Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2.
Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs.
Event Name | Event ID | |
Guru is found | RoI.3001 | |
Guru bounce event | RoI.3002 | |
Notify player that guru has been found | RoI.3003 | |
Drunkard | RoI.3100 | |
Hedonist | RoI.3101 | |
Impaler | RoI.3102 | |
Lustful | RoI.3103 | |
Gluttonous | RoI.3104 | |
Greedy | RoI.3105 | |
Envious | RoI.3106 | |
Wroth | RoI.3107 | |
Proud | RoI.3108 | |
Arbitrary | RoI.3109 | |
Cynical | RoI.3110 | |
Cruel | RoI.3111 | |
Duelist | RoI.3112 | |
Hunter | RoI.3113 | |
Paranoid | RoI.3114 | |
False guru? | RoI.3150 | |
Guru is obviously false - confront him? | RoI.3151 | |
Confront false guru, decide what to do | RoI.3152 | |
########################################## | RoI.3200 | |
Guru bounce event | RoI.3201 | |
Guru bounce event | RoI.3202 | |
########################################## | RoI.3300 | |
Guru bounce event | RoI.3301 | |
Guru criticizes | RoI.3302 | |
########################################## | RoI.3400 | |
Guru bounce event | RoI.3401 | |
Meditation helps | RoI.3402 | |
Invite vassals to hunt | RoI.2000 | |
Vassal receives invitation to hunt | RoI.2001 | |
Vassal refuses to come to the hunt | RoI.2003 | |
Vassal arrives to hunt | RoI.2019 | |
Hunt begins | RoI.2020 | |
Hunt ends | RoI.2500 | |
Got tiger | RoI.2501 | |
Didn't get tiger | RoI.2502 | |
Clear all character flags and modifiers | RoI.2999 | |
Gets drunk and makes a friend | RoI.2100 | |
New friend | RoI.2101 | |
Gets drunk and makes an enemy | RoI.2102 | |
New enemy | RoI.2103 | |
Plays cards | RoI.2104 | |
Loses at cards | RoI.2105 | |
Breaks even at cards | RoI.2106 | |
Wins at cards | RoI.2107 | |
Tiger surprises hunters | RoI.2110 | |
Tiger surprises hunters - tiger is killed by soldiers | RoI.2111 | |
Tiger surprises hunters - tiger kills servant | RoI.2112 | |
Tiger surprises hunters - tiger kills AI character | RoI.2113 | |
Party finds tiger | RoI.2120 | |
Kills tiger | RoI.2121 | |
Fails to kill tiger | RoI.2122 | |
Is wounded trying to kill tiger | RoI.2123 | |
Soldiers kill tiger | RoI.2124 | |
Soldiers fail to kill tiger | RoI.2125 | |
Choose patron deity 1 | RoI.100 | |
Choose patron deity 2 | RoI.101 | |
Converted to Hinduism - choose branch | RoI.110 | |
Converted to Buddhism - choose branch | RoI.111 | |
Converted to Jainism - choose branch | RoI.112 | |
Converted within Hinduism - choose branch | RoI.115 | |
Converted within Buddhism - choose branch | RoI.116 | |
Converted within Jainism - choose branch | RoI.117 | |
After diplomacy action conversion | RoI.120 | |
After conversion, set religious branch randomly | RoI.30120 | |
After conversion, set religious branch to liege's branch | RoI.30121 | |
After conversion, set religious branch to FROM's branch | RoI.30122 | |
[on_birth] Child might be a reincarnation | RoI.10000 | |
Reincarnation: Player notices the similarities | RoI.10001 | |
Reincarnation: Toddler thinks of the past life | RoI.10002 | |
Reincarnation: Toddler speaks of the past life | RoI.10003 | |
[on_yearly_childhood_pulse] Reincarnation: Youth picks up a personality trait from the previous life | RoI.10010 | |
Reincarnation: Notification of a youth picking up a personality trait from the previous life | RoI.10011 | |
[on_yearly_pulse] Reincarnation: Reincarnated player remembers his murderer | RoI.10020 | |
[on_yearly_pulse] Reincarnation: Reincarnated player remembers spouse | RoI.10021 | |
[on_yearly_pulse] Reincarnation: Reincarnated player remembers child | RoI.10022 | |
Hindu ascetic comes to visit | RoI.203 | |
Tell me more, Hindu ascetic | RoI.204 | |
Buddhist ascetic comes to visit | RoI.206 | |
Tell me more, Buddhist ascetic | RoI.207 | |
Jain ascetic comes to visit | RoI.209 | |
Tell me more, Jain ascetic | RoI.210 | |
Diamond is found | RoI.215 | |
Diamond sparkles in crown | RoI.216 | |
Thief tries to steal crown | RoI.217 | |
Diamonds sparkles and frightens elephant | RoI.218 | |
Courtier tries to murder owner of diamond | RoI.219 | |
Owner subjected to murder attempt | RoI.220 | |
Diamond is lovely in your treasury | RoI.221 | |
Spending too much time in the treasury with the Precious... becoming troglodytic and weird | RoI.222 | |
Diamond is stolen from your treasury | RoI.223 | |
Worries about diamond | RoI.224 | |
Spouse | RoI.225 | |
Spouse is happy about magnificent diamond | RoI.226 | |
Spouse | RoI.227 | |
Spouse is robbed of diamond | RoI.228 | |
Spouse | RoI.229 | |
Diamond drives spouse insane | RoI.230 | |
Spouse | RoI.231 | |
Spouse killed by robbers but diamond retained | RoI.232 | |
Diamond may be cursed. What to do with it? | RoI.240 | |
Sold diamond but regrets it | RoI.241 | |
Sends riders after buyers | RoI.242 | |
Threw diamond in river but regrets it | RoI.243 | |
Searches but cannot find diamond | RoI.244 | |
Keeps diamond | RoI.245 | |
Blamed character | RoI.246 | |
Verdict - guilty or innocent? | RoI.247 | |
On Death - clearing the treasury | RoI.248 | |
Heir finds out famous diamond has disappeared | RoI.249 | |
########################################## | RoI.20147 | |
########################################## | RoI.20148 | |
Thug problem appears | RoI.147 | |
Agents disappear | RoI.148 | |
Terror in the countryside but the peasants are not to blame | RoI.149 | |
Send out armed parties? | RoI.150 | |
Thug assassin arrives | RoI.151 | |
Courtier that will save us from thug assassin | RoI.20152 | |
Thug assassin strikes | RoI.152 | |
Hold council after assassination attempt - what to do? | RoI.153 | |
Riders haven't found thugs - what to do? | RoI.155 | |
Riders haven't found thugs - what to do? | RoI.20156 | |
Thugs have left, not our problem anymore | RoI.156 | |
Peasants need elephants for clearing forest | RoI.157 | |
Crazed elephant runs amuck | RoI.158 | |
Crazed elephant is killed by soldiers in a messy way | RoI.159 | |
Crazed elephant is killed by soldiers in a discrete way | RoI.160 | |
Crazed elephant kills people, then escapes | RoI.161 | |
Crazed elephant is captured | RoI.162 | |
Temple elephants are dying | RoI.163 | |
Determine who gives player the white elephant | RoI.20164 | |
Giver of white elephant | RoI.20165 | |
White elephant is offered as a gift | RoI.164 | |
White elephant needs a suitable stable | RoI.165 | |
Weird local Ganesha cult steals white elephant's droppings | RoI.166 | |
Elephant is bored and trashes stable | RoI.167 | |
