Crusader Kings 2 Event IDs

Below is a searchable table of all 10559 events and event IDs from CK2.

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Type the name of an event, or an event ID, into the search box below to instantly search our database of 10559 event IDs.

Event Name Event ID
From = Offmap JD.50200
News from China: Jurchen Invasion Fails JD.50201
News from China: Jurchen Invasion Succeeds JD.50202
From = Offmap JD.50220
From = Offmap JD.50240
From = Offmap JD.50260
From = Offmap JD.50280
News from China: Civil War JD.50281
From = Offmap JD.50300
News from China: Civil War Ends - Loyalists Win! JD.50301
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win, New Dynasty! JD.50302
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.50303
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.50400
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.50401
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.30500
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.30501
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.30502
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.30503
News from China: Civil War Ends - Rebels Win but Old Dynasty stays in power JD.30504
Swap the From and root scope and merge up with JD.30030 JD.30030
Keep the From and root scope and merge up with JD.30020 JD.30040
variable: china_war_troop_quantity JD.30045
variable: china_war_troop_quantity JD.30047
variable: china_war_troop_quantity JD.30050
## China was the aggressor... JD.30051
## China won an offensive war JD.30052
## China lost an offensive war JD.30053
Clear flag separately so desc works for notification JD.20044
Supply Horses JD.3042
Response for sending a tribute character to China... JD.30014
Fired from on-action war started. Cleans up trade contract modifiers if you end up fighting China. JD.30015
## Grace courtier dies, inform ### JD.60311
## Grace courtier dies, inform ### JD.60313
## Event chain for Chinese Kow Tow ### JD.32000
## Event chain for Chinese Kow Tow ### JD.32001
} JD.32005
## No more possible travel events - Continue to China anyway with extra delay JD.32100
## JD.32110
Nothing happens JD.32111
Nothing happens JD.32112
Nothing happens JD.32113
picture = GFX_evt_feast JD.32200
set_character_flag = kow_tow_actually JD.32210
You spot a group of people playing GO in the park JD.32211
You visit a local temple JD.32216
You visit a local temple JD.32290
Fired from on_policy_change JD.32298
## Kowtow was aborted for some reason JD.32299
An ambitious Muslim character begins to plan an adventure for a Kingdom in India JD.1000
An ambitious Muslim character begins to plan an adventure for a Kingdom in India JD.1001
(Temporary title created and a war declared) JD.1002
Create some decent commander characters JD.1003
Create some decent commander characters JD.1004
safety clear of DND JD.1005
## Radhanites want their money JD.4100
Panda dies JD.4030
910: The Chancellor attempts to improve relations with lord 910
20100: Inform the noble 20100
20101: The liege is informed of the success 20101
911: The Chancellor's attempts to improve relations with lord is sabotaged 911
20110: Inform the noble 20110
20111: The liege is informed of the failure 20111
913: The Chancellor fabricates a claim for his liege on a landed noble's title 913
20130: The noble is informed about the claim 20130
20131: The liege is informed and has a choice to press the claim or not 20131
20133: The liege is informed and has a choice to press the claim or not 20133
20134: The liege is informed and has a choice to press the claim or not 20134
20132: The noble is informed if the claim is pressed, and is insulted 20132
914: A Noble finds out that the Chancellor is trying to fabricate claims 914
20140 - The noble knows about the fabricated claims 20140
20141 - Chancellor is assassinated... 20141
20142 - Noble is informed that the assassination attempt succeeded 20142
20143 - Noble is informed that the assassination attempt failed 20143
20144 - Noble tries to bribe Chancellor 20144
20145 - Noble is informed that the Chancellor accepted the bribe 20145
20146 - Noble is informed that the Chancellor didn't accept the bribe 20146
20147 - The liege is informed about the Chancellor's death 20147
916: The Chancellor sows dissent between a local noble and his liege 916
20160: The local noble start disliking his liege 20160
20161: The liege of the local noble is informed 20161
20162: The liege of the Chancellor is informed 20162
917: Chancellor Discovered 917
20170: The local noble is informed 20170
20171: The Chancellor is imprisoned 20171
20172: The Chancellor's liege is informed about imprisonment 20172
20173: The local noble informs his liege about imprisonment 20173
20174: The local noble informs his liege about the Chancellor's doing 20174
20175: The Chancellor's liege is informed about the reaction of the noble 20175
20176: The Chancellor's liege is informed about the reaction of the noble's liege 20176
20235: The Chancellor successfully increases the sentiment of the local clan 20235
20235: The Chancellor successfully increases the sentiment of the local clan 20236
Chancellor is good at his/her job 75000
Marshal is good at his/her job 75001
Steward is good at his/her job 75002
Spymaster is good at his/her job 75003
## Lord Spiritual is good at his/her job ### 75004
## Chief Mufti is good at his/her job - Muslim ### 75005
The Chancellor is after my wife! 75010
