Crusader Kings 2 Event IDs

Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2.

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Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs.

Event Name Event ID
Child dies in battle TOG.3131
Setup: Child returns with loot (Child) TOG.3132
Child returns with loot TOG.3133
Setup: Player character dies, ping to new player character (fires from on_death on action) HFP.19101
Player Varangian guard character returns home (fires from event above) TOG.3134
Hidden AI only: Father dies, Son gets Varangian trait TOG.3135
V�lva Appears TOG.3200
Young V�lva Appears TOG.3201
Old V�lva Appears TOG.3202
V�lva Warns About Child (AI Spouse) TOG.3203
V�lva Warns About Child (AI V�lva) TOG.3204
V�lva Warns About Child TOG.3205
Demon Child is Born TOG.3206
Child acts strange I (AI) TOG.3210
Child acts strange I TOG.3211
Child acts strange II (AI) TOG.3212
Child acts strange II TOG.3213
Child acts strange III (AI) TOG.3214
Child acts strange III TOG.3215
Child kills Courtier I (AI Child) TOG.3216
Child kills Courtier I (AI Courtier) TOG.3217
Child kills Courtier I TOG.3218
Child kills Courtier II (AI Child) TOG.3219
Child kills Courtier II (AI Courtier) TOG.3220
Child kills Courtier II TOG.3221
Child kills Courtier III (AI Child) TOG.3222
Child kills Courtier III (AI Courtier) TOG.3223
Child kills Courtier III TOG.3224
V�lva Wants Exorcism (AI Child) TOG.3250
V�lva Wants Exorcism (AI V�lva) TOG.3251
V�lva Wants Exorcism TOG.3252
Exorcism Begins TOG.3253
Exorcism Begins (AI Child) TOG.3254
Exorcism Begins (AI V�lva) TOG.3255
Exorcism Completed - V�lva Dies TOG.3256
Exorcism Completed - Child Dies TOG.3257
Exorcism Completed - Child is Unharmed TOG.3258
Exorcism Completed - Child is Hurt TOG.3259
Child Becomes Adult TOG.3260
+2 Axe TOG.3300
Strange Chest TOG.3301
Key Found TOG.3302
Key Found by Child or relative TOG.3303
Chest Opened, Contains Gold TOG.3306
Chest Opened, Contains Parchments TOG.3307
Chest Opened, Contains Junk TOG.3308
Chest Opened, Contains Seraphim TOG.3309
Viking Trait Gained TGF.3320
Ravager TGF.3321
Sea King TGF.3322
Sea King TGF.3323
Son of the Buffalo Woman TOG.3403
Son of the Buffalo Woman TOG.3400
Peijaiset TOG.3401
Will the real Odin please stand up? TOG.3402
##End contest winner events### TOG.3404
The Saoshyant TOG.6000
Children gains Saoshyant Descendant trait from Saoshyant TOG.6001
The Saoshyant Major TOG.6003
The Priesthood Restored TOG.6004
that should be displayed as events, their descriptions are filled in by the message system 1
desc = "A" 2
(Should be fired for the killer just before the victim dies. Victim is event_target:target_victim.) 10
(Should be fired for the attacker. The victim is event_target:target_victim.) 11
########################################## 20
On-action event: Avoided imprison, declared independence 150
On-action event: Avoided imprison, declared independence 40000
On-action event: Was imprisoned 151
On-action event: Was imprisoned 40001
on_avoided_imprison_fled_country 152
on_avoided_imprison_fled_country 40002
on_released_FROM_prison 153
on_executed 154
on_exiled 155
on_failed_assassination - no harm done 156
on_failed_assassination - involvement remains unknown 40003
on_failed_assassination - wounded 157
on_failed_assassination - wounded 40004
on_failed_assassination - maimed 158
on_failed_assassination - maimed 40005
on_failed_assassination_disc - no harm done 159
on_failed_assassination - divulged my name! 40006
on_failed_assassination_disc - wounded 160
on_failed_assassination_disc - wounded 40007
on_failed_assassination - maimed 161
on_failed_assassination - maimed 40008
on_assassination 162
on_assassination 40009
on_assassination_disc - discovered 163
on_assassination_disc - discovered 40010
Failed assassination attempt on us, reactions possible 40020
Liege deals with inter-realm assassinations.. 40021
Legitimate claim on throne 40022
Legitimate claim on throne 40023
Legitimate claim on throne 40024
Legitimate claim on throne 40025
Legitimate claim on throne 40026
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 200
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 201
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 321
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 320
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 322
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 323
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 324
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 325
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 326
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 327
FROM is the attacked kingdom title 328
On-action event: Royal Marriage Aid Duty 500
On-action event: Zoroastrian Xwedodah marriage 501
On-action event: Messalian close kin marriage 502
Approve or disapprove of de facto Law Change 290
Zeus Version Approve or disapprove of de facto Law Change 675
Approve or disapprove of de jure Law Change 291
Zeus Version Approve or disapprove of de jure Law Change 676
Approve or disapprove of de jure Law Change 292
Inform barons about the rebels 601
FROM = the province 610
FROM = the province 615
FROM is the taker 620
FROM is the Pope/Caliph 621
On-action event: On Death - hidden - clear stuff 650
on_forced_consort 660
on_forced_consort 661
on_forced_consort 662
on_forced_consort 670
Opinion boost to new religious head (if any) and Reformer. 671
