Dragon Age: Origins Item ID List

Find below a searchable list of all item IDs from Dragon Age: Origins. You will need to install a mod before you can use these. Click the button below if you need help spawning items or installing the mod:

How to Spawn Items in Dragon Age: Origins

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Enter the name of an item, or an item's ID, into the search box below to instantly filter our database of 2174 item codes.

Name Code
Freeze Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_209
Shock Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_210
Acidic Grease Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_301
Poisoned Caltrop Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_302
Choking Powder Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_303
Interesting Lure Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_304
Large Shrapnel Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_305
Sleeping Gas Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_306
Soulrot Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_307
Choking Powder Cloud Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_401
Overpowering Lure Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_402
Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap Plans gen_im_cft_trp_403
Dwarven Regicide Antidote Recipe gen_im_cft_uni_dwv
Glamour Charm gen_im_cft_reg_charm
Concentrator Agent gen_im_cft_reg_concentrator
Corrupter Agent gen_im_cft_reg_corrupter
Deathroot gen_im_cft_reg_deathroot
Demonic Ichor gen_im_cft_reg_demonicichor
Distillation Agent gen_im_cft_reg_distillation
Elfroot gen_im_cft_reg_elfroot
Fire Crystal gen_im_cft_reg_firecrystal
Flask gen_im_cft_reg_flask
Frostrock gen_im_cft_reg_frostrock
Lifestone gen_im_cft_reg_lifestone
Frozen Lightning gen_im_cft_reg_lightning
Lyrium Dust gen_im_cft_reg_lyriumdust
Metal Shard gen_im_cft_reg_metalshard
Deep Mushroom gen_im_cft_reg_mushroom
Spirit Shard gen_im_cft_reg_spiritshard
Trap Trigger gen_im_cft_reg_traptrigger
Toxin Extract gen_im_cft_reg_venom
Bit gen_im_copper
Chantry Robe gen_im_cth_cha_a00
Chantry Robe gen_im_cth_cha_a01
Chantry Robe gen_im_cth_cha_a02
Chantry Robe gen_im_cth_cha_a03
Revered Mother's Robe gen_im_cth_cha_b00
Revered Mother's Robe gen_im_cth_cha_b01
Revered Mother's Robe gen_im_cth_cha_b02
Revered Mother's Robe gen_im_cth_cha_b03
Grand Cleric Robes gen_im_cth_mag_gcl
Revered Mother's Robe gen_im_cth_mag_mth
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_a00
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_a01
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_a02
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_a03
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_b00
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_b01
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_b02
Commoner Clothing gen_im_cth_com_b03
Clothing (human) gen_im_cth_com_c00
Clothing (human) gen_im_cth_com_c01
Clothing (human) gen_im_cth_com_c02
Clothing (human) gen_im_cth_com_c03
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_d00
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_d01
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_d02
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_d03
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_e00
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_e01
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_e02
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_e03
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_f00
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_f01
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_f02
Clothing (elf) gen_im_cth_com_f03
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_g00
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_g01
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_g02
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_g03
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_h00
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_h01
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_h02
Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_h03
Commoner Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_i00
Commoner Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_i01
Commoner Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_i02
Commoner Clothing (dwarf) gen_im_cth_com_i03
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_af0
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_af1
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_af2
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_af3
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_am0
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_am1