Liege hears about FROM's complains about Chancellor chasing FROM's wife 75011
Imprison Chancellor: Notify Vassal 75012
Imprison Chancellor 75013
Clear Chancellor: Notify Chancellor 75014
Clear Chancellor: Notify Vassal 75015
Chancellor is diligent 75020
Liege finds random vassal likes him/her more 75021
Vassal likes liege more 75022
Liege likes spouse more 75023
Spouse likes liege more 75024
Courtiers like liege 75025
Chancellor is rewarded 75026
Chancellor: Liege does not appreciate me 75027
Chancellor is slothful 75030
Liege is notified about slothful Chancellor 75031
Chancellor is talked sternly to by Liege 75032
The issue is ignored 75033
Chancellor is thrown in jail 75034
Liege: Chancellor is angry 75035
Liege: Chancellor is no longer slothful 75036
Lord Spiritual finds infidel 75040
Liege burns infidel? 75041
Liege banish infidel? 75042
Lord Spiritual: Liege burned X 75043
Lord Spiritual: Liege ignored demands 75044
Lord Spiritual: Liege banished X 75045
Lord Spiritual: Liege ignored demands 75046
Lord Spiritual finds a heretic 75050
Liege burns heretic? 75051
Liege banish X 75052
Lord Spiritual: Liege burned X 75053
Lord Spiritual: Liege ignored demands 75054
Lord Spiritual: Liege banished X 75055
Lord Spiritual: Liege ignored demands 75056
Steward is Arbitrary: Ruler 75060
Steward is Arbitrary: Steward 75061
Steward is Just: Ruler 75065
Steward is Just: Steward 75066
Steward is Kind/Charitable: Ruler 75070
Steward is Kind/Charitable: Steward 75071
Steward is Cruel: Ruler 75075
Steward is Cruel: Steward 75076
Steward is Diligent: Ruler 75080
Steward and the Economy: Ruler 75085
Steward is Deceitful 75090
Steward is Deceitful: Liege 75091
Steward is Deceitful: Steward 75092
Steward is Deceitful: Steward 75093
Steward is Greedy: Ruler 75095
Steward is greedy: Steward 75096
Steward is Greedy: Liege is shown proof 75097
Steward is Greedy: Liege knows Steward stole money 75098
Steward is fined 75099
Steward is imprisoned 75100
Marshal deals with highway robber 75105
Marshal deals with highway robber: Liege decides 75106
Marshal is wroth & demesne_size <1 & liege has a city vassal somewhere. 75110
Liege decides if Marshal is guilty or not 75111
Marshal is fined 75112
Marshal is imprisoned 75113
Marshal is cleared 75114
Ruler: Marshal has 15+ martial 75120
900: The Lord Spiritual converts a province! 900
20000: The Lord Spiritual informs his liege of the conversion 20000
20001: Informs top liege 20001
901: The Lord Spiritual converts a subject character 901
20010: Inform the target character about this 20010
20011: Inform Lord Spiritual's Liege about this 20011
20012: Inform character's Liege about this 20012
902: The Lord Spiritual is attacked by heathens (Gets away, Is wounded, Is killed) 902
20020: Lord Spiritual gets away 20020
20021: Lord Spiritual gets wounded 20021
20022: Inform the Liege about wounding 20022
20023: Inform the Liege about death 20023
903: The Lord Spiritual suspects a subject character of heresy 903
20030: Noble reacts to the accusations 20030
20032: Liege: The noble complains 20032
20033: Noble: Noble isn't heretic 20033
20034: Lord Spiritual: Noble isn't heretic 20034
20035: Noble: Noble is heretic 20035
20036: Lord Spiritual: Noble is heretic 20036
20037: Increased revolt risk 20037
20038: Inform province lords 20038
20039: Inform liege 20039
Chaplain arrives at Pagan capital 39650
Chaplain has a chance of converting the Pagan lord 39651
Chaplain converts Pagan courtier 39652
Chaplain squabbles with other chaplain 39653
Clear preacher_arrives flag 39654
906: The Lord Spiritual improves relations between the liege and a bishop 906
20060: Inform the bishop 20060
20061: The liege is informed of the success 20061
907: The Lord Spiritual attempts to sabotage the relations of a subject priest towards the official head of the religion 907
20070: Inform the bishop 20070
20071: The liege is informed of the success 20071
926: A Great Inventor offers his help: Random Culture Tech increases 926
20260: The liege is informed of the success 20260
927: Lord Spiritual = heretic 927
20270: Liege get a letter 20270
20270: Liege get a letter 20271
20270: Liege get a letter 20272
20270: Liege get a letter 20273
20040: The Mufti improves relations between the liege and a vassal 20040
20041: Inform the vassal 20041
20042: The liege is informed of the success 20042
20043: The Mufti is trampled by a peasant mob (Gets away, Is wounded, Is killed) 20043
20044: Mufti gets away 20044
20045: Mufti gets wounded 20045
20046: Inform the Liege about wounding 20046
20047: Inform the Liege about death 20047
20048: The Mufti pockets money meant for the poor 20048
20049: Liege informed about Mufti's theft 20049
20050: Mullah gains piety for the liege 20050
20051: Liege gains piety 20051
20218: The Court Priest has managed to raise an eager force of holy warriors 20218
20219: The liege is informed 20219
20220: The men are displeased and disband 20220
938: Military Accident 938
20380: Liege gets a letter about Marshal being wounded 20380
20381: Liege gets a letter about Marshal being maimed 20381
939: Military Secrets Revealed! 939
20390: Noble helps 20390
20391: Marshal 20391
20392: Liege 20392
941: Reinforcements Arrive 941
20410: Liege 20410
942: Marshal tries to train troops, noble interferes 942
20420: Noble reacts 20420
20421: Marshal writes to Liege 20421
20221: The Marshal has managed to raise an eager force of raiders 20221
