The only resource you'll ever need for anything related to Crusader Kings 3 console commands and cheats. Includes every console command from the latest version of the game, along with code lists, guides and useful tips.
Discovers the specified innovation for your culture.
Specify a character ID after the innovation ID to discover the innovation for that character's culture instead (e.g. discover_innovation innovation_longboats 4379).
Starts the specified event.
Gives you the specified trait.
Specify a character ID after the trait ID to add the trait to that character instead (e.g. add_trait scholarly_court_1 356).
Removes the specified trait from your character.
Specify a character ID after the trait ID to remove the trait from that character instead (e.g. remove_trait scholarly_court_1 356).
Changes the culture of the specified county.
Adds the specified amount of development to your county.
Specify a county or barony ID after the amount to change the development of that county or barony (e.g. change_development_level 250 485).
Add the specified amount of age in years to your character. Negative values remove age.
Add a character ID after the number to adjust the age of that character instead (e.g. age 10 885).
Discovers the specified era.
Adds or removes stress from your character.
Change the stress of another character by specifying a character ID after the amount of stress (e.g. add_stress 100 7485).
Sets your sexuality.
Change the sexuality of another character by specifying a character ID after the sexuality (e.g. set_sexuality bi 245).
Instantly finishes all of your construction projects.
Gives you all lifestyle perks.
Specify a character ID after the command to grant all lifestyle perks to that character instead (e.g. gain_all_perks 394).
This command adds a specified amount of age to the specified character. If a negative value is used, the age will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character.
This command adds the pressed claim of a specified title to the specified character. If no character is specified, then the claim will be added to your character.
This command adds a specified amount of dread to the specified character. If a negative value is used, the dread will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character.
This command adds a specified reigment of men-at-arms to the specified character. If no character is specified, then the regiment will be added to your character. To view all available regiment IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command adds a specified perk to the specified character. If no character is specified, then the perk will be added to your character. To view all available perk IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command adds a specified amount of piety to your character, with the default amount being 1,000. If a negative value is used, your piety will decrease by this amount.
This command adds a specified amount of prestige to your character, with the default amount being 1,000. If a negative value is used, your prestige will decrease by this amount.
This command passes a specified law within the specified character's realm. If no character is specified, then the law will be passed within your realm. To view all available law IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command adds a specified law to the specified character's realm. If no character is specified, then the law will be added to your realm. To view all available law IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
add_realm_law_skip_effects< Law ID > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified relation between two specified characters. If only one character is specified, then the relation will be added between that and your character.
This command adds a specified secret to the specified character. If no character is specified, then the secret will be added to your character. Using two character IDs will create a secret held by only those two characters.
This command adds a specified amount of stress to the specified character. If a negative value is used, the stress will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the stress will be added to your character.
This command adds a specified trait to the specified character. If no character is specified, then the trait will be added to your character. View all trait IDs at:
This command adds a specified amount of experience to all lifestyles of the specified character. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyles.
This command adds a specified amount of diplomacy lifestyle experience to the specified character, with the default amount being 1,000. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyle.
add_diplomacy_lifestyle_xp< Amount > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified amount of martial lifestyle experience to the specified character, with the default amount being 1,000. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyle.
add_martial_lifestyle_xp< Amount > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified amount of stewardship lifestyle experience to the specified character, with the default amount being 1,000. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyle.
add_stewardship_lifestyle_xp< Amount > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified amount of intrigue lifestyle experience to the specified character, with the default amount being 1,000. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyle.
add_intrigue_lifestyle_xp< Amount > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified amount of learning lifestyle experience to the specified character, with the default amount being 1,000. If no character is specified, then the experience will be added to your character's lifestyle.
add_learning_lifestyle_xp< Amount > < Character ID >
This command allows your character to bypass any requirements for player decisions, schemes, laws, interactions, title creation, and also struggle endings.
This command adds a specified amount of development to the specified county or barony. If a negative value is used, development will decrease by this amount. If no county or barony is specified, then the amount will be added to your capital.
change_development_level< Amount > < County ID or Barony ID >
This command adds a specified amount of fervor to the specified faith, with the default amount being 10. If a negative value is used, fervor will decrease by this amount. If no faith is specified, then the amount will be added to your faith.
This command adds a specified amount of diplomacy skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the diplomacy skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command adds a specified amount of martial skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the martial skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command adds a specified amount of steward skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the steward skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command adds a specified amount of intrigue skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the intrigue skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command adds a specified amount of learning skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the learning skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command adds a specified amount of prowess skill to the specified character. If a negative value is used, then the prowess skill will decrease by this amount. If no character is specified, then the amount will be added to your character's skill.
This command removes all character modifiers from the specified character. If no character is specified, then the modifiers will be removed from your character.
This command discovers all innovations for the specified character's culture. If no character is specified, then the innovations will be discovered for your character.
This command discovers all of a specified era's innovations for the specified character's culture. If no character is specified, then the innovations will be discovered for your character. To view all available era IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command discovers the current fascination for the culture of the specified character. If no character is specified, then the fascination will be discovered for your character.