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_am2
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_am3
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_b00
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_b01
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_b02
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_b03
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_c00
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_c01
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_c02
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_c03
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_d00
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_d01
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_d02
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_d03
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_e00
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_e01
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_e02
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_e03
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_f00
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_f01
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_f02
Noble Clothing gen_im_cth_nob_f03
gen_im_duncan_robe gen_im_duncan_robe
Amethyst gen_im_gem_ame
Diamond gen_im_gem_dia
Emerald gen_im_gem_emr
Fluorspar gen_im_gem_flu
Garnet gen_im_gem_gar
Greenstone gen_im_gem_grn
Malachite gen_im_gem_mal
Quartz gen_im_gem_qrt
Ruby gen_im_gem_rby
Sapphire gen_im_gem_sap
Topaz gen_im_gem_top
Varathorn's Gems gen_im_gem_var
Remarkable Garnet gem_im_gift_gar
Ale gen_im_gift_ale
Alistair's Mother's Amulet gen_im_gift_alistair_amulet
Remarkable Amethyst gen_im_gift_ame
Antivan Leather Boots (gift) gen_im_gift_antivan_boots
Armband gen_im_gift_armband
Black Grimoire gen_im_gift_blkgrimoire
The Search for the True Prophet gen_im_gift_book
The Rose of Orlais gen_im_gift_book2
Discovering Dragon's Blood: Potions, Tinctures, and Spicy Sauces gen_im_gift_book4
The Guerrins of Ferelden: A Genealogical History gen_im_gift_book5
Steel Bracers gen_im_gift_bracer
Gemmed Bracelet gen_im_gift_brclet
Silver Bracelet gen_im_gift_brclet2
Silver Brooch gen_im_gift_brooch
Found Cake gen_im_gift_cake
Chantry Amulet (gift) gen_im_gift_chantam
Dalish Gloves (gift) gen_im_gift_dalish_gloves
Remarkable Diamond gen_im_gift_dia
Lamb Bone gen_im_gift_dogbone
Ox Bone gen_im_gift_dogbone2
Beef Bone gen_im_gift_dogbone3
Large Bone gen_im_gift_dogbone4
Veal Bone gen_im_gift_dogbone5
Dirty Pair of Pantaloons gen_im_gift_dppant
Duncan's Shield (gift) gen_im_gift_duncan_shield
Diamond Earrings gen_im_gift_earring
Gold Earrings gen_im_gift_earring2
Remarkable Emerald gen_im_gift_emr
Garbolg's Backcountry Reserve gen_im_gift_fanbot
Chasind Sack Mead gen_im_gift_fanbot2
Legacy White Shear gen_im_gift_fanbot3
Sun Blonde Vint-1 gen_im_gift_fanbot4
Golden Scythe 4:90 Black gen_im_gift_fanbot5
Fancy Scroll gen_im_gift_fanscrl
Flemeth's Grimoire gen_im_gift_flmgrimoire
Andraste's Grace gen_im_gift_flower_andraste
Remarkable Greenstone gen_im_gift_grn
Headband gen_im_gift_hdband
Bronze Symbol of Andraste gen_im_gift_hlysymb
Silver Sword of Mercy gen_im_gift_hlysymb2
Golden Symbol of Andraste gen_im_gift_hlysymb3
Etched Silver Symbol gen_im_gift_hlysymb4
Steel Symbol of Andraste gen_im_gift_hlysymb5
Locket gen_im_gift_locket
Remarkable Malachite gen_im_gift_mal
Ancient Map of the Imperium gen_im_gift_map
Current Map of Ferelden gen_im_gift_map2
Map of the Anderfels gen_im_gift_map3
Botanist's Map of Thedas gen_im_gift_map4
Map of Occupied Ferelden gen_im_gift_map5
Portrait of a Goosegirl gen_im_gift_mdpnt1
Painting of the Rebel Queen gen_im_gift_mdpnt2
Medium Gold Bar gen_im_gift_mgold
Golden Mirror gen_im_gift_mirror
Medium Silver Bar gen_im_gift_msilver
Gold Amulet gen_im_gift_ncklace
Golden Rope Necklace gen_im_gift_ncklace2
Silver Chain gen_im_gift_ncklace3
Silver Medallion gen_im_gift_ncklace4
Golden Demon Pendant gen_im_gift_ncklace5
Cute Nug gen_im_gift_nugg
Painted Skyball gen_im_gift_paintsky
Alley King's Flagon gen_im_gift_pitcher
Remarkable Ruby gen_im_gift_rby
Shiny Gold Ring gen_im_gift_ring
Small Silver Ring gen_im_gift_ring2
Heavy Gold Ring gen_im_gift_ring3
Black Gemmed Ring gen_im_gift_ring4
Silver Demon Head Ring gen_im_gift_ring5
White Runestone gen_im_gift_runston
Black Runestone gen_im_gift_runston2
Remarkable Sapphire gen_im_gift_sap
Small Gold Bar gen_im_gift_sgold
Blue Satin Shoes gen_im_gift_shoe
Water-Stained Portrait gen_im_gift_smlpnt1
Silver-Framed Still Life gen_im_gift_smlpnt2
Small Silver Bar gen_im_gift_ssilver
Stone Dragon Statuette gen_im_gift_stat
Stone Warrior Statuette gen_im_gift_stat2
Small Carved Statuette gen_im_gift_stat3