################################################### 63103
The liege is notified of the independence 63104
Remove patron deity modifiers for hindu converts 63105
Safety check event for flag clearace - do_not_disturb etc 63106
Realm with designated regent or court physicians inherited by realm that already has a designated regent 532
Realm with designated regent or court physicians inherited by realm that already has a designated regent 533
FROM is the Pope/Caliph 534
Preserve player religion if heir has DLC locked religion 680
On-action event: Avoided title revokation, declared independence 681
On-action event: Avoided vassal retraction, declared independence 682
On-action event: Avoided clan absorb, declared independence 683
On-action event: Avoided clan split, declared independence 684
On-action event: Remove in-hiding trait on imprisonment 685
} 687
} 688
Scripted default elective token setup 689
############################ 86000
Invite a courtier to come. 86001
older liege, berate him to come on hajj. 86010
liege gets event asking him to come. 86011
our liege is coming.. 86012
our liege is NOT coming.. 86013
our liege gives us advice. 86015
adult son wants to go with you. 86020
######################################################################### 86100
Bandits! 86101
Bandits catch us 86102
Seasick on a ship 86105
Christian pirates 86110
Bandits have attacked a fellow on hajj 86150
Saved from bandits by fellow pilgrims 86151
Encountering a rival on the hajj. 86160
We have had an ambush 86161
We hurt 86162
Success! 86163
They got away 86164
Another hajj is attempting to befriend us. 86165
Breaking bread together 86166
Does not want to reconciliate 86167
Lose glutton and drunkard... 86170
Lost in the desert 86180
######################################################################### 86300
Hadith - Greed 86320
Hadith - Protect from laziness, cowardice etc 86330
Hadith - Envy 86340
Hadith - Truth 86350
Hadith - Cowardice 86360
Hadith - Unjust 86380
Hadith - Next world 86390
Hadith - Cynical 86400
Hadith - Wroth 86410
Hidden gateway event 86500
Wudu 86510
Impurity in water 86511
Ihram 86520
Tawaf 86550
Hidden gateway event 86551
Sa'i 86600
Wuquf at Mount Ararat 86610
Ramy al-Jamarat (Stoning the Devil) 86620
Eid al-Adha 86630
Dangerous bandits have cornered us.. 86700
Discover 86701
Encounter a poor village 86720
######################################################################### 86800
##################################################### 86900
Remind on promised hajj 86901
Remind on promised jihad! 86902
hidden clear up event. 86903
Shipwrecked 86810
Shipwrecked: Shared Food 86811
Shipwrecked: Did NOT Share Food 86812
Mutiny 86815
Mutiny: Fights Crew 86816
Mutiny: Sneaks Off Ship 86817
Caravan 86820
Oasis 86825
Oasis: Has Faith 86826
Oasis: Gives In To Despair 86827
Desert Mirage 86830
Camels 86835
Baggage Train 86840
Hashshashin 86845
Hashshashin: Intervenes 86846
Pilgrim Remains 86850
Sandstorm 86855
Stranded Pilgrims 86860
Hashshashins: Ambushed 86865
Hashshashins: Saved 86866
on_became_imprisoned: Cleanup events for hajj in case the character is imprisoned in the middle of the event chain. 86867
Lustful/Chaste - male 1000
Gluttonous/Temperate 1001
Gluttonous/Temperate 1002
Charitable/Greedy 1003
Slothful/Diligent Slothful/Diligent 1004
Kind/Envious - female 1005
Kind/Envious - male 1006
Wroth/Patient 1007
Proud/Humble 1008
Deceitful/Honest 1009
Craven/Brave 1010
Shy/Gregarious 1011
Ambitious/Content 1012
Arbitrary/Just 1013
Cynical/Zealous 1014
Lustful/chaste - female 1015
Paranoid/Trusting 1016
Cruel/Kind 1017
Lustful/chaste - Homosexual female 1018
Lustful/chaste - Homosexual male 1019
Remove Lustful - male 1028
Remove Chaste 1029
Remove Temperate 1030
Remove Gluttonous 1031
Remove Charitable 1032
Remove Greedy 1033
Remove Diligent 1034
Remove Slothful 1035
Remove Kind 1036
Remove Envious 1037
Remove Patient 1038
Remove Wroth 1039
Remove Humble 1040
Remove Proud 1041
Remove Lustful - female 1042
Remove Honest 1043
Remove Deceitful 1044
Remove Brave 1045
Remove Craven 1046
Remove Gregarious 1047
Remove Shy 1048
Remove Content 1049
Remove Ambitious 1050
Remove Just 1051
Remove Arbitrary 1052
Remove Zealous 1053
Remove Cynical 1054
Remove Paranoid 1057
Remove Trusting 1058
## Lustful Muslim ### 1060
## Hafiz - only for Muslims ### 1070
Become Hafiz [Root.GetTitledFirstName] 1071
Owl dies! Decide on funeral 77800
Lunatic event - midnight owl flight 77801
Cat dies! Decide on funeral 77802
Lunatic event - you try to burn cat 77803
Cat events 77850
Spouse/friend/lover doesn't like cat 77851
Ping event new owner 77855
Good new owner 77852
Bad new owner 77853
Ultimatum 77854
Cat ruins things 77856
Let it play 77857
Tell them to go away 77858
Cat removes stressed/depressed 77860
Cat & dog 77861
Outcome of dog & cat "figuring it out" 77862
Confirm decision and check religion SoA.5000
Check catholic pilgrim's location - then send on to destination choice event SoA.5008
Choose destination as Eastern Christian SoA.5011
Catholic - Always go to Jerusalem if already living at one of the other sites SoA.5016
Catholic - Always go to Rome if living in Jerusalem province SoA.5017
Catholic - May decide where to go - Western Europe (Canterbury, Santiago, Cologne) or the ancient sites (Jerusalem, Rome) SoA.5018
Catholic - Where to go - West SoA.5019
Catholic - Where to go - Med - the oldest sites SoA.5020
Setting out for Constantinople (also selects events for road) SoA.5094