Elephant escapes and tries to mate with other elephants | RoI.168 | |
Killing the white elephant | RoI.169 | |
Poisons elephant and gets away with it | RoI.170 | |
Poisons elephant but is found out | RoI.171 | |
Starves elephant to death and gets away with it | RoI.172 | |
Starves elephant to death but is found out | RoI.173 | |
Pushes elephant over cliff and gets away with it | RoI.174 | |
Pushes elephant over cliff but is found out | RoI.175 | |
Elephant is killed with lances and dies, no attempt at subterfuge | RoI.176 | |
Elephant is alive and has calmed down now. Happy ending. | RoI.177 | |
Hears of levitating yogi | RoI.193 | |
Arrives and sees yogi | RoI.194 | |
Leaves, pondering yogis | RoI.195 | |
Pokes yogi | RoI.196 | |
Pokes yogi AGAIN | RoI.197 | |
Shoves yogi | RoI.198 | |
The Polos arrive | RoI.500 | |
Help the Polos? | RoI.501 | |
Helped the Polos | RoI.502 | |
Didn't help the Polos | RoI.503 | |
The Polos return | RoI.504 | |
Greek troops not wanting to cross the Indus | RoI.146 | |
Kung fu monks | RoI.180 | |
U-boat up the Indus | RoI.190 | |
U-boat sails | RoI.191 | |
Tolerant character making Indian friend | RoI.400 | |
Visit Nalanda University? | RoI.401 | |
Visiting Nalanda University | RoI.402 | |
Visit the Ganges? | RoI.403 | |
Visiting Ganges | RoI.404 | |
Local Hindu temple asks for donations | RoI.410 | |
Buddhist or Jain monks ask for donations | RoI.411 | |
Non-Indian merchants upset about naked Jain ascetics | RoI.412 | |
Temple corruption | RoI.3500 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3501 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3505 | |
Temple corruption removed - Indian | RoI.3506 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3507 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3509 | |
Local death cult | RoI.3510 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3511 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3515 | |
Local death cult removed - Indian | RoI.3516 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3517 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3519 | |
Religious tensions | RoI.3530 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3531 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3535 | |
Province converts to other religion! | RoI.3520 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3521 | |
Province bounce event | RoI.3525 | |
Temple corruption removed - non-Indian | RoI.3550 | |
Local death cult removed - non-Indian | RoI.3551 | |
Provincia Syria Palaestina | LoR.1 | |
Provincia Aegyptus | LoR.2 | |
Provincia Cyrenaica | LoR.3 | |
Provincia Africa | LoR.4 | |
Provincia Illyricum | LoR.5 | |
Provincia Italia | LoR.6 | |
Provincia Gallia | LoR.7 | |
Provincia Germania | LoR.8 | |
Provincia Britannia | LoR.9 | |
Provincia Hispania | LoR.10 | |
Provincia Mauretania | LoR.11 | |
Provincia Mesopotamia | LoR.12 | |
Provincia Caledonia | LoR.13 | |
Provincia Hibernia | LoR.14 | |
The Restoration of Rome | LoR.20 | |
Informed about Restoration of Rome | LoR.21 | |
Triumph Expected | LoR.30 | |
Triumph Held | LoR.31 | |
Triumph Held Vassals | LoR.32 | |
Roman Borders | LoR.40 | |
Augustus Trait Gained | LoR.45 | |
Augustus Trait Lost | LoR.46 | |
On_death Augustus Trait inheritance | LoR.47 | |
On_title_usurped Augustus Trait inheritance | LoR.48 | LoR.48 |
Suspected Sodomite: Any Courtier | 69000 | |
Suspected Sodomite: Target is confronted | 69001 | |
Suspected Sodomite: Target is blackmailed | 69002 | |
Suspected Sodomite: Ruler | 69003 | |
Suspected Sodomite: Ruler confront Target | 69004 | |
People think I am homosexual! Brothel | 69005 | |
People think I am homosexual! A Churchman denounces you | 69006 | |
People think I am homosexual! Self-doubts | 69007 | |
People think I am homosexual! An Imam denounces you | 69008 | |
Suspected of Incest: Any courtier | 69010 | |
Suspected of Incest: Target is confronted | 69011 | |
Suspected of Incest: Target is blackmailed | 69012 | |
Suspected of Incest: Affair with female courtier | 69013 | |
Suspected of Incest: Start | 69014 | |
Suspect of Incest: Confessor takes you aside | 69015 | |
Suspect of Incest: Child notices you and sister alone in a tower | 69016 | |
Suspect of Incest: Child talks | 69017 | |
Impotence: Any Courtier | 69020 | |
Impotence: Target is confronted | 69021 | |
Impotence: Target is blackmailed | 69022 | |
Impotence: Ruler | 69023 | |
People laugh behind your back | 69024 | |
Adultery: Any Courtier | 69030 | |
Adultery: Target is confronted | 69031 | |
Adultery: tell spouse or no? | 69032 | |
Adultery: Spouse is told | 69033 | |
Adultery: Spouse mad as hell | 69034 | |
Adultery: Spouse forgives | 69035 | |
Adultery: Target is blackmailed | 69036 | |
Adultery: Ruler | 69037 | |
Adultery: Spouse speaks badly about you to the children | 69038 | |
Spouse confronts lover | 69039 | |
Occultism: Any Courtier | 69040 | |
Occultism: Target is confronted | 69041 | |
Occultism: Target is blackmailed | 69042 | |
Occultism: Ruler | 69043 | |
A child is missing, you are suspect | 69044 | |
Whisper in the dark | 69045 | |
Confessor talks to suspected occultist | 69046 | |
Dabble in the dark arts | 69047 | |
Incompetence at work: Chancellor | 69050 | |
Chancellor | 69051 | |
Incompetence at work: Marshal | 69052 | |
Marshal | 69053 | |
Incompetence at work: Steward | 69054 | |
Steward | 69055 | |
Incompetence at work: Spymaster | 69056 | |
Spymaster | 69057 | |
Incompetence at work: Lord Spiritual | 69058 | |
Lord Spiritual | 69059 | |
## Lack of Piety: Any Courtier ### | 69060 | |
Lack of Piety: Target is confronted | 69061 | |
Lack of Piety: Target is blackmailed | 69062 | |
Lack of Piety: Ruler | 69063 | |
Dad/Mom, why will you burn in hell? | 69064 | |
## Legate from the pope ### | 69065 | |
## Scolded by the Caliph ### | 69066 | |
Cowardliness: Any Courtier | 69070 | |
Cowardliness: Target is confronted | 69071 | |
Cowardliness: Target is blackmailed | 69072 | |
Cowardliness: Ruler | 69073 | |
You seem to be taking uneccesary risks when practising with the sword | 69074 | |
Women laugh behind your back | 69075 | |
We have proven our bravery! | 69076 | |
Suspected Sodomite Notification | 69080 | |
Suspected Incest Notification | 69081 | |
Suspected Impotence Notification | 69082 | |
Suspected Adultery Notification | 69083 | |
Suspected Occultist Notification | 69084 | |
Incompetence: Chancellor Notification | 69085 | |
Incompetence: Marshal Notification | 69086 | |
