The Province of Syria Palaestina roman_restoration.0010
Scraping the Barrel minor_decisions.0003
Claimant Has Arrived minor_decisions.0002
[GetPlayer.Custom( 'KnightCultureNoTooltip' )] Has Arrived minor_decisions.0001
The Electorate of Saxony middle_europe_decisions.0017
A New Eagle Rises middle_east_decisions.1001
A New Rome middle_east_decisions.0014
The Chosen of Zoroaster middle_east_decisions.0011
The New [scoped_ruler.GetFaith.GetAdjective] Priesthood middle_east_decisions.0009
The New [scoped_ruler.GetFaith.GetAdjective] Priesthood middle_east_decisions.0007
The Promised Land middle_east_decisions.0005
A New Caliphate middle_east_decisions.0003
The Empire of Heaven middle_east_decisions.0001
A Question of Succession major_decisions.3100
House of Greenery major_decisions.3001
The Wise [new_courtier.GetWomanMan|U] major_decisions.2011
University major_decisions.2001
A Usurper Realm major_decisions.1105
A Realm Reforged major_decisions.1101
Macabre feast major_decisions.1002
Divine Flesh major_decisions.1001
The Strength of [ROOT.Char.GetDynasty.GetBaseNameNoTooltip] major_decisions.0500
Back to the Roots major_decisions.0200
Sacred Lineage major_decisions.0100
A New Era major_decisions.0001
To [ROOT.Char.GetSheHe] who laid the path for pilgrims. iberia_north_africa.2013
Pilgrim Roads: Impoverished Student iberia_north_africa.2012
Pilgrim Roads: Wandering Warrior iberia_north_africa.2011
Golden Age Science: Conflicting Natures iberia_north_africa.2003
Golden Age Science: Starry-eyed Surgeon iberia_north_africa.2002
Golden Age Science: Lost Knowledge iberia_north_africa.2001
Rulers of The Mediterranean iberia_north_africa.2105
Children of the Ebro iberia_north_africa.0131
A Return to the Countryside iberia_north_africa.0122
A Return to the Countryside iberia_north_africa.0121
[religious_leader.GetFaith.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Church Schisms from [pope.GetFaith.GetNameNoTooltip] iberia_north_africa.0112
Freedom from the Shackles of Rome iberia_north_africa.0111
[religious_leader.GetFaith.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Loyalty to St. Peter's Throne iberia_north_africa.0102
Loyalty to St. Peter's Throne iberia_north_africa.0101
The Kingdom of Canarias iberia_north_africa.9101
Echoes From the Past iberia_north_africa.0016
Avenging The Martyrs iberia_north_africa.0015
One Africa iberia_north_africa.0010
A United Spain iberia_north_africa.0005
First [founder.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] of All Bosnia east_europe.0201
The [founder.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] of Livonia east_europe.0200
Last Gasp of the Great Migrations east_europe.0143
Last Gasp of the Great Migrations east_europe.0142
Last Gasp of the Great Migrations east_europe.0141
Heretics Amongst Us: The Case Falters east_europe.0124
$east_europe.0111.t.setup$: The Case Falters east_europe.0123
Heretics Amongst Us: Tolerance Stripped east_europe.0121
[hof.Custom2('AppropriateGreeting',heretic)] east_europe.0120
Heretics Amongst Us: Tolerance Stripped east_europe.0119
Heretics Amongst Us: Room to Breath east_europe.0118
Heretics Amongst Us: A Temporary Reprieve east_europe.0117
Heretics Amongst Us: A Change of Heart east_europe.0116
$east_europe.0111.t.setup$: A Change of Heart east_europe.0115
Heretics Amongst Us: [hof.GetFaith.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Inquisition east_europe.0114
[hof.Custom2('AppropriateGreeting',accuser)] east_europe.0113
[hof.Custom2('AppropriateGreeting',accuser)] east_europe.0112
Heretics Amongst Us: Writing [hof.GetTitledFirstNameNoTooltip] east_europe.0111
First [founder.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] of All Bosnia east_europe.0102
First [founder.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] of All Bosnia east_europe.0101
The [scoped_ruler.GetFaith.GetAdherentNameNoTooltip] Revival east_europe.0034
The Old Rites east_europe.0032
To Be [new_culture.GetName] culture_conversion.0001
The Cradle of the Steppes central_asia.0011
Genghis Khan central_asia.0002
The World Before Me central_asia.0001
[founder.GetPrimaryTitle.GetAdjectiveNoTooltip] Kingdom Restored british_isles.4001
The Claim on Ireland british_isles.3002
Laudably We Declare, british_isles.3001
[embracer_former_culture.GetNameNoTooltip|U] no More british_isles.2001
Law of the Land british_isles.1063
Law of the Land british_isles.1062
Law of the Land british_isles.1061
A United [partition_winner.GetTierAsNameNoTooltip] british_isles.1053
A United [partition_winner.GetTierAsNameNoTooltip] british_isles.1052
A United [partition_winner.GetTierAsNameNoTooltip] british_isles.1051
An Unthinkable Bargain british_isles.1022
An Unthinkable Bargain british_isles.1021
Know Thyself: Close to the End death_management.9998
All That Could Have Been death_management.4008
The Long Rest death_management.4002
Outliving a Child death_management.4001
A Twist of Fate death_management.4007
Til Death Do Us Part death_management.4000
All That Could Have Been death_management.3008
Outliving My Rival death_management.3006
The Long Rest death_management.3002
Outliving a Child death_management.3001
Til I Do Us Part death_management.3000
A Twist of Fate death_management.3007
All That Could Have Been death_management.2008