Setting out for Axum (also selects events for road) SoA.5095
Setting out for Antioch (also selects events for road) SoA.5096
Setting out for Canterbury (also selects events for road) SoA.5021
Setting out for Jerusalem (also selects events for road) SoA.5022
Setting out for Cologne (also selects events for road) SoA.5023
Setting out for Rome (also selects events for road) SoA.5024
Setting out for Santiago (also selects events for road) SoA.5025
Trouble on road - weather SoA.5026
Trouble on road - lost SoA.5027
Trouble on road - inn on fire SoA.5028
Danger on road - robbers SoA.5029
Danger on road - broken bridge SoA.5030
Philosophical ponderings SoA.5031
Meeting people on travels - good Samaritan SoA.5032
Meeting people on travels - Noah's ark SoA.5033
Meeting people on travels - bread and fish SoA.5034
Learning something about boats SoA.5035
Learning something about bridges SoA.5036
Falls ill from trials on journey SoA.5037
Moral choice - steal or give SoA.5038
Sees a guiding star - religious experience SoA.5039
Holy knights come to meet and escort - feels safe SoA.5045
Comes upon holy knights at camp - talks to them and learns something SoA.5046
Meets holy knight as travel companion - makes friend who is member of a holy order SoA.5047
Makes friend in Knights Templar SoA.5081
Makes friend in Teutonic Order SoA.5082
Makes friend in Knights Hospitaller SoA.5083
Makes friend - Knight of Santiago SoA.5084
Makes friend - Knight of Calatrava SoA.5085
Makes friend - Knight of the Holy Sepulchre SoA.5048
Makes friend - Knight of the Holy Sepulchre SoA.5049
Knight friend bounce event SoA.5086
Pilgrim receives notification about new friend SoA.5087
Arrived at Canterbury SoA.5050
Arrived at Jerusalem SoA.5051
Arrived at Cologne SoA.5052
Arrived at Rome SoA.5053
Arrived at Santiago SoA.5054
Arrived at Constantinople SoA.5097
Arrived at Axum SoA.5098
Arrived at Antioch SoA.5099
Hidden event that selects what interesting things will happen at destination SoA.5055
Stimulated to theological learning SoA.5056
Strong religious experience SoA.5057
Disappointed in the place SoA.5058
Mastermind theologian impresses everyone SoA.5059
Learns things of the big world - cosmopolitan experience SoA.5060
Generally impressed SoA.5061
Lustful character enjoys freedom far from home SoA.5062
Homosexual character enjoys freedom far from home SoA.5063
Monks cure pilgrim of disease - pilgrim attributes it to God's hand SoA.5064
Blessing of health cures disease after having visited the monks SoA.5068
Lunatic/possessed pilgrim decides (s)he is God SoA.5065
Drunkard/hedonist at holy site SoA.5066
Impressed by Islam or Judaism (Jerusalem only) SoA.5067
Self-styled God speaks to the masses - consequences SoA.5080
Event checking result of pilgrimage and sending us on to the respective homecoming event SoA.5090
Good pilgrimage SoA.5091
Disappointing pilgrimage SoA.5092
Abominable pilgrimage - very unusual outcome SoA.5093
The plot has been leaked 7250
Blackmail or not 7255
Blackmail attempt 7260
Blackmail succeded 7265
Blackmail failed 7270
Drunk plot member spills the beans - Non-Murder Plots 7040
Plot revealed by drunken backer 7045
Drunk plot member spills the beans - Murder Plots 7041
Murder plot revealed by drunken backer 7046
Ultimatum - gain a title 8000
Ultimatum - seniority 8005
Ultimatum - primogeniture 8010
Ultimatum - feudal elective 8015
Ultimatum - gavelkind 8020
Ultimatum - crown authority 8025
Ultimatum - tribal organization 8027
Inform faction backer - tribal organization 8029
Inform other vassals - Tribal Organization 8028
Ultimatum - gain a vassal title 8030
Regent is in on the plot - Crown Authority 8026
Regent is in on the plot - Tribal Organization 8031
Ultimatum - Independence 8035
Ultimatum - Install Pretender 8036
Ultimatum - Install Pretender 8037
Demand accepted - gain a title 8050
Demand accepted - seniority 8055
Demand accepted - primogeniture 8060
Demand accepted - Install Claimant 8061
Demand accepted - feudal elective 8065
Demand accepted - gavelkind 8066
Demand accepted - crown authority 8067
Demand accepted - gain a vassal title 8068
Demand accepted - Independence 8069
Inform vassal - gain a title 8070
Demand accepted - tribal organization 8071
Inform faction backer - Seniority 8075
Inform other vassals - Seniority 8076
Inform faction backer - Primogeniture 8080
Inform other vassals - Primogeniture 8081
Inform faction backer - feudal elective 8085
Inform other vassals - feudal elective 8086
Inform faction backer - gavelkind 8090
Inform other vassals - Gavelkind 8091
Inform faction backer - crown authority 8095
Inform other vassals - Crown Authority 8094
Inform vassal - gain a vassal title 8096
Inform faction backer - Independence 8097
Inform other vassals - Independence 8093
Inform faction backer - Claimant Installed 8098
Inform other vassals - Claimant Installed 8099
Demand rejected - gain a title 8100
Demand rejected - seniority 8105
Demand rejected - primogeniture 8110
Demand rejected - Install Claimant 8111
Demand rejected - tribal organization 8114
Demand rejected - feudal elective 8115
Demand rejected - gavelkind 8116
Demand rejected - crown authority 8117
Demand rejected - gain a vassal title 8118
Demand rejected - Independence 8119
Inform vassal - plot is abandoned 8120
The plotter sees an opportunity - Poisoned Wine 8150
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Poisoned Wine 8151