This command discovers a specified innovation for the culture of the specified character. If no character is specified, then the innovation will be discovered for your character. To view all available innovation IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game. View all innovation IDs at:
discover_innovation< Innovation ID > < Character ID >
This command adds a specified amount of renown to the specified dynasty, with the default value being 1,000. If a negative value is used, then the renown will decrease by this amount. If no dynasty is specified, then the renown will be added to your character's dynasty.
This command starts the specified event for the specified character. If no character is specified, then the event will start for your character. View all event IDs at:
This command purchases all dynasty legacies for the specified character. If no character is specified, then all dynasty legacies will be purchased for your character.
This command grants your character with the specified amount of gold, with the default value being 1,000. If a negative value is used, then the gold will decrease by this amount.
This command instantly finishes all construction projects within your characer's domain. Any new constructions that are started will complete within one day, and your character's men-at-arms are instantly reinforced. Using this command again disables this feature.
This command enters a specified era for the specified character's culture. If no character is specified, then the era will be entered for your character's culture. To view all available era IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command removes a specified doctrine from the specified faith. If no faith is specified, then the doctrine will be removed from your faith. To view all available doctrine IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command removes the current nickname from the specified character. If no character is specified, then the nickname will be removed from your character. To view all available nickname IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command removes the specified relation between two specified characters. If only one character is specified, then your character will be used as the second character.
This command removes a specified trait from the specified character. If no character is specified, then the the trait will be removed from your character. View all trait IDs at:
This command changes the specified character's culture to a new specified culture. If no character is specified, then the culture will be changed for your character. To view all available culture IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command sets the specified character's dread to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the dread will be changed for your character.
This command changes the specified character's faith to a new specified faith. If no chracter is specified, then the faith will be changed for your character. To view all available faith IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command sets the specified character's focus to a new specified focus. If no character is specified, then the focus will be changed for your character.
This command grants the specified character with a specified nickname. If no character is specified, then the nickname will be given to your character. To view all available nickname IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
This command changes the specified character's sexual orientation to a new specified sexuality. If no character is specified, then the sexuality will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's stress to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the stress will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's diplomacy skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the diplomacy skill will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's martial skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the martial skill will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's stewardship skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the stewardship skill will be changed for your character.
This command setsthe specified character's intrigue skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the intrigue skill will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's learning skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the learning skill will be changed for your character.
This command sets the specified character's prowess skill to a new specified amount. If no character is specified, then the prowess skill will be changed for your character.
This command adds a specified amount of catalyst points towards the next phase of the specified struggle. To view all available struggle IDs, press the tab key on your keyboard when in-game.
progress_struggle_phase< Struggle ID > < Phase ID > < Amount >
This console command will create and dump bookmark portraits for all bookmark characters. The generated bookmark portraits are saved to "DocumentsParadox InteractiveCrusader Kings IIIcommonbookmarkportraits".
This console command runs the list of commands (separated by a new line) in the specified text file. The text file with the list of commands should be saved to the following folder: "Documents/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings III/run".
This is a debug command that will save a complete list of all modifiers, triggers, effects, event scopes, and more debug information to "DocumentsParadox InteractiveCrusader Kings IIIlogs".
Full Guide: Enable and Use the Console in Crusader Kings 3
If you've played any Paradox Interactive games before, you probably know that most of them come with a console that allows you to enter cheat codes. Crusader Kings 3 is no different. This guide takes you through the steps you need to follow to enable Debug Mode (which will enable the console) and how to use the console.
Debug Mode needs to be enabled in order for the console to work. The steps to enable the console are different depending on which platform you're playing CK3 on. We've provided help for each below. Use these links to jump to your platform:
Once you've enabled Debug Mode (using one of the methods linked above), use one of the following keys to open the console (try until one works, as the key to open the console is different for each keyboard layout):
SHIFT + 3 (at the same time)
ALT + 2 + 1 (at the same time)
SHIFT + 2 (at the same time)
Type a command into the console and hit ENTER on your keyboard to run it.
Enable Debug Mode via Launcher (All Platforms)
You can launch the game with Debug Mode enabled via the launcher. Note that you will need to do this each time you open the game. To do this, click "Game settings" in the left menu of the launcher, then click the "LAUNCH" button next to the "Open game in Debug Mode" setting:
Enable Debug Mode on Steam (Using Mods)
The easiest way to enable Debug Mode on CK3 if you're using Steam is via mods. First, visit the following link (Steam Workshop page for Debug Toggle mod):
Now, open up CK3 (you will need to close and re-open the game if you already had it open when you clicked Subscribe). Visit the Encyclopedia and click the "Toggle Debug" button to enable Debug Mode:
Enable Debug Mode on Steam (Using Launch Options)
If you don't want to use a mod to toggle Debug Mode, you can add a launch option to your game instead. First, right click "Crusader Kings III" in your Steam Library and click "Properties…":
Then, in the Launch Options section of the Properties menu, enter -debug_mode:
Now, open the game and Debug Mode will be enabled (steps to open console are at the top of this page). If you already had the game open, you'll need to close and re-open for the launch option to take effect.