Incompetence: Steward Notification | 69087 | |
Incompetence: Spymaster Notification | 69088 | |
Incompetence: Lord Spiritual Notification | 69089 | |
Lack of Piety Notification | 69090 | |
Coward Notification | 69091 | |
## Incompetence at work: Chief Mufti - Muslim ### | 69095 | |
Chief Mufti | 69096 | |
## Lack of Piety: Any Courtier - Muslim ### | 69100 | |
Lack of Piety: Target is confronted | 69101 | |
Lack of Piety: Target is blackmailed | 69102 | |
Patriarchate of Antioch | LoR.200 | |
Patriarchate of Jerusalem | LoR.201 | |
Patriarchate of Alexandria | LoR.202 | |
Patriarchate of Rome | LoR.203 | |
The Schism Mended | LoR.210 | |
Convert or Not? | LoR.211 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62000 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62030 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62001 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62031 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62003 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62033 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62004 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62034 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62005 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62035 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62006 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62036 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62007 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62037 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62008 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62038 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62009 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62039 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62010 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62040 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62011 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62041 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62012 | |
Siege Events: 62000 - 62299 | 62042 | |
Miracle | 62013 | |
Miracle | 62043 | |
Assault | 62014 | |
Assault | 62044 | |
Ill, pneumonic, leper or syphilitic | 62015 | |
Ill, pneumonic, leper or syphilitic | 62045 | |
Ill, pneumonic, leper or syphilitic | 62046 | |
Siege winner unit owner in the 'new_character' scope, lost holding title in FROM, local character in ROOT. | 62100 | |
Jailor informed | 62101 | |
Heresy Appears in Province | SoA.4000 | |
Character converts to local religion | SoA.4020 | |
SoA.4021 - Liege response | SoA.4021 | |
SoA.4022 - Reconversion demanded | SoA.4022 | |
SoA.4023 - Liege notified, conversion accepted | SoA.4023 | |
SoA.4024 - Liege notified, conversion refused | SoA.4024 | |
SoA.4025 - Reconversion debate | SoA.4025 | |
SoA.4026 - Acceptance notification | SoA.4026 | |
SoA.4030 - Courtier with minority religion attempts to convert another character at court | SoA.4030 | |
SoA.4031 - Character is approached about conversion | SoA.4031 | |
SoA.4032 - Liege learns of conversion attempt | SoA.4032 | |
Immediate: SoA 4101 (head) | SoA.4100 | |
- D: Do nothing | SoA.4101 | |
SoA.4110 - Inquisition arrives in province. | SoA.4110 | |
SoA.4111 - Inquisition fails! Fire SoA.4112 to the head of religion. | SoA.4111 | |
SoA.4112 - Notification: Inquisition fails! Loss of authority. | SoA.4112 | |
SoA.4113 - Inquisition succeeds. Fire SoA.4114 to the head of religion. | SoA.4113 | |
SoA.4114 - Notification: Inquisition succeeds! | SoA.4114 | |
SoA.4120 - Legate berates ruler about heretic province | SoA.4120 | |
SoA.4121 - The heresy is eradicated in the county. On-action. | SoA.4121 | |
SoA.4122 - The heresy has been eradicated in the county. | SoA.4122 | |
SoA.4123 - Reward the ruler with money | SoA.4123 | |
SoA.4124 - Reward the ruler with piety | SoA.4124 | |
SoA.4125 - Excommunication is lifted | SoA.4125 | |
SoA.4130 - Theologians arrive in the province. | SoA.4130 | |
SoA.4131 - Dialogue fails! Fire SoA.4132 to the head of religion. | SoA.4131 | |
SoA.4132 - Notification: Dialogue fails! Loss of authority. | SoA.4132 | |
SoA.4133 - Dialogue succeeds. Fire SoA.4134 to the head of religion. | SoA.4133 | |
SoA.4134 - Notification: Dialogue succeeds! | SoA.4134 | |
SoA.4200 - A heresy has become the new orthodoxy. On-action. There are temporary characters in FROM and FROMFROM with the correct religions set. | SoA.4200 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1000 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1001 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1002 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1003 | |
Ping event when borrowing money from the Templars | SoA.1010 | |
Notification event when borrowing money from the Templars | SoA.1011 | |
Ping event when vassalizing the Templars | SoA.1015 | |
Notification event when vassalizing the Templars | SoA.1016 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1020 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1021 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1022 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1023 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1024 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Knights Templar | SoA.1030 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Knights Templar | SoA.1031 | |
Son or brother joins the Knights Templar | SoA.1032 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Knights Templar | SoA.1033 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1050 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1051 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1052 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1053 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1054 | |
Ping event when expelling a Christian Holy Order | SoA.1060 | |
Notification event when expelling a Christian Holy Order | SoA.1061 | |
Ping event when vassalizing the Hospitallers | SoA.1115 | |
Notification event when vassalizing the Hospitallers | SoA.1116 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Knights of St John | SoA.1130 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Knights of St John | SoA.1131 | |