Poisoned Wine - Plot backer requests funds 8152
Poisoned Wine - plot backer receives funds 8153
Poisoned Wine - plot backer does NOT receive funds 8154
Poisoned Wine - the murder attempt 8155
Poisoned Wine - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 8156
Poisoned Wine - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 8157
Poisoned Wine - Lives, murderer discovered 8158
Poisoned Wine - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 8159
Poisoned Wine - Backer informs Plotter of plan 8160
Poisoned Wine - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 8161
Poisoned Wine - Initiator informs other plotter 8162
Poisoned Wine - Notification: Success, but discovered 8163
Poisoned Wine - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 8164
Poisoned Wine - Notification: Failure, and discovered 8165
Poisoned Wine - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 8166
Falling accident - The plotter sees an opportunity 8170
Falling Accident - A plot backer sees an opportunity 8171
Falling Accident - Plot backer requests funds 8172
Falling Accident - plot backer receives funds 8173
Falling Accident - plot backer does NOT receive funds 8174
Falling Accident - the murder attempt 8175
Falling Accident - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 8176
Falling Accident - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 8177
Falling Accident - Lives, murderer discovered 8178
Falling Accident - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 8179
Falling Accident - Backer informs Plotter of plan 8180
Falling Accident - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 8181
Falling Accident - Initiator informs other plotter 8182
Falling Accident - Notification: Success, but discovered 8183
Falling Accident - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 8184
Falling Accident - Notification: Failure, and discovered 8185
Falling Accident - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 8186
Top Liege is approached by Plotter 7500
Plotter informed Top Liege agrees 7501
Plotter informed Top Liege disagrees 7502
Duke receives ultimatum from Top Liege 7504
Duke receives ultimatum from Plotter 7505
Plotter informed ultimatum accepted 7506
Plotter informed ultimatum rejected 7507
Top Liege informed ultimatum accepted 7508
Top Liege informed ultimatum rejected 7509
Plotter informed Top Liege's ultimatum accepted 7510
Plotter informed Top Liege's ultimatum rejected 7511
Duke's vassal informed he will be granted duchy. 7515
Plotter informed he has received the title instead, as there were no vassals to give it to. 7517
Plotter succeeds in fabricating claim 7600
Plotter fails in fabricating claim on liege 7601
Plotter fails in fabricating claim on fellow vassal 7602
The plotter sees an opportunity - Archer Ambush 7700
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Archer Ambush 7701
Archer Ambush - Plot backer requests funds 7702
Archer Ambush - plot backer receives funds 7703
Archer Ambush - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7704
Archer Ambush - the murder attempt 7705
Archer Ambush - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7706
Archer Ambush - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7707
Archer Ambush - Lives, murderer discovered 7708
Archer Ambush - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7709
Archer Ambush - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7710
Archer Ambush - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7711
Archer Ambush - Initiator informs other plotter 7712
Archer Ambush - Notification: Success, but discovered 7713
Archer Ambush - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7714
Archer Ambush - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7715
Archer Ambush - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7716
The plotter sees an opportunity - Manure Explosion 7720
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Manure Explosion 7721
Manure Explosion - Plot backer requests funds 7722
Manure Explosion - plot backer receives funds 7723
Manure Explosion - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7724
Manure Explosion - the murder attempt 7725
Manure Explosion - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7726
Manure Explosion - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7727
Manure Explosion - Lives, murderer discovered 7728
Manure Explosion - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7729
Manure Explosion - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7730
Manure Explosion - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7731
Manure Explosion - Initiator informs other plotter 7732
Manure Explosion - Notification: Success, but discovered 7733
Manure Explosion - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7734
Manure Explosion - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7735
Manure Explosion - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7736
The plotter sees an opportunity - Infanticide 7740
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Infanticide 7741
Infanticide - Plot backer requests funds 7742
Infanticide - plot backer receives funds 7743
Infanticide - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7744
Infanticide - the murder attempt 7745
Infanticide - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7746
Infanticide - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7747
Infanticide - Lives, murderer discovered 7748
