Crusader Kings 3 Event ID List

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Name Code
The Long Rest death_management.2002
Outliving a Child death_management.2001
A Twist of Fate death_management.2007
'Til [prison_holder.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] Do Us Part death_management.2000
Fallen Heir death_management.1207
Fallen Rival death_management.1206
Fallen Friend death_management.1205
Fallen Lover death_management.1204
Fallen Parent death_management.1202
Fallen [dead_character.Custom('GetDaughterSon')|U] death_management.1201
Fallen Consort death_management.1200
No More Lessons death_management.1010
An Unforeseen Tragedy death_management.1009
A Twist of Fate death_management.1007
A Curse Undone death_management.1006
The Memories Remain death_management.1005
The Void Left Behind death_management.1004
Outliving a Child death_management.1001
Til Death Do Us Part death_management.1000
It's Time for Your [language_to_forget.GetLanguage.GetNameNoTooltip|U] Lesson! language_events.0010
A Language in Common language_events.0002
A Fireside Story culture_tradition_events.2100
Leading by Example? culture_tradition_events.2001
Inspiring Leadership culture_tradition_events.2000
A Mystic's Bargain culture_tradition_events.0141
A Mystic's Wrath culture_tradition_events.0131
A Mystic's Service culture_tradition_events.0121
A Mystic's Speech culture_tradition_events.0111
A Mystic's Mind culture_tradition_events.0101
A Clash of Culture and Faith culture_tradition_events.0100
Spar with [GetPlayer.Custom( 'KnightCultureNoTooltip' )]: Conclusion culture_tradition_events.0002
The [new_culture.GetNameNoTooltip] Divergence culture_notification.1111
Culture Diverged culture_notification.1101
The [new_culture.GetNameNoTooltip] Hybridization culture_notification.1011
Hybrid Culture Formed culture_notification.1001
Tradition Embraced culture_notification.0011
Tradition Forsaken culture_notification.0010
Dynastic Treasure court_maintenance.0013
Mark of Distinction court_maintenance.0012
A Fashionable Debate court_amenities_interactions.0002
Accused of Violating Sumptuary Law! court_amenities_interactions.0001
Of Fashion and Feuds court_amenities_interactions.0011
A New Fashion at Court court_amenities_interactions.0010
A Little Language court.9500
Pie-based Shenanigans court.9400
Overt Overindulgence court.9300
Bacchanalian Bonding court.9200
Epicurean Entertainment court.9100
A Courtly Gift: Defeated court.9005
A Courtly Gift: Victorious court.9004
A Courtly Gift court.9001
A Knight's Declaration court.9000
Secrets and Lies court.8180
Pariah of Court court.8170
You win the duel court.8163
Foremost [ROOT.Char.Custom('MountedWarriorTerm')|U] court.8160
Prandial Excess court.8150
Royal Lapse court.8140
Contrived Conflict court.8130
Upon the Block court.8110
Building Blocks court.8090
[parent.Custom('GetMaternalPaternal')|U] Reproach court.8080
Feeling Useful court.8070
Scornful Sycophants court.8060
A Little Bird court.8050
Aristocratic Pretensions court.8040
Pawful of Pooches court.8030
Sartorial Sting court.8020
Underequipped court.8010
Trampled Underfoot court.8001
Winging It court.7700
Avian Abuse court.7640
Birds of Prey court.7630
Birds of a Golden Feather court.7620
A Stable Request court.7610
Wild at Heart court.7600
Overstaying their Welcome? court.7400
Where's the Lamb Sauce? court.7300
The Art of Rhetoric court.6090
The Munificence of [6080_visitor.GetFirstNameNoTooltip] court.6080
The Value of Letters court.6070
The Joys of Wine court.6060
Saucy Readings court.6050
Possession at Court court.6020
Prophet in the Halls court.6010
Secret History court.6000
Two Palfreys court.5075
Dedicated Tutor court.5070
The Gallant [GetPlayer.Custom( 'KnightCultureNoTooltip' )] court.5060
Colorful Talent court.5055
A Courtier Scorned court.5050
Pranking Spree court.5040
Playtime court.5030
Proposed Deal court.5025
[ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip]ophile court.4806
Cutting Corners court.4805
Foul Bedfellows court.4804
A Ghostly Pen court.4803
Education under Duress court.4802
Ready to Burst court.4801
I Need a Hero court.4750
The Trepanning of the Soul court.4700
The Finest [ROOT.GetCharacter.Custom('RegionalAlcoholicDrink')|U] Available to Humanity court.4600
Finger-bones of a [ROOT.Char.GetTitleAsNameNoTooltip] court.4500
Getting A Head court.4400
My Spire is Bigger than Yours! court.4250