Son or brother joins the Knights of St John | SoA.1132 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Knights of St John | SoA.1133 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Hospitallers (also used for Bektashi, Assassins, Haruriyyah and Templar orders) | SoA.1140 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Hospitallers | SoA.1141 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1150 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1151 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1152 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1153 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1154 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1200 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1201 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1202 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1203 | |
Birth of the Bektashi Order | SoA.1209 | |
Ping event when borrowing money from the Bektashi | SoA.1210 | |
Notification event when borrowing money from the Bektashi | SoA.1211 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1220 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1221 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1222 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1223 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1224 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Bektashi Order | SoA.1230 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Bektashi | SoA.1231 | |
Son or brother joins the Bektashi Order | SoA.1232 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Bektashi | SoA.1233 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1250 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1251 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1252 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1253 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1254 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Teutonic Order | SoA.1330 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Teutonic Order | SoA.1331 | |
Son or brother joins the Teutonic Order | SoA.1332 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Teutonic Order | SoA.1333 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Teutonic Order | SoA.1340 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1350 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1351 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1352 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1353 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1354 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1400 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1401 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1402 | |
The Grand Master demands one of your sons due to debt | SoA.1403 | |
Ping event when borrowing money from the Hashshashins | SoA.1410 | |
Notification event when borrowing money from the Hashshashins | SoA.1411 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1420 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1421 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1422 | |
The Grand Master demands the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1423 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1424 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Hashshashins | SoA.1430 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Hashshashins | SoA.1431 | |
Son or brother joins the Hashshashins | SoA.1432 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Hashshashins | SoA.1433 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1450 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1451 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1452 | |
The Grand Master requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1453 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1454 | |
Ping event when expelling a Muslim Holy Order | SoA.1460 | |
Notification event when expelling a Muslim Holy Order | SoA.1461 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Jomsvikings | SoA.1530 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Jomsvikings | SoA.1531 | |
Son or brother joins the Jomsvikings | SoA.1532 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Jomsvikings | SoA.1533 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Jomsvikings | SoA.1540 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Jomsvikings | SoA.1541 | |
The Warchief requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1550 | |
The Warchief requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1551 | |
The Warchief requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1552 | |
The Warchief requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1553 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1554 | |
Ping event when expelling a Pagan Holy Order | SoA.1560 | |
Notification event when expelling a Pagan Holy Order | SoA.1561 | |
Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre becomes a Chivalric Order | SoA.1609 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Brotherhood | SoA.1630 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Brotherhood | SoA.1631 | |
Son or brother joins the Brotherhood | SoA.1632 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Brotherhood | SoA.1633 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Brotherhood | SoA.1640 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Brotherhood | SoA.1641 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1650 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1651 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1652 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1653 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1654 | |
Ping event when expelling the Brotherhood | SoA.1660 | |
Notification event when expelling the Brotherhood | SoA.1661 | |
The Order of Saint Anthony is reborn | SoA.1709 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Order | SoA.1730 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Order | SoA.1731 | |
Son or brother joins the Order | SoA.1732 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Order | SoA.1733 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Order | SoA.1740 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Order | SoA.1741 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1750 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1751 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1752 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1753 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1754 | |