Infanticide - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7749
Infanticide - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7750
Infanticide - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7751
Infanticide - Initiator informs other plotter 7752
Infanticide - Notification: Success, but discovered 7753
Infanticide - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7754
Infanticide - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7755
Infanticide - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7756
The plotter sees an opportunity - Prison Break 7760
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Prison Break 7761
Prison Break - Plot backer requests funds 7762
Prison Break - plot backer receives funds 7763
Prison Break - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7764
Prison Break - the murder attempt 7765
Prison Break - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7766
Prison Break - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7767
Prison Break - Lives, murderer discovered 7768
Prison Break - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7769
Prison Break - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7770
Prison Break - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7771
Prison Break - Initiator informs other plotter 7772
Prison Break - Notification: Success, but discovered 7773
Prison Break - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7774
Prison Break - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7775
Prison Break - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7776
The plotter sees an opportunity - Bathtub Drowning 7780
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Bathtub Drowning 7781
Bathtub Drowning - Plot backer requests funds 7782
Bathtub Drowning - plot backer receives funds 7783
Bathtub Drowning - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7784
Bathtub Drowning - the murder attempt 7785
Bathtub Drowning - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7786
Bathtub Drowning - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7787
Bathtub Drowning - Lives, murderer discovered 7788
Bathtub Drowning - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7789
Bathtub Drowning - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7790
Bathtub Drowning - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7791
Bathtub Drowning - Initiator informs other plotter 7792
Bathtub Drowning - Notification: Success, but discovered 7793
Bathtub Drowning - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7794
Bathtub Drowning - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7795
Bathtub Drowning - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7796
The plotter sees an opportunity - Boating Accident 7800
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Boating Accident 7801
Boating Accident - Plot backer requests funds 7802
Boating Accident - plot backer receives funds 7803
Boating Accident - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7804
Boating Accident - the murder attempt 7805
Boating Accident - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7806
Boating Accident - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7807
Boating Accident - Lives, murderer discovered 7808
Boating Accident - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7809
Boating Accident - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7810
Boating Accident - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7811
Boating Accident - Initiator informs other plotter 7812
Boating Accident - Notification: Success, but discovered 7813
Boating Accident - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7814
Boating Accident - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7815
Boating Accident - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7816
The plotter sees an opportunity - Poisonous Snake 7820
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Poisonous Snake 7821
Poisonous Snake - Plot backer requests funds 7822
Poisonous Snake - plot backer receives funds 7823
Poisonous Snake - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7824
Poisonous Snake - the murder attempt 7825
Poisonous Snake - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7826
Poisonous Snake - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7827
Poisonous Snake - Lives, murderer discovered 7828
Poisonous Snake - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7829
Poisonous Snake - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7830
Poisonous Snake - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7831
Poisonous Snake - Initiator informs other plotter 7832
Poisonous Snake - Notification: Success, but discovered 7833
Poisonous Snake - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7834
Poisonous Snake - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7835
Poisonous Snake - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7836
The plotter sees an opportunity - Balcony Plummet 7840
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Balcony Plummet 7841
Balcony Plummet - Plot backer requests funds 7842
Balcony Plummet - plot backer receives funds 7843
Balcony Plummet - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7844
Balcony Plummet - the murder attempt 7845
Balcony Plummet - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7846