Murder Holes and Priest Holes court.4200
Squires to [GetPlayer.Custom( 'KnightCulturePluralNoTooltip' )] court.4100
A Flesh Wound court.4001
The Unknown [ROOT.Char.GetTitleTierName] court.3070
A Feline Hunter court.3060
Letter of Defamation court.3050
My Homesick [homesick_parent.GetMotherFather|U] court.3040
Smoothing Things Over court.3031
Fussy with Fashion court.3030
Look Out Below! court.3021
A Foul Smell court.3020
Inspired Work court.3010
Distrust of Friendship court.3000
Labyrinthine Halls court.2411
Second-Hand Glamor court.2401
A Slice of the Pie court.2201
Poor Manners court.1030
Daydrinking court.1010
A Closeted Cadaver court.0112
A Relic of Revenge court.0111
An Anatomical Expert court.0109
A Spectacular Courtier court.0108
Notable Guest Has Arrived courtier_guest_management.1001
Your [SCOPE.sC('host').Custom2('RelationToMeShort', SCOPE.sC('guest'))] [guest.GetShortUINameNoTooltip] is About To Leave Court courtier_guest_management.0500
My Last Chance courtier_guest_management.0102
Prestige Gained steward_task.4101
Loss of Prestige steward_task.4002
Strengthened Regiments steward_task.3103
Appreciated Management steward_task.3102
Welcome Administration steward_task.3101
Resistance to Administration steward_task.3002
Resistance to Settlers steward_task.3001
Increased Control steward_task.2102
Efficient Taxation steward_task.2101
Loss of Control steward_task.2003
Lack of Workers steward_task.2001
Improved Taxation steward_task.1101
Easing Their Own Burden steward_task.1001
Convince De Jure Territory Fails! steward_task.0003
De Jure County Released! steward_task.0002
De Jure County Convinced steward_task.0001
Agents at Court spymaster_task.3002
Hidden Knowledge spymaster_task.2102
An Unraveling Plot spymaster_task.2003
Empty Accusations spymaster_task.2001
An "Accident" spymaster_task.1001
A Gratitude marshal_task.3102
Local Benefits marshal_task.3101
A Disappointment marshal_task.3003
Local Resistance marshal_task.3001
Death of a Commander marshal_task.2003
Commander Grievously Harmed marshal_task.2002
Commander Wounded marshal_task.2001
Increased Military Presence marshal_task.1102
Well-organized Service marshal_task.1101
Insufficient Guards marshal_task.1003
Unused Farmland marshal_task.1002
Levy Desertion marshal_task.1001
Undermining Order court_chaplain_task.3001
A Claim on [county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip]! court_chaplain_task.0313
A Claim on [county.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip]! court_chaplain_task.0311
Spouse: Investments in [county_to_boost.GetNameNoTierNoTooltip] councillor_spouse_stewardship.2005
Spouse: A Helping Hand councillor_spouse_stewardship.2004
Spouse: Opportunity for Trade councillor_spouse_stewardship.2003
Spouse: Glittering Opportunity councillor_spouse_stewardship.2002
Spouse: Investment Inquiry councillor_spouse_stewardship.2001
Spouse: Leaving an Impression councillor_spouse_martial.1005
Spouse: The Guard councillor_spouse_martial.1004
Spouse: A Matter of Honor councillor_spouse_martial.1003
Spouse: Acting on My Behalf councillor_spouse_martial.1002
Spouse: Tourney Day councillor_spouse_martial.1001
Spouse: Up to the Task councillor_spouse_learning.2603
Spouse: Broadening Horizons councillor_spouse_learning.2602
Spouse: Further Education councillor_spouse_learning.2601
Spouse: A Higher Power councillor_spouse_learning.2301
[tutored_child.GetDaughterSon] Flourishes Under Spouse's Tutelage councillor_spouse_learning.1602
Spouse: Influences Cultural Conversion councillor_spouse_learning.1302
Spouse: Influences Religious Conversion councillor_spouse_learning.1301
Spouse: An Appropriate Representative councillor_spouse_intrigue.1006
Spouse: Divide and Conquer councillor_spouse_intrigue.1005
Spouse: Opposition Research councillor_spouse_intrigue.1004
Spouse: Revealed councillor_spouse_intrigue.1003
Spouse: Rumor and Speculation councillor_spouse_intrigue.1002
Spouse: Trust No One councillor_spouse_intrigue.1001
Spouse: Claim of Convenience councillor_spouse_diplomacy.2004
Spouse: Opportunity for Peace councillor_spouse_diplomacy.2003
Spouse: Grow Fonder councillor_spouse_diplomacy.2002
Spouse's Skills councillor_spouse_background.0001
Loss of Authority chancellor_task.3003
Local Resistance chancellor_task.2001
Deft Diplomacy chancellor_task.1102
The End of a Peace chancellor_task.1002
A New Claimant chancellor_task.1001
Distaste to Detest bp1_yearly.7100