Ping event when expelling the Order | SoA.1760 | |
Notification event when expelling the Order | SoA.1761 | |
The Immortals are reborn | SoA.1809 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Immortals | SoA.1830 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Immortals | SoA.1831 | |
Son or brother joins the Immortals | SoA.1832 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Immortals | SoA.1833 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Immortals | SoA.1840 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Immortals | SoA.1841 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1850 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1851 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1852 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1853 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1854 | |
Ping event when expelling the Immortals | SoA.1860 | |
Notification event when expelling the Immortals | SoA.1861 | |
The Zealots are reborn | SoA.1909 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Zealots | SoA.1930 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Zealots | SoA.1931 | |
Son or brother joins the Zealots | SoA.1932 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Zealots | SoA.1933 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Zealots | SoA.1940 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Zealots | SoA.1941 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1950 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1951 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1952 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.1953 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.1954 | |
Ping event when expelling the Zealots | SoA.1960 | |
Notification event when expelling the Zealots | SoA.1961 | |
The birth of the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2009 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2030 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2031 | |
Son or brother joins the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2032 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2033 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2040 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2041 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2050 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2051 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2052 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2053 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2054 | |
Ping event when expelling the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2060 | |
Notification event when expelling the Lords of the Sky | SoA.2061 | |
The birth of the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2109 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2130 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2131 | |
Son or brother joins the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2132 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2133 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2140 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2141 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2150 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2151 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2152 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2153 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2154 | |
Ping event when expelling the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2160 | |
Notification event when expelling the Spirit Guardians | SoA.2161 | |
The birth of the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2209 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2230 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2231 | |
Son or brother joins the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2232 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2233 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2240 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2241 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2250 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2251 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2252 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2253 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2254 | |
Ping event when expelling the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2260 | |
Notification event when expelling the Warriors of Perun | SoA.2261 | |
The birth of the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2309 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2330 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2331 | |
Son or brother joins the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2332 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2333 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2340 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2341 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2350 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2351 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2352 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2353 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2354 | |
Ping event when expelling the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2360 | |
Notification event when expelling the Chosen of Perkunas | SoA.2361 | |
The birth of the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2409 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2430 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2431 | |
Son or brother joins the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2432 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2433 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2440 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2441 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2450 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2451 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2452 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2453 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2454 | |
Ping event when expelling the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2460 | |
Notification event when expelling the Sons of Kaleva | SoA.2461 | |