Balcony Plummet - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7847
Balcony Plummet - Lives, murderer discovered 7848
Balcony Plummet - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7849
Balcony Plummet - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7850
Balcony Plummet - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7851
Balcony Plummet - Initiator informs other plotter 7852
Balcony Plummet - Notification: Success, but discovered 7853
Balcony Plummet - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7854
Balcony Plummet - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7855
Balcony Plummet - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7856
The plotter sees an opportunity - Hunting Accident 7860
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Hunting Accident 7861
Hunting Accident - Plot backer requests funds 7862
Hunting Accident - plot backer receives funds 7863
Hunting Accident - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7864
Hunting Accident - the murder attempt 7865
Hunting Accident - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7866
Hunting Accident - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7867
Hunting Accident - Lives, murderer discovered 7868
Hunting Accident - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7869
Hunting Accident - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7870
Hunting Accident - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7871
Hunting Accident - Initiator informs other plotter 7872
Hunting Accident - Notification: Success, but discovered 7873
Hunting Accident - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7874
Hunting Accident - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7875
Hunting Accident - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7876
The plotter sees an opportunity - Disguised Highwaymen 7880
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Disguised Highwaymen 7881
Disguised Highwaymen - Plot backer requests funds 7882
Disguised Highwaymen - plot backer receives funds 7883
Disguised Highwaymen - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7884
Disguised Highwaymen - the murder attempt 7885
Disguised Highwaymen - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7886
Disguised Highwaymen - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7887
Disguised Highwaymen - Lives, murderer discovered 7888
Disguised Highwaymen - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7889
Disguised Highwaymen - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7890
Disguised Highwaymen - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7891
Disguised Highwaymen - Initiator informs other plotter 7892
Disguised Highwaymen - Notification: Success, but discovered 7893
Disguised Highwaymen - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7894
Disguised Highwaymen - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7895
Disguised Highwaymen - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7896
The plotter sees an opportunity - Carriage Accident 7900
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Carriage Accident 7901
Carriage Accident - Plot backer requests funds 7902
Carriage Accident - plot backer receives funds 7903
Carriage Accident - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7904
Carriage Accident - the murder attempt 7905
Carriage Accident - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7906
Carriage Accident - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7907
Carriage Accident - Lives, murderer discovered 7908
Carriage Accident - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7909
Carriage Accident - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7910
Carriage Accident - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7911
Carriage Accident - Initiator informs other plotter 7912
Carriage Accident - Notification: Success, but discovered 7913
Carriage Accident - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7914
Carriage Accident - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7915
Carriage Accident - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7916
The plotter sees an opportunity - Decadent Debauchery 7950
A plot backer sees an opportunity - Decadent Debauchery 7951
Decadent Debauchery - Plot backer requests funds 7952
Decadent Debauchery - plot backer receives funds 7953
Decadent Debauchery - plot backer does NOT receive funds 7954
Decadent Debauchery - the murder attempt 7955
Decadent Debauchery - Dies, murderer(s) discovered 7956
Decadent Debauchery - Dies, murderer NOT discovered 7957
Decadent Debauchery - Lives, murderer discovered 7958
Decadent Debauchery - Lives, murderer NOT discovered 7959
Decadent Debauchery - Backer informs Plotter of plan 7960
Decadent Debauchery - Plotter tells backer to go ahead 7961
Decadent Debauchery - Initiator informs other plotter 7962
Decadent Debauchery - Notification: Success, but discovered 7963
Decadent Debauchery - Notification: Success, and NOT discovered 7964
Decadent Debauchery - Notification: Failure, and discovered 7965
Decadent Debauchery - Notification: Failure, but NOT discovered 7966
Ultimatum - antiking 8200
Inform faction backer - antiking 8201
Inform other vassals - antiking 8202
Demand accepted - antiking 8203
Demand rejected - antiking 8204
Ultimatum - overthrow 8210
Inform faction backer - overthrow 8211
Inform other vassals - overthrow 8212
Demand accepted - overthrow 8213