20222: The liege is informed 20222
20223: Hidden ping event to check the status of the raiders 20223
20224: The men are displeased and disband 20224
############################# MNM.78000
############################# MNM.78001
############################# MNM.78004
############################# MNM.78005
############################# MNM.78006
############################# MNM.78009
Inform the target MNM.78002
The Chancellor's attempts to improve relations with lord is sabotaged MNM.78003
Steward MNM.70005
Steward MNM.70006
The Steward allows a smugglers ring to appear MNM.78007
The Steward allows a smugglers ring to appear MNM.78008
Drill Commanders MNM.70010
Drill Commanders MNM.70011
Find Commander MNM.70012
Find Commander MNM.70013
Commander/Marshal Fight MNM.70015
Commander/Marshal Fight MNM.70016
Spymaster MNM.70020
Spymaster MNM.70021
Generic Plot Uncovering event MNM.70022
The Spymaster is attacked by a Noble's thugs (Gets away, Is wounded, Is maimed, Is killed) MNM.70023
Faction Prevention - Spymaster finds Faction Member MNM.70024
Suspectometer MNM.70030
Hunt Apostates MNM.70100
Innocent person! MNM.70110
No Nickname MNM.70200
No Nickname MNM.70300
No Nickname MNM.70310
No Nickname MNM.70320
No Nickname MNM.70330
No Nickname MNM.70400
929: Plot Uncovered 929
20290 - The plotter is informed 20290
20291 - Assassination attempt on the spymaster fails 20291
20292 - Spymaster informs liege about assassination attempt and plot 20292
20293 - Liege writes to plotter 20293
931: The Spymaster is attacked by a Noble's thugs (Gets away, Is wounded, Is maimed, Is killed) 931
20310: Spymaster gets away 20310
20311: Spymaster gets wounded 20311
20312: Inform the Liege about wounding 20312
20313: Inform the Liege about death 20313
# 9000: Faction Prevention - Spymaster finds Faction Member 9000
Liege is informed 9001
Faction Member Confronted: Blackmail 9002
Faction Member Confronted: Ask Nicely 9003
Liege Informed: Successful Blackmail 9004
Faction Member Confronted: Legalism 9005
Liege Informed: Failed Request 9006
Liege Informed: Successful Legalism 9007
Faction Member Confronted: Threaten 9008
Liege Informed: Successful Threat 9010
## 9020: Faction Recruitment - Spymaster finds Faction Member 9020
Liege is informed 9021
Faction Member Confronted: Blackmail 9022
Faction Member Confronted: Ask Nicely (AI Only) 9023
Liege Informed: Successful Request 9027
Liege Informed: Successful Blackmail 9024
Liege Informed: Failed Request 9026
Faction Member Confronted: Threaten 9028
Liege Informed: Successful Threat 9030
932: The Spymaster studies foreign technology 932
The Spymaster informs his liege of the success 20320
933: The Spymaster is discovered by the local count - chance of imprisonment 933
20330: Local noble reacts 20330
20331: Liege get the news - Chancellor Imprisoned 20331
20332: Spymaster get the news: is free to go 20332
935: Vicious Rumors Spread 935
20350 - Liege is informed 20350
20351 - Blackmail him 20351
20352 - Spread rumors 20352
20353 - Do nothing 20353
20354 - The noble responds to blackmail 20354
20355 - The noble responds to rumor 20355
20364 - Spymaster gets away 20364
20365 - Spymaster is killed 20365
20356 - Spymaster is attacked 20356
20357 - Inform the Liege about attack 20357
20358 - Inform the Liege about death 20358
20359 - Blackmail succeeds 20359
20360 - Liege is informed that blackmail succeeded 20360
20361 - The noble does not care about the rumor 20361
20362 - Inform the liege that the noble does not care about the rumor 20362
20363 - The noble is informed that the rumor has been spread 20363
936: Corruption Uncovered 936
20370 - Liege is informed 20370
20371 - Accuse him 20371
20372 - Do nothing 20372
20373 - The noble responds to accusation 20373
20374 - Spymaster gets away 20374
20375 - Spymaster is killed 20375
20376 - Spymaster is attacked 20376
20377 - Inform the Liege about attack 20377
20378 - Inform the Liege about death 20378
20379 - Noble confess to spymaster 20379
20369 - Spymaster report to liege about confession 20369
920: The Steward collects a tithe and sends it to his liege 920
20200: The liege is informed 20200
921: The peasants attempt to kill the Steward (Gets away, is wounded, is killed) 921
20210: Steward gets away 20210
20211: Steward gets wounded 20211
20212: Inform the Liege about wounding 20212
20213: Inform the Liege about death 20213
20214: Increased revolt risk 20214
20215: Inform province lords 20215
20214: Inform liege 20216
923: Good Master Builder 923
20230: Liege get a letter 20230
924: Sabotage 924
20240: Noble sabotages building 20240
20241: Sabotage! 20241
20242: The liege is informed 20242
20243: Spymaster finds out who's behind the sabotage 20243
20244: The liege is informed by his spymaster who is behind the sabotage 20244
925: The Steward has settled the tribe 925
20205: The liege is informed 20205
20206: The Steward is attacked and wounded 20206
20207: The liege is informed 20207
20208: The Steward has managed to raise an eager force of warriors 20208
20209: The liege is informed 20209
20217: The men are displeased and disband 20217
20225: The Steward demands extra funds from the ruler 20225
20226: The Steward demands extra funds from the ruler. Ruler response event. 20226
20227: The target accepts to pay extra tribute. Steward notified. 20227
20228: The target accepts to pay extra tribute. Liege notified. 20228
20229: The target refuses to pay extra tribute. Steward notified. 20229