The birth of the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2509 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2530 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2531 | |
Son or brother joins the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2532 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2533 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2540 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2541 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2550 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2551 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2552 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2553 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2554 | |
Ping event when expelling the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2560 | |
Notification event when expelling the Cult of Huitzilopochtli | SoA.2561 | |
The birth of the Order of Santiago | SoA.2609 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Order | SoA.2630 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Order | SoA.2631 | |
Son or brother joins the Order | SoA.2632 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Order | SoA.2633 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2640 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2641 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2650 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2651 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2652 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2653 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2654 | |
Ping event when expelling the Order | SoA.2660 | |
Notification event when expelling the Order | SoA.2661 | |
The birth of the Order of Calatrava | SoA.2709 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Order | SoA.2730 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Order | SoA.2731 | |
Son or brother joins the Order | SoA.2732 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Order | SoA.2733 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2740 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2741 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2750 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2751 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2752 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2753 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2754 | |
Ping event when expelling the Order | SoA.2760 | |
Notification event when expelling the Order | SoA.2761 | |
The birth of the Order of St Addai | SoA.2809 | |
The son of a ruler volunteers to join the Order | SoA.2830 | |
Son or brother asks to join the Order | SoA.2831 | |
Son or brother joins the Order | SoA.2832 | |
Liege refuses request to join the Order | SoA.2833 | |
Ping event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2840 | |
Notification event when donating money to the Order | SoA.2841 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2850 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2851 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2852 | |
The Grand Master humbly requests the right to build a castle in your demesne | SoA.2853 | |
Castle has been erected | SoA.2854 | |
Ping event when expelling the Order | SoA.2860 | |
Notification event when expelling the Order | SoA.2861 | |
Spouse notified of divorce due to husband going off to join holy order | SoA.2862 | |
Spouse notified of character joining holy order | SoA.2863 | |
Character joining holy order effects | SoA.2864 | |
Expelling a Holy Order confirmation event | SoA.2990 | |
Third Temple Construction Begun | SoA.100 | |
Third Temple Built | SoA.10199 | |
Third Temple Built | SoA.101 | |
Creation of Israel | SoA.102 | |
Jews Expelled | SoA.105 | |
Jews Welcomed Back | SoA.106 | |
Jews Welcomed Back due to ruler now being Jewish! | SoA.566 | |
Jews Expelled (Notifier for Vassals) | SoA.107 | |
Jews Welcomed Back (Notifier for Vassals) | SoA.108 | |
Jewish Diplomat Appears at Court (Ashkenazi) | SoA.200 | |
Jewish Administrator Appears at Court (Ashkenazi) | SoA.201 | |
Jewish Spy Appears at Court (Ashkenazi) | SoA.202 | |
Jewish Diplomat Appears at Court (Sephardi) | SoA.203 | |
Jewish Administrator Appears at Court (Sephardi) | SoA.204 | |
Jewish Spy Appears at Court (Sephardi) | SoA.205 | |
Loss of economic tech | SoA.300 | |
Loss of cultural tech | SoA.301 | |
Loss of military tech | SoA.302 | |
Invitation Sent | SoA.500 | |
Invitation Received | SoA.501 | |
Invitation Refused | SoA.502 | |
Passover Sedar Begins | SoA.503 | |
Passover Sedar Ends (Host) | SoA.504 | |
Passover Sedar Ends (Guest) | SoA.505 | |
The Priesthood Restored | SoA.550 | |
Chancellor (Hidden) | SoA.560 | |
Chancellor | SoA.561 | |
Steward (Hidden) | SoA.562 | |
Steward | SoA.563 | |
Spymaster (Hidden) | SoA.564 | |
Spymaster | SoA.565 | |
Safety catch - clears character flags and modifiers | SoA.599 | |
Plunders relic in war | SoA.5200 | |
Buys relic at market | SoA.5201 | |
Given relic by priest who feels he cannot protect it at his little church | SoA.5202 | |
Misplaced relic | SoA.5203 | |
Relic is stolen by raiders | SoA.5204 | |
Relic mixed up with other bones | SoA.5205 | |
Use relic to heal sickness? | SoA.5206 | |
Bring relic out to bless the fields | SoA.5207 | |
Commerce with relics | SoA.5208 | |
Donate owned relic to church? | SoA.5209 | |
Monks make fantastic beer | SoA.5210 | |
Monks make great wine | SoA.5211 | |
Monks have healing herbs | SoA.5212 | |
Monk is fantastic painter | SoA.5213 | |
Monks produce beautiful books | SoA.5214 | |
Local monks come to visit often | SoA.5215 | |
Child wants to be monk/nun - select child | SoA.5216 | |
Child bounce event | SoA.5217 | |
Child wants to be monk/nun - parent response | SoA.5218 | |
Donate to local monastery | SoA.5219 | |
Stigmata | SoA.5240 | |
I saw the Virgin | SoA.5241 | |
Virgin birth | SoA.5242 | |
Husband notified of virgin birth | SoA.5243 | |
Exorcism | SoA.5244 | |
Christian becoming a wicked priest | SoA.5300 | |
Muslim becoming a wicked caliph | SoA.5301 | |
Norse becoming an unworthy priest | SoA.5302 | |
Tengri becoming an unworthy priest | SoA.5303 | |
Zoroastrian becoming an immoral priest | SoA.5304 | |
Aztec becoming an unworthy priest | SoA.5305 | |
Check for Cadaver Synod | SoA.5306 | |
The Cadaver Synod | SoA.5307 | |
Wicked Pope or Patriarch! | SoA.5311 | |
Wicked Pope or Patriarch player notification | SoA.5312 | |
Wicked Caliph! | SoA.5313 | |
Wicked Caliph player notification | SoA.5314 | |
Unworthy Fylkir! | SoA.5315 | |
Unworthy Fylkir player notification | SoA.5316 | |
Unworthy Head Priest! (Tengri) | SoA.5317 | |
Unworthy Head Priest player notification (Tengri) | SoA.5318 | |
Immoral Moabadan-Moabad! | SoA.5319 | |
Immoral Moabadan-Moabad player notification | SoA.5320 | |
Unworthy Head Priest! (Aztec) | SoA.5321 | |
Unworthy Head Priest player notification (Aztec) | SoA.5322 | |
Cluny priests are very influential | SoA.5340 | |
Donate to Cluny Abbey | SoA.5341 | |
Visit Cluny? | SoA.5342 | |
Visiting Cluny | SoA.5343 | |
Priests at Mount Athos are very influential | SoA.5344 | |
Donate to Mount Athos monasteries | SoA.5345 | |
Visit Mount Athos? | SoA.5346 | |
Visiting Mount Athos | SoA.5347 | |
########################################## | SoA.5350 | |
Jeanne event | SoA.5351 | |
Jeanne's home province | SoA.5352 | |
Notify monarch of this new servant of the crown | SoA.5353 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Nobles react | SoA.5354 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Nobles react | SoA.5355 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5356 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5357 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5358 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5359 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5360 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5361 | |
Jeanne d'Arc approaches liege to talk of God and life | SoA.5362 | |
Peasants like Jeanne | SoA.5363 | |
Peasants like Jeanne | SoA.5364 | |
Jeanne comes with advice to liege | SoA.5365 | |
Jeanne comes with advice to liege | SoA.5366 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Church reacts | SoA.5367 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Church reacts | SoA.5368 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Jeanne's ways affect liege | SoA.5369 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Jeanne's ways affect liege | SoA.5370 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Nobles complain again - issue of low birth | SoA.5371 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Nobles complain again - issue of low birth | SoA.5372 | |
Jeanne d'Arc - Nobles complain again - issue of low birth | SoA.5373 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc marries | SoA.5380 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc marries | SoA.5381 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc marries | SoA.5382 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc has a child | SoA.5383 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc has a child | SoA.5384 | |
If Jeanne d'Arc has a child | SoA.5385 | |
Trial of Jeanne d'Arc begins | SoA.5390 | |
Trial of Jeanne d'Arc begins | SoA.5391 | |
Trial of Jeanne d'Arc begins | SoA.5450 | |
Trial of Jeanne d'Arc - give verdict | SoA.5392 | |
Trial of Jeanne d'Arc - give verdict | SoA.5393 | |
Jeanne d'Arc is burned at the stake | SoA.5394 | |
Jeanne d'Arc aquitted | SoA.5395 | |
Stormy times over for Jeanne d'Arc | SoA.5396 | |
Stormy times over for Jeanne d'Arc | SoA.5397 | |
Notification of stormy times over for Jeanne d'Arc | SoA.5398 | |
Massacre at Beziers - fires from on_siege_over_winner | SoA.5400 | |
Tolerant character making Christian friend | SoA.5410 | |
Tolerant character making Muslim friend | SoA.5411 | |
Tolerant character making Pagan friend | SoA.5412 | |
Tolerant character making Zoroastrian friend | SoA.5413 | |
Tolerant character making Jewish friend | SoA.5414 | |
Zealous character insults other religions | SoA.5420 | |
Muslim tolerance towards Judaism and Christianity | SoA.5425 | |
Adopts Mu'tazila | SoA.600 | |
Adopts Ash'ari | SoA.601 | |
Ash'ari liege has Mu'tazila vassal (Hidden) | SoA.602 | |
Ash'ari liege has Mu'tazila vassal | SoA.603 | |
Mu'tazila vassal receives letter | SoA.604 | |
Mu'tazila vassal complies | SoA.605 | |
Mu'tazila vassal refuses | SoA.606 | |
Mu'tazila liege has Ash'ari vassal (Hidden) | SoA.610 | |
Mu'tazila liege has Ash'ari vassal | SoA.611 | |
Ash'ari vassal receives letter | SoA.612 | |
Ash'ari vassal complies | SoA.613 | |
Ash'ari vassal refuses | SoA.614 | |
Cynical Ash'ari considers Mu'tazila | SoA.620 | |
Zealous Mu'tazila considers Ash'ari | SoA.621 | |
Event triggers for a player | SoA.3000 | |
Can also be fired from event 335 | SoA.3001 | |
First narrative event | SoA.3002 | |
Court Chaplain Consulted triggers for the child | SoA.3003 | |
Do not worry - bounce the event to get the name of the child | SoA.3004 | |
Accuse of witchcraft - bounce the event to get the name of the child | SoA.3005 | |
Accuse the mother of witchcraft - bounce the event to get the name of the child | SoA.3006 | |
I should not worry about the child | SoA.3007 | |
I am accused of witchcraft! | SoA.3008 | |
The mother is accused of witchcraft! | SoA.3009 | |
Ruler assures Court Chaplain of innocence | SoA.3010 | |
Ruler confesses to the Court Chaplain | SoA.3011 | |
Accused! - bounce | SoA.3012 | |
My dreams are normal | SoA.3013 | |
Accused publicly! | SoA.3014 | |
Male ruler assures Court Chaplain of the mother's innocence | SoA.3015 | |
Set real father correctly | SoA.3016 | |
############################ | SoA.3019 | |
Fired from on_adulthood | SoA.3020 | |
Fired from on_adulthood | SoA.3021 | |
Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed | SoA.3030 | |
Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed | SoA.3031 | |
Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed - Success | SoA.3032 | |
Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed - Failure | SoA.3033 | |
Demon Child tries to murder sibling in bed - Brain Damage | SoA.3034 | |
Demon Child murders sibling in bed | SoA.3035 | |
Demon Child fails to murder sibling in bed | SoA.3036 | |
Demon Child fails to murder sibling in bed, but causes brain damage | SoA.3037 | |
Notification, murder succeeded | SoA.3039 | |
Notification, murder failed | SoA.3040 | |
Notification, murder failed, but brain damaged | SoA.3041 | |
Demon Child recovers from maiming | SoA.3050 | |
Demon Child recovers from blinding | SoA.3051 | |
Demon Child recovers from castration | SoA.3052 | |
Demon Child recovers from brain damage | SoA.3053 | |
Demon Child recovers from epidemic | SoA.3054 | |
Demon Child escapes from prison | SoA.3060 | |
Demon Child escapes from prison | SoA.3061 | |
Demon Child receives troop reinforcements | SoA.3065 | |
A witch nanny arrives at court | SoA.3070 | |
A witch nanny arrives at court | SoA.3071 | |
A witch nanny arrives at court | SoA.3072 | |
Witch nanny moves with her charge | SoA.3073 | |
A witch nanny moves with her charge | SoA.3074 | |
Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child | SoA.3075 | |
Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child | SoA.3076 | |
Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child | SoA.3077 | |
Witch nanny commits suicide for the demon child | SoA.3078 | |
The Demon Child travels to the New World and returns as the Aztec Emperor (somewhat altered descriptions in the Sunset Invasion) | SoA.3080 | |
First Landing - Herolds of the Demon-led Aztecs | SoA.3081 | |
Satanists are notified about the departure of the Demon Child | SoA.3082 | |
Relatives are notified about the departure of the Demon Child | SoA.3083 | |
Satanists are notified of the coming of age of the Demon Child | SoA.3090 | |
Fired from 'on_death' | SoA.3091 | |
Fired from 'on_death' | SoA.3092 | |
Dancing Monkey | 74000 | |
Archery | 74005 | |
Jesters | 74010 | |
Mummers | 74015 | |
Summer Fair | 74020 | |
Strolling Players | 74025 | |
Jugglers | 74030 | |
Jumping Jews of Jerusalem | 74035 | |
Mages and Divinators visits the fair | 74040 | |
Errant monk disturbing the fair | 74042 | |
Peddler are arrested by Marshal for selling stolen goods | 74044 | |
Too many Peasants enter the city | 74045 | |
The summer Fair is over | 74047 | |
The summer Fair is over | 74050 | |
Satirical Puppet Show | 4105 | |
Performing Bear | 4170 | |
(There is another version of this event: SoA.3081 - triggered by a Demon Child.) | SSI.1 | |
Rumors of people from across the Atlantic | SSI.2 | |
First Landing of the Aztecs | SSI.3 | |
First Landing of the Aztecs | SSI.4 | |
Second Landing of the Aztecs | SSI.5 | |
Second Landing of the Aztecs | SSI.6 | |
Aztec Invasion Fleets disband | SSI.100 | |
Aztecs Thrown Back Into the Sea | SSI.105 | |
Aztecs Fight Incas | SSI.30 | |
Aztecs Pacify Northern Plains | SSI.31 | |
Food From the Americas | SSI.35 | |
Aztecs Hold Iceland | SSI.40 | |
Aztecs Hold Ireland | SSI.41 | |
Aztecs Hold Britain | SSI.42 | |
Aztecs Hold London | SSI.43 | |
Aztecs Hold Paris | SSI.44 | |
Aztecs Hold Rome | SSI.45 | |
Aztecs Hold Constantinople | SSI.46 | |
Aztecs Hold Cordoba | SSI.47 | |
Aztecs Hold Cairo | SSI.48 | |
Aztecs Sacrifice Prisoner | SSI.60 | |
Aztecs Sacrifice Occupied Province Character | SSI.61 | |
Liege Informed of Sacrifice | SSI.62 | |
Aztecs Bring Syphilis | SSI.70 | |
Aztecs Struck by Smallpox | SSI.71 | |
Aztecs Sacrifice Prisoner (Aztec perspective) | SSI.72 | |
Notification event at beginning of invasion. | SSI.74 | |
Hochmeister writes a letter | 8700 | |
Ask permission from the King | 8701 | |
The county has been seceded | 8702 | |
News spread about the new county | 8703 | |
HRE vassal wants to donate land to the Teutonic Order | 8720 | |
Liege decides | 8721 | |
Top liege decides | 8722 | |
Gift was allowed | 8723 | |
Gift was not allowed | 8724 | |
The Teutonic Order is informed | 8725 | |
## No Religious Orders Allowed ### | 8800 | |
Invitation | 70000 | |
Start of tournament | 70001 | |
Tournament has been cancelled | 70037 | |
Message about death | 70038 | |
Message about maimed | 70039 | |
Message about wounded | 70040 | |
Tournament is over | 70002 | |
End of tournament event | 70003 | |
End of tournament event | 70004 | |
End of tournament event | 70005 | |
End of tournament event | 70006 | |
End of tournament event | 70007 | |
End of tournament event | 70008 | |
Character is killed | 70009 | |
Character is maimed | 70010 | |
Character is wounded | 70011 | |
Character becomes craven | 70012 | |
Character becomes brave | 70013 | |
Character becomes tough soldier | 70014 | |
Character becomes skilled tactician | 70015 | |
Character becomes brilliant strategist | 70016 | |
Character becomes skilled tactician | 70017 | |
Character becomes tough soldier | 70018 | |
Character becomes misguided warrior | 70019 | |
Character gets top placement in the tournament | 70020 | |
Inform about winner | 70034 | |
Inform about second place | 70035 | |
Inform about third place | 70036 | |
Character becomes homosexual | 70023 | |
Character becomes syphilitic | 70024 | |
Character becomes drunkard | 70025 | |
Character becomes duelist | 70026 | |
Character gains intrigue | 70027 | |
Character loses intrigue | 70028 | |
Character gains stewardship | 70029 | |
Character loses stewardship | 70030 | |
Character gains diplomacy | 70031 | |
Character loses diplomacy | 70032 | |
Invitations have gone out | 70033 | |
Ruler has died, the tournament is over | 70041 | |
The tournament has been cancelled due to Ruler's death | 70042 | |
Tournament attender event for random occurences | 70050 | |
########################################## | 70060 | |
########################################## | 70061 | |
########################################## | 70062 | |
########################################## | 70063 | |
########################################## | 70064 | |
## Lustful positive ### | 3000 | |
## Lustful negative ### | 3001 | |
## Lustful positive ### | 3005 | |
## Lustful negative ### | 3010 | |
## Lustful negative ### | 3011 | |
## Chaste positive ### | 3020 | |
## Chaste Positive (create character) ### | 3021 | |
## Old scholar ### | 3022 | |
## Chaste positive ### | 3025 | |
## Cornered by woman ### | 3026 | |
## Chaste negative ### | 3030 | |
## Chaste negative ### | 3035 | |
## Judge between knights ### | 3012 | |
## Sinful feast ### | 3013 | |
## GLUTTONOUS ### | 3040 | |
## Gluttonous: Start ### | 3045 | |
Gluttonous: Courtier | 3046 | |
New friend | 3047 | |
## Gluttonous negative ### | 3050 | |
## Gluttonous negative: Start ### | 3055 | |
Gluttonous negative | 3056 | |
Gluttonous negative | 3057 | |
###################################### | 3060 | |
## Greedy ### | 3065 | |
## Greedy negative: Start ### | 3070 | |
Greedy negative: Courtier | 3071 | |
Greedy negative: ROOT | 3072 | |
## Greedy negative ### | 3075 | |
## Charitable ### | 3080 | |
## Caring for sick and infirm ### | 3081 | |
## Harbour the homeless ### | 3082 | |
## Love the sinner ### | 3083 | |
## Thomas of Aquinas ### | 3084 | |
## Virtue of Charity ### | 3085 | |
## Charitable positive: Start ### | 3095 | |
Continue... | 3096 | |
Charitable negative: The end | 3097 |