Demand rejected - overthrow 8214
Ultimatum - increase council power 8215
Inform faction backer - increase council power 8216
Inform other vassals - increase council power 8217
Demand accepted - increase council power 8218
Demand rejected - increase council power 8219
Ultimatum - powerful vassal takeover 8220
Inform faction backer - Powerful Vassal Takeover 8221
Inform other vassals - Powerful Vassal Takeover 8222
Demand accepted - Powerful Vassal Takeover 8223
Demand rejected - Powerful Vassal Takeover 8224
Winning war notification - Powerful Vassal Takeover 8225
Winning war notification - New title holder 8226
## Wives fall in love with each other 89000
Husband finds out 89001
Husband finds out they've fled! 89002
The wives drive their carriage over a cliff 89003
Secondary Wife thinks she should be First Wife 89005
First Wife is murdered by Second Wife 89006
First Wife is informed of failed murder attempt 89007
Husband is informed of failed murder attempt 89008
First Wife told to fight her own battles. 89009
Second Wife tries to manipulate Husband 89010
Former First Wife schemes against new First Wife 89011
Former First Wife murders new First Wife 89012
## First Wife thinks her son should get a county if he is not heir 89015
Son informed 89016
Husband informed 89017
Son informed he is not getting county 89018
## Secondary Wife plots to kill heir 89020
Heir is informed of failed attempt 89021
Husband is informed of failed attempt 89022
Heir is killed 89023
Husband informed heir is killed, killer is unknown 89024
Husband informed heir is killed, killer is known 89025
## Evil wife plots to kill sons that aren't hers 89030
Son is informed of failed attempt 89031
Husband is informed of failed attempt 89032
Son is killed 89033
Husband informed son is killed, killer is unknown 89034
Husband informed son is killed, killer is known 89035
The Pope singles out a Kingdom with Free Investiture (unless he has already targetted one) 67000
King/Emperor gets the papal emissary asking them to change laws! 67001
king accepts 67002
king refuses us 67003
king bribes us" 67004
king outwits us. 67005
The Pope sends a delegate to a Bishop whose top liege has refused to change investiture Law 67010
The Bishop receives the Papal emissary 67011
King knows of bishop getting bribed 67012
The Pope contacts a powerful (preferably rebellious) vassal of a liege who has refused to change investiture Law 67020
- The vassal receives the claim 67021
- The vassal receives the claim 67022
The Clergy demands a stop to commerce in all church squares 77000
Burghers demands that city laws is set higher than canonical law 77001
The Nobility demands Prima Noctae rights 77002
The Burgers demands that peasants be forbidden to sell goods within the city walls 77003
The Nobles demands hunting rights on church lands 77004
The Clergy demands right to collect extra tithe on free peasants 77005
Sell titles to rich merchants 77006
Rights to spoils from shipwrecks 77007
The Fast Begins 88500
Release prisoners 88501
Charity for the People 88502
Prayers 88503
Ill due to Fast 88504
Infirm due to Fast 88505
Gain Temperate 88506
Gain Charitable 88507
War interrupts Fast 88508
Illness interrupts Fast 88509
Hold Feast 88510
Vassal Invited 88511
Vassal Refuses Invitation 88512
Host is told about Feast 88513
Vassal is told about Feast 88514
Gift for Wife 88515
Gift for Wives 88516
Gluttonous Sin 88517
Lustful/Hedonist Sin 88518
Drunkard Sin 88519
Greedy Sin 88520
Cynical Sin 88521
Ramadan Ends 88522
Rebels Destroy Random Building for Count 80000
Rebels Destroy Random Building for Baron 80001
Rebels Kill Random Province Lord - Duke or above 80005
Rebels Kill Random Province Lord - Count 80010
Rebels Kill Random Province Lord - Baron 80015
Rebels Kill Random Province Character 80020
Character killed 80050
Character maimed 80051
Character wounded 80052
Isolated province 80062
Province defects to new ruler 80058
Liege notified 80057
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" HL.2000
set_defacto_vassal = PREVPREVPREV HL.2001
Minor Clan rebels seize a holding. Fired from 'on_siege_over_winner'. HL.2005
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" HL.2010
war_title = ROOT # The county HL.2011
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1000
set_defacto_vassal = PREVPREVPREV TOG.1001
Peasants seize a holding. Fired from 'on_siege_over_winner'. TOG.1005
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1010
There is already an ongoing peasant revolt for this province TOG.1011
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1020
DoW on the province top liege TOG.1021
Heretics seize a holding. Fired from 'on_siege_over_winner'. TOG.1025
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1030
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1031
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1040
DoW on the province top liege TOG.1041
Nationalists seize a holding. Fired from 'on_siege_over_winner'. TOG.1045
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1050
There is already an ongoing nationalist revolt for the same kingdom TOG.1051
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1060
DoW on the province top liege TOG.1061
Religious Rebels seize a holding. Fired from 'on_siege_over_winner'. Owner of the winning unit is ROOT. The taken Holding title is in FROM. TOG.1065
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1070
Triggered from "on_rebel_revolt" TOG.1071
Siege winner unit owner in the 'new_character' scope, lost holding title in FROM, local character in ROOT. TOG.1190
Lieges informed TOG.1191
Regent embezzles money 61000
Got away with it! 61001
Got away with it! 61002
Got away with it! 61003
Got away with it! 61004
Regency: Regent steals holding. 61100
Regency: Ruler informed of holding loss. 61101
Regency: Regent gives Ruler's money to charity. 61105
Regency: Ruler is informed of Regent giving money to charity. 61106
Regency: Regent is a better administrator than you ever were. 61110
Regency: Regent humiliates Ruler. 61120
Regency: Ruler is humiliated by Regent. 61121
Regency: Vassal upset at treatment of Ruler. 61122
Regency: Ruler approached by vassal. 61123
Regency: Vassal gets approval, makes move. 61124
Regency: Vassal defeats Regent, becomes new Regent. 61125
Regency: Vassal defeats Regent, Regent loses title, goes to next in Regent succession. 61126
Regency: Vassal fails, is jailed. 61127
Regency: Regent successful in keeping title. 61128
Regency: Regent is jailed. 61129
Regency: Ruler informed of failure to replace Regent. 61130
Regency: Ruler informed of success in replacing Regent. 61131
Regency: Ruler, if child, kills Regent. 61135
Regency: Regent attempts to declare ruler insane when he's not. 61140
Regency: Regent attempts to declare ruler insane. 61141
Regency: The insane ruler is imprisoned. 61142
Regency: The non-insane ruler is imprisoned. 61145
Regency: Regent informed attempt to have ruler declared insane fails. 61146
Regency: Ruler informed attempt to have ruler declared insane fails. 61150
Regency: Ruler informed he has been declared insane. 61151
Regency: Regent replaced, Ruler is set free. 61152
Regency: Regent has opportunity to steal throne. 61155
Regency: Regent informed he has stolen throne. 61156
Regency: Regent informed he failed to steal throne. 61157
Regency: Ruler informed Regent failed to steal throne. 61160
Regency: Ruler informed Regent stole throne. 61161
Regency: Ruler escapes from tower. 61165
Regency: Ruler escorted back to tower. 61166
Regency: Regent informed Ruler is reinstated after escaping. 61170
# Regent sends Ruler to scrub roof. 61190
# Ruler is sent to scrub roof. 61191
# Ruler scrubs roof successfully. 61192
# Regent sends Ruler into forest. 61195
# Ruler is sent to forest. 61196
# Ruler returns from forest. 61197
# Regent sends Ruler away by carriage. 61200
# Ruler is sent away on the carriage. 61201
# Ruler survives the carriage ride. 61202
# Regent pushes guard on Ruler. 61205
# Ruler has guard pushed on him. 61206
# Ruler survives guard. 61207
# Regent storms Ruler's room with dagger. 61210
# Ruler is attacked by Regent. 61211
# Ruler survives. 61212
# Regent is imprisoned. 61213
# Courtier thinks he/she would do a better job than current Regent. 61215
# Regent is informed that Courtier is trying to plead case at court. 61216
# Courtier informed he/she won the case and is now new regent. 61217
# Courtier informed he/she lost the case at court. 61218
# Regent informed he/she won the case and remains regent. 61219
# Regent informed he/she lost the case and has been replaced. 61220
# Regent informed courtier has challenged him to duel over regency. 61221
# Courtier informed Regent challenges to duel. 61222
# Courtier informed Regent accepts duel, they fight! 61223
# Regent informed courtier accepts duel, they fight! 61224
# Regent informed he wins. 61225
# Regent informed he wins, courtier maimed. 61226
# Regent loses, is maimed. 61227
# Courtier informed he wins. 61228
# Courtier informed he wins, regent maimed. 61229
# Courtier loses, is maimed. 61230
# Opponent doesn't show up for duel. 61231
# Is killed in duel. 61232
# Ruler informed about the new Regent after duel. 61235
# Ruler informed about the new Regent after intrigue. 61236
# Courtier informed Regent refuses challenge. 61245
# Courtier informed Regent voluntarily abdicates title. 61246
# Queen takes over regency. 61237
# Queen Mother takes over regency. 61238
# Ruler informed that Queen takes over regency. 61239
# Ruler informed that Queen Mother is taking over regency. 61240
# The Regent Lowers Crown Authority in a Kingdom 61300
# Ruler informed that Regent has Lowered CA in a Kingdom 61301
# The Regent Lowers Crown Authority in an Empire 61302
# Ruler informed that Regent has Lowered CA in an Empire 61303
Heresy appears out of "nowhere" 39000
News spread in realm 39400
Pope disappointed about allowing heresy 39401
Message from the Pope 39402
Pope urges to root out heresy in province 39403
Message from the Pope 39404
Pope learns that a catholic ruler has a heretic advisor 39410
Letter from the pope 39441
Vassal disappointed in liege having heretic advisor 39445
Vassal lets the liege know about his disappointment 39446
Heresy spreads to a neighboring province 39001
Character picks up the provincial heresy 39010
Heretic character attempts to spread the faith 39020
A heretic character approaches me 39021
The heretic succeeded 39022
The heretic is asked to abandon the heresy 39023
Guards come to arrest the heretic 39024
One character failed to convert the other 39025
The heretic accepts reconversion 39026
Formation of the Knights of St John 39100
Formation of the Knights Templar 39101
Formation of the Teutonic Order 39102
The Pope gives money to someone fighting the Infidel 39200
The Pope gives money to someone fighting the Infidel 39201