20231: The target refuses to pay extra tribute. Liege notified. 20231
Grand Master writes a letter 8500
Ask permission from the Count 8501
Castle has been erected 8502
News spread about the new castle 8503
Grand Master writes a letter 8505
Ask permission from the Count 8506
Castle has been erected 8507
News spread about the new castle 8508
Grand Master writes a letter 8510
Ask permission from the Count 8511
Castle has been erected 8512
News spread about the new castle 8513
Grand Master writes a letter 8515
Ask permission from the Count 8516
Castle has been erected 8517
News spread about the new castle 8518
Grand Master writes a letter 8600
Ask permission from the Count 8601
Castle has been erected 8602
News spread about the new castle 8603
Grand Master writes a letter 8605
Ask permission from the Count 8606
Castle has been erected 8607
News spread about the new castle 8608
Grand Master writes a letter 8610
Ask permission from the Count 8611
Castle has been erected 8612
News spread about the new castle 8613
Grand Master writes a letter 8615
Ask permission from the Count 8616
Castle has been erected 8617
News spread about the new castle 8618
107000: The first ingame welcome event, explain speed widget 107000
107001: Followup to the first ingame welcome event, explain this learning scenario 107001
107002: Explain wealth, prestige, piety and score 107002
107003: Explain the ui: Alerts 107003
107004: Explain the ui: Mapmodes 107004
107005: Explain Your character, char view. 107005
107006: Traits, Attributes and Ambitions 107006
107007: Explain Need for heir, wife, Arrange Marriage view and Character Browser 107007
107008: Wife stats and alliances 107008
107009: Diplomacy View 107009
107100: After married event 107100
107101: Demesne, Holdings and Realm. 107101
107102: Vassals 107102
107103: Opinions. 107103
107104: Improve opinions. 107104
107200: Revolt, for TOG. 107200
107201: Revolt, for non-TOG. 107201
107202: Raising levies from holdings 107202
107203: Moving armies around 107203
107204: Merging troops, assigning leaders 107204
107205: Rivers and straits 107205
107250: You dealt with the revolt nicely! Now to consider expansion. Suggest unraising levies or vassals will get angry. 107250
107251: Suggest appropriate OPM overseas. 107251
107252: Explain CBs 107252
107253: Claims 107253
107254: Council, Forging claims 107254
107300: This is how you declare war 107300
107301: Calling in allies 107301
107302: Ships 107302
107303: Explain Mercs, here is some money 107303
107304: Embarking troops 107304
107305: Disembarking troops 107305
107306: Sieges 107306
107307: Assaulting 107307
107310: How to make peace 107310
107311: Peace treaties 107311
107320: War is won, consider disbanding mercenaries 107320
107325: What do when over demesne size 107325
107326: What do when over vassal limit 107326
107327: Demesne Laws 107327
107328: Technology 107328
107329: Increasing Technology 107329
107330: You have a son and heir, explain gavelkind and other succession laws 107330
107331: You have a daughter and heir, explain gavelkind and other succession laws 107331
107332: Crown Laws 107332
107333: You have a son, discrediting your daughter from inheritance 107333
107334: Educate child 107334
107340: Claims and Inheritance 107340
107341: Intrigue 107341
107342: Adding plot backers 107342
107343: First successful intrigue, suggest new target 107343
107344: Second successful intrigue, suggest other possible targets 107344
107345: Factions, faction tab 107345
107350: You are dead, now keep playing a normal game 107350
107360: Removes incapable trait from character 107360
## Robin Hood ### 10000
Noble woman "complains" about merry men 10001
Noble man complains about merry men 10002
It's a trap! 10003
Archery Contest 10010
The leader of the Merry Men is captured 10011
An old man wins 10012
That didn't work 10013
Devil in Disguise 10020
Disguise revealed! 10021
Stumbles upon the Merry Men 10022
Meets/Fights Little John 10023
Wins 10024
Loses 10025
Is Exposed 10026
Meet the Merry Men 10030
S.F.T.R.G.T.T.P 10031
Adventure! 10032
This was fun! 10033
What to do? 10040
Ambush! 10041
Marion gets her Robin 10042
Gates of Hell - A strange gap has opened 10100
Flames and fiery stones! 10101
Wailings, screams and cries for help seems to emit from the burning gap 10102
Close the gap 10103
By using exorcism 10104
By feeding it cattle 10105
By rolling down stones into it 10106
By sacrificing what the city held to be most dear - child dies 10107
It worked! 10108
It did not work! 10109
####################################################################################### 5000
Scholar/Mystic - A mystery is revealed 5001
Mysterious man revealed 5002
Descend into the depths of mysticism 5003
####################################################################################### 5020
Stake/Pole 5021
Red Rose 5022
Atone for thy sins or ignore it and become an Impaler 5023
Impaler 5024
Gardener 5025
Atone for thy sins or ignore it and become an Impaler - Muslim 5026
####################################################################################### 5030
Ignored 5031
She likes it! - poetry 5032
She likes it! - duelist 5033
I will fight for her honour! 5034
I will write poems 5035
I won! 5036
I have been published! 5037
####################################################################################### 5040
Hunting - no fun 5041
Hunting - Really fun! 5042
Falconry - no fun 5043
Falconry - Really fun! 5044
Hunter 5045
Falconer 5046
####################################################################################### 5050
Poetry - Boring 5051
Poetry - Nice 5052
Falconry - Boring 5053
Falconry - Nice 5054
Poet 5055
Falconer 5056
####################################################################################### 5060
On the road towards Hedonism 5061
On the road towards Celibacy 5062
Sweet Temptation 5063
Stay Strong 5064
Celibacy! 5065
Hedonism! 5066
## Hedonism/Poet Muslim: - Start ### 5070
Towards Hedonism! 5071
Towards Poetry! 5072
Enter Hedonism! (or not) 5073
Enter Poetry! (or not) 5074
## Faqih - Muslims only ### 5080
Convinced/Not convinced? 5081
You are a Faqih! 5082
Confront cheating spouse/spouse's lover 64000
Spouse Confronted! 64001
Lover Confronted! 64002
Rival hurts lover's spouse: Martial wounded 64003
Rival hurts lover's spouse: Intrigue wounded/infirm 64004
Sick lover: Pneumonic or ill 64005
Sick lover: Wounded 64006
You have become infatuated with someone in the same court 64010
Object answers 64011
Object positive 64012
Object negative 64013
Old and ugly wife: take a mistress? 64015
Wife is angry 64016
Courtier accepts or scorn liege's advances 64017
Liege gets courtier's answer: Accepts 64018
Liege gets courtier's answer: Scorns 64019
Wife is angry: liege 64020
You have fallen in love with your spouse 64025
A week with my lover... 64030
Your lover complains to you that you two never do anything exciting 64035
Ruler confronts cheating spouse 64040
Spouse Confronted! 64041
You have lost that loving feeling 64045
Lover is notified 64046
Infatuation turned into love? 64050
Infatuation has turned into love 64051
Infatuation has turned into affection? 64052
Ruler: Child has teenage_infatuation with courtier 64055
Loving a married woman is being quite a pain to your soul 64060
This kind of unsatisfying relationship to a married woman is really becoming irksome to you 64065
Seeing someone else behind your spouse's back is becoming quite troublesome for you 64070
You are having a special occasion with your lover in the near future, but your wife is insistent on alternate plans 64075
Spouse meets lover 64076
Spouse hates you 64077
Your wife has retired to the convent for a short while 64080
Two adult character are lovers and neither are married 64085
Liege is notified 64086
Imprisoned! 64087
Banished! 64088
Childless marriage 64090
Your lover is eager to comfort you after you have had a particularly fiery row with your wife 64100
I am going to be a father 64101
My husband is unfaithful! 64102
FALLOUT! 64105
Your spouse has grown suspicious of your behaviour 64110
Lover thinks you love spouse more than him/her 64115
Your spouse has made your adulterous affair public! 64120
Your wife has humiliated you publicly by too open association with her lover 64125
Wife's lover is imprisoned 64126
Wife is imprisoned 64127
Being married to someone you love is a blissful state 64130
You want to give a special surprise to your loved one, what shall it be? 64135
Being separated from your love by the needs of war is heart-aching 64140
Unhappy marriage, separate bedchambers 30000
Try to divorce spouse 30001
Protests against divorce 30002
The head of religion interferes 30003
Poisoning stepchildren: Marie of Brabant, Sikelgaita 30004
Spouse accuses woman of poisoning primary_heir 30005
Courtier accuses woman of poisoning primary_heir 30006
Husband accuses spouse of poisoning and murdering primary_heir 30007
Courtier accuses woman of poisoning and murdering primary_heir 30008
Poisonous woman is imprisoned 30009
Poisonous woman is pardoned 30010
Spouse accuses woman of poisoning primary_heir and courtier 30011
Accuses spouse of poisoning primary heir (unrelated to previous events) 30020
Spouse accuses spouse of poisoning her/him 30021
Homosexual spouse 30025
Spouse spreads evil rumors 30026
Spouse asks husband/wife to spend more time 30027
Spouse gets answer 30028
Spouse chastisies spouse about rumors 30029
Spouse in prison: spouse is trying to free her/him 30030
Spouse in prison: host is contacted 30031
Spouse to spouse prisoner: Save me! 30032
Spouse is dead! 30033
Spouse is free! 30034
Spouse is thrown into dungeon! 30035
Spouse is warned about consequences of freeing prisoner spouse 30036
Host: is asked to release prisoner spouse 30037
Annoying courtier 30040
Spouse might fire chancellor, etc 30041
Spouse hears about punishment 30042
Push courtier into river? 30045
Courtier drowns 30046
Courtier survives 30047
Give spouse a gift: jewellery 30050
Give spouse a gift: horse 30051
Give spouse a gift: falcon 30052
Wife offers advice: Diplomacy 30055
Wife offers advice: Martial 30056
Wife offers advice: Stewardship 30057
Wife offers advice: Intrigue 30058
## Wife offers advice: Learning ### 30059
Wife suggests new Chancellor: Start 30060
Wife suggests new Chancellor: Husband decides 30061
Wife suggests new Chancellor: The End 30062
Wife suggests new Marshal: Start 30063
Wife suggests new Marshal: Husband decides 30064
Wife suggests new Marshal: The End 30065
Wife suggests new Steward: Start 30066
Wife suggests new Steward: Husband decides 30067
Wife suggests new Steward: The End 30068
Wife suggests new Spymaster: Start 30069
Wife suggests new Spymaster: Husband decides 30070
Wife suggests new Spymaster: The End 30071
Wife suggests new Lord Spiritual: Start 30072
Wife suggests new Lord Spiritual: Husband decides 30073
Wife suggests new Lord Spiritual: The End 30074
Pregnant with courtier: Start 30075
Pregnant with courtier: What to do? 30076
Pregnant with courtier: Deny 30077
Pregnant with courtier: Tell 30078
Pregnant with courtier: Blame 30079
Pregnant with courtier: Husband punish courtier 30080
Pregnant with courtier: Husband punish both 30081
Bored wife 30085
Spouse befriends courtier 30086
Courtier - New Friend 30087
Bored wife: Choose an activity 30088
Bored wife: Lake 30089
Bored wife: Picnic 30090
Bored wife: Hunt 30091
Bored wife: Dinner 30092
Courtier: Perfect activity 30093
Courtier: Failed Activity 30094
Bored Wife: Courtier Dislike 30095
Bored Wife: Friend 30096
Active ***life 30100
Active ***live: Wild ride and Boss in Bed 30101
Active ***live: Gentle and Sweet Love 30102
Active ***life: Killed Spouse by loving him too fiercely 30103
Active ***life: Killed Spouse by loving him too much 30104
Wife, suspecting husband is infertile, tries to produce an heir with someone else 30105
## Wife offers advice - Muslim: Learning ### 30110
The target character is in FROM 62300
The target character is in FROM 62310
The target character is in FROM 62320
The target character is in FROM 62321
The target character is in FROM 62322
Notification from decision 'convert_to_attacker_religion' 62800
Special event for Bagsecg of Jylland to invade Mercia with "the Great Summer Army" 62900
Prepare the invasion 62901
Triggered by Decision: create_hungary 62910
Informed about the Creation of Hungary 62911
Triggered by Decision: create_leon 62920
Informed about the Creation of Leon 62921
Informed about the Creation of Leon 62922
Informed about the Creation of Castille 62923
Informed about the Creation of Castille 62924
Informed about the Creation of Portugal 62925
Informed about the Creation of Portugal 62926
Informed about the Creation of Aragon 62927
Special event for West Francia to be renamed to France 62930
Special event for East Francia to be renamed to Germany 62931
Special event for Middle Francia to be renamed to Austrasia - Since Lothair doesn't exist to name it Lotharingia 62932
Special event for renaming Ruthenia should they be ruled by Russians in Kiev 62933
Special event for renaming Ruthenia should they be ruled by Russians in Kiev 62934
Event where the sons of Lodbrok exact their revenge on Aella 62950
Event where the sons of Lodbrok exact their revenge on Aella 62951
Event where the sons of Lodbrok exact their revenge on Aella 62952
Sends rumors MNM.9000
Ping events for rumors (on councilor) MNM.9001
Ping events for rumors (on councilor) MNM.9002
Ping events for rumors (on councilor) MNM.9003
Rumors [Major/Extraordinary rumor] MNM.9004
Rumors [Good/Medium rumor] MNM.9005
Rumors [Decent rumor] MNM.9006
Person you sent out starts searching MNM.9007
Artifact is found MNM.9008
Asking for help, diplomacy MNM.9020
Asking for help, martial MNM.9021
Asking for help, stewardship MNM.9022
Asking for help, intrigue MNM.9023
Asking for help, learning MNM.9024
Ask for money MNM.9025
Stealing discovered MNM.9026
Messed up big MNM.9027
Dead artifact hunter ping MNM.9030
Imprisoned artifact hunter ping MNM.9033
Artifact hunter councllior fired/retires ping MNM.9034
Ping event for success MNM.9104
Ping event for problems MNM.9108
Problems MNM.9110
Ping event for checking if Goldsmith died MNM.9111
Ping event for success MNM.9121
Ping event for problems MNM.9128
Ping event for checking if Weaponsmith died MNM.9125
Weaponsmith died MNM.9127
What kind of smith? MNM.9130
Smith steals item and decides who to give it to MNM.9131
Smith stole item and fled MNM.9132
Tombola for events mid-smithing MNM.9133
Ping the smith MNM.9134
Smith teaches someone stewardship MNM.9135
Smith makes ward stronger MNM.9136
Smith sleeps with courtier MNM.9137
Smith injured in accident MNM.9138
Smith injured in accident MNM.9899
Smith injured in accident MNM.9900
log = "Chance to lose an artifact on_action fired for the capital of [This.GetBestName]" MNM.9901
Ransack enemy holding and find artifact, small item MNM.9902
Someone ransacked my holding and stole my artifact, small item MNM.9903
Ransack enemy holding and find artifact, medium item MNM.9904
Someone ransacked my holding and stole my artifact, medium item MNM.9905
Ransack enemy holding and find artifact, great item MNM.9906
Someone ransacked my holding and stole my artifact, great item MNM.9907
Ransack enemy holding and find artifact, great+ item MNM.9908
Someone ransacked my holding and stole my artifact, great+ item MNM.9909
Ransack enemy holding and find artifact, amazing item MNM.9910
Someone ransacked my holding and stole my artifact, amazing item MNM.9911
Borrowing money MNM.6001
Transfer debt to heir MNM.6012
Donating MNM.6004
Donating MNM.6005
Donating MNM.6009
Donating MNM.6010
Events for demands to pay back loan MNM.6006
Does recruit approve of shia? MNM.6020
True religion, or sympathetic? MNM.6021
Talking about fighting for the faith, reaction MNM.6022
Wants to join? Make the offer MNM.6023
Offer to join, yes or no? MNM.6024
Recruit said no MNM.6025
Recruit said yes MNM.6026
Confirmation for recruit MNM.6027
Joining begins MNM.6028
Sign written delcaration of loyalty to grand master MNM.6029
Inductor will get in contact with you MNM.6030
Sending event to inductor MNM.6031
Ping event for inductor MNM.6032
Invitation to stronghold MNM.6033
Welcome by GM MNM.6034
Secret ritual MNM.6035
Kill to prove MNM.6036
You are a member! MNM.6037
You flee MNM.6038
Opt out failstate MNM.6039
Ping event GM for outcome notification MNM.6040
Outcome of recruitment for recruiter (if there is one) MNM.6041
Plotter sees an opportunity - assassinate MNM.6100
Plot backer sees an opportunity - assassinate MNM.6101
Plot owner recieves a letter informing them about the coming attempt MNM.6102
Assassination attempt MNM.6104
Plot target dies, undiscovered MNM.6105
Assassin notified of "Plot target dies, undiscovered" MNM.6106
Plot owner notified "Plot target dies, undiscovered" MNM.6107
Plot target dies, discovered MNM.6108
Assassin notified of "Plot target dies, discovered" MNM.6109
Plot owner notified "Plot target dies, discovered" MNM.6110
Plot target survives, undiscovered MNM.6111
Assassin notified of "Plot target survives, undiscovered" MNM.6112
Plot owner notified "Plot target survives, undiscovered" MNM.6113
Plot target survives, wounded MNM.6114
Assassin notified of "Plot target survives, wounded" MNM.6115
Plot owner notified "Plot target survives, wounded" MNM.6116
Plot target survives, killed MNM.6117
Assassin notified of "Plot target survives, killed" MNM.6118
Plot owner notified "Plot target survives, killed" MNM.6119
Clean-up for target MNM.6120
Mission tombola MNM.6199
MISSION: Assassinate a target MNM.6200
Ping event for GM MNM.6201
You get your target MNM.6202
GM ping event MNM.6203
GM ping event MNM.6204
The province in question is converted MNM.6206
Mission completion MNM.6205
MISSION: Collect debt MNM.6214
MISSION: Collect debt MNM.6207
plot triggers, ping event MNM.6217
Target ping event MNM.6218
How do you go about collecting the debt? MNM.6208
You threaten them personally MNM.6209
You threaten them personally MNM.6210
Yes MNM.6211
You threaten someone dear to them MNM.6212
Threaten their money MNM.6213
They payed back, mission successful MNM.6215
They refused to pay back, mission unsuccessful MNM.6216
MISSION: Occupy infidel holding MNM.6220
MISSION: Occupy infidel holding MNM.6221
Holding occupied MNM.6222
POWER: Drugs MNM.6800
Drug tombola! MNM.6801
Outcome of trip MNM.6802
You're an addict MNM.6803
Hidden addiction handling MNM.6804
You're having withdrawal symptoms MNM.6805
Recovered from addiction MNM.6806
Three descs and options MNM.6810
Discover Plot MNM.6811
Ping MNM.68111
Four Descs, one or two options MNM.68112
One desc and option MNM.6812
One desc and option, separate handling for "real" and "paranoid" affair MNM.6813
drug fool MNM.6814
One Desc and option MNM.6815
Become cured of a bad trait MNM.6816
Gain insight MNM.6817
Cure your illness MNM.6818
POWER: Intimidate for favor MNM.6840
POWER: Intimidate for favor MNM.6841
Fail MNM.6980
Confirmation of mark MNM.6842
Confirmation of kill MNM.6843
Clearing the flag from GM MNM.6844
MISSION: Train a protege MNM.6248
MISSION: Train a protege MNM.6249
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6250
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6251
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6252
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6253
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6254
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6255
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6256
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6257
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6258
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6259
Choose a child to train / A child is caught trying to pickpocket you MNM.6260
Interaction: Friend or foe? MNM.6899
Interaction: Friend or foe? MNM.6900
Ping event outcome MNM.6902
Love ping event MNM.6906
Interaction: Help someone's murder plot MNM.6910
Interaction: Blackmailing superior MNM.6920
Interaction: Blackmailing superior MNM.6921
Makes sure d_hashashin owner and subjects have appropriate religion and assassins membership MNM.6990
## minor/major soul corruption effect (on yearly pulse) MNM.7000
For the recruit: Do you approve of "alternative views"? MNM.7001
Safety ping. MNM.6999
Safety ping. MNM.6998
Safety ping. MNM.6997
Safety ping. MNM.6996
Else notify broken chain MNM.6995
For recruiter: consider the target's reaction, continue or abandon endeavor MNM.7002
For the recruit: Recruiter contiunes offering more radical ideas, gives strange idol MNM.7003
For the recruiter: Can, and will, you make the offer? MNM.7004
For Recruit: Join Satanists? (this is where it is more or less confirmed that this is some devil-worshiping going on) MNM.7005
For Recruiter: Recruit said no MNM.7006
For Recruiter: Recruit said yes MNM.7007
For Recruit: Confirmation MNM.7008
For Recruit: Joining begins (seek out books and knowledge on the occult) MNM.7009
Seal it with blood (loyalty to grand master) MNM.7010
Sending event to inductor - hidden event to find somebody appropriate to invite you MNM.7012
Ping event for inductors MNM.7013
"Await the messenger" a letter reads MNM.7014
For Recruit: Have met an intriguing person at court MNM.7015
Safety ping MNM.6994
Else notify failure MNM.6989
Else notify failure MNM.6988
Else notify failure MNM.6987
Else notify failure MNM.6993
Meet the Seducer/Seductress who then leads you away MNM.7016
Prove your ambition MNM.7017
You are a member! - The inductor sleeping soundly MNM.7018
You flee MNM.7019
Opt out failstate MNM.7020
Ping event GM for outcome notification MNM.7021
Outcome of recruitment for the original recruiter (if there is one) MNM.7022
First ping event for joining in case inductor(s) died MNM.7030
Second ping event for joining in case inductor(s) died MNM.7031
Joining event in case inductor(s) died MNM.7032
Soul Corruption event MNM.7050
Ping event for Corrupt a priest MNM.7825
Corrupt a Priest (find out whether corruptible) MNM.7826
Ping event for Corrupt a Priest find new sinful traits MNM.7827
Ping event for Corrupt a Priest remove virtue traits MNM.7828
Corrupt a priest add trait: corrupt them! MNM.7830
Ping event for corrupt a priest adding trait successful MNM.7831
Corrupt a Priest successful corruption notification MNM.7832
Ping event for corrupt a priest adding trait failure MNM.7833
Corrupt a Priest failed corruption notification MNM.7834
Corrupt a priest remove trait: corrupt them! MNM.7835
Ping event for corrupt a priest removing trait successful, leads back to event id = MNM.7831 (because recycling = awesome!) MNM.7836
Corrupt a Priest successful corruption notification (remove trait) MNM.7837
Demonic Healing opening# MNM.7118
Demonic Healing result MNM.7119
Opening Event MNM.7121
Result Ping# MNM.7122
Successful Induction# MNM.7123
Failed Induction# MNM.7124
Ping event for spouse (use of power) MNM.7800
Dark Divorce spellcasting event MNM.7801
Ping event for spouse death (not possessed suicide) MNM.7802
Dark Divorce spouse dies from fear event MNM.7803
Dark Divorce spouse dies from lightning event MNM.7804
Dark Divorce spouse dies from spontaneous combustion event MNM.7805
Dark Divorce spouse dies from crows event MNM.7806
Ping event for Dark Divorce spouse becoming possessed MNM.7807
Dark Divorce spouse becomes possessed event MNM.7808
Ping event for Dark Divorce spouse suicide MNM.7809
Dark Divorce spouse dies from suicide event MNM.7810
Power: Summon familiar MNM.7815
Power: Tainted touch MNM.7819
Power: Tainted touch MNM.7820
the three following lines are hook-ins from hermetics ward off evil-event: MNM.7821
Power: invite witch to court MNM.7822
Ping event for new witch/warlock MNM.7823
Introduction of witch/warlock MNM.7824
Introduction of witch/warlock MNM.7829
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7500
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7501
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7502
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7503
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7504
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7505
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7506
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7507
#Sacrifice prisoner events MNM.7508
} MNM.7509
} MNM.7510
#DW Mission Tombola MNM.7200
Ping event for the mission Desecrate a temple MNM.7023
Assign event MNM.7110
To be Fired by on_siege_over_winner MNM.7111
To be fired by plot decision MNM.7112
detection choice, martial to cover up with violence, intrigue to be real sneaky, general choice of lots of currency but risk of discovery or little currency but little risk MNM.7113
Priest/escape MNM.7114
Finds holy relics, steal or destroy MNM.7116
finishing narrative piece MNM.7117
Ping event for mission Corrupt a Priest MNM.7838
We want you to corrupt this priest! MNM.7839
Ping event for the mission Sacrifice Someone MNM.7024
# For the character that gets the mission Sacrifice someone MNM.7025
Ping event for the mission Demonic Impregnation MNM.7026
# For the character that gets the mission Demonic Impregnation MNM.7027
Ping event for the mission Demonic Possession MNM.7028
# For the character that gets the mission Demonic Possession MNM.7029
Ping event for Demonic Possession MNM.7840
Event for Demonic Possession Spellcasting MNM.7841
Ping event for Demonic Possession outcome MNM.7842
Demonic Possession Success event MNM.7843
Demonic Possession Failure event (possession) MNM.7844
Demonic Possession Failure event (lunatic) MNM.7845
Ping event for Demonic Possession courtier kills you MNM.7846
Demonic Possession Failure event (they kill you) MNM.7847
########################################## MNM.20000
Bounce MNM.20001
Satanic Orgy - Invitation MNM.20002
Bounce MNM.20003
Satanic Orgy - Aftermath MNM.20004
########################################## MNM.20010
Bounce MNM.20011
Satanic Night at the Town - Invitation MNM.20012
Next step decided MNM.20013
Satanic Night at the Town - Choice MNM.20014
Home Invasion - Main event MNM.20015
Home Invasion - Demonic Monument outcome - increased revolt risk MNM.20016
Home Invasion - Demonic Monument outcome - rebellion MNM.20017
Night at the tavern - Bounce MNM.20020
Debauchery at the Tavern - Main event MNM.20021
Debauchery at the Tavern - Drank the drugged beer MNM.20022
########################################## MNM.20030
Bounce MNM.20031
Demon Summoning - Planning MNM.20032
Bounce MNM.20033
Demon Summoning - The Ritual MNM.20034
Demon Summoning - Rival is killed MNM.20035
########################################## MNM.20040
Bounce MNM.20041
Bounce MNM.20042
Impersonating Priests - Planning MNM.20043
Bounce MNM.20044
Impersonating Priests - The Fun Begins MNM.20045
Province Bounce - Agitation MNM.20046
Province Bounce - Depraved Feast MNM.20047
Impersonating Priests - Agitation MNM.20048
Impersonating Priests - Depraved Feast MNM.20049
Province: notify lieges of heresy MNM.20050
Agitation - Rivalry aftermath bounce MNM.20051
Agitation - Rivalry aftermath MNM.20052
Agitation - Rivalry aftermath - local ruler notified